Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment.

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi All, it seems I got the nice place to get opinions. I have started blogging very recently and I request you all to kindly provide your opinions and suggestions if I am going in the right direction and what I can do to make it more interesting. All your points are valuable and will help me. Looking forward for your valuable suggestions. Thank you


    1. very informative! I guess to sum it up, INTERACT and value the audience. Thank you.


    2. Hey guys read my blog have interesting post on sex, black culture, youth culture, religion. I keep it short and sweet with a twist.


  2. Hey guys read my blog have interesting post on sex, black culture, youth culture, religion. I keep it short and sweet with a twist.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestatis, you have an interesting blog and your honesty is refreshing. I’m keen to read your future posts. Keep up the good work. 🙂


  3. I need help!!! I’m starting my first fiction novel and I’ve hit a brick wall. I haven’t written more than two pgs & feel like I should be progressing much better than this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d be happy to help! I finished writing a fantasy novel and I am currently editing it with my family so we can send it to a publisher.
      Tell me what’s up!


  4. I have entered the world of blogging. My goal is write my story someday. This is my prelude to that. I’m a little unsure of the quirks that accompany blogging; such as categorizing and making things easier to locate. Suggestions always welcome… how do we learn? Well for sure, one way is by others!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lovely set up! I’ve just posted a comment to your review of Cabin in the Woods. I think we saw it very differently.


      1. Thank you for the kind words! You do have a point. The ending was a little weird for me but they probably were just going for something new. I will watch it over again. Once again thank you for checking out my sight and for the kind words! Much appreciated!


    1. My comment is more of a question than feedback. Is there something that ties together everything on your blog? Humor? Criticism? Or, if it really is just you, is there some aspect of yourself that shines through in your posts?

      I ask because your blog feels generic. (I mean the look, not the content of your posts.) I’d suggest finding a common thread in your posts, highlighting that thread in your tagline, picking a custom header that reflects that thread, and changing the border color to something that works well with the header.


  5. Hey guys, so I only started my blog a week ago so I’m hoping to be able to do more reviews and articles etc on it, but take a look if you like 🙂


      1. Im reading your Brontes article, love her works, if I may say this, as a positive feedback, it feels a little bit like you’re answering a question with short answers. Using your own voice with a little bit of humour would make it a lot more inviting, at the end of the day we want to hear what YOU think not what looks better in written. I used to be like that, until i was suggested to sound less “mechanic”, so I chilled out a little and started to write like as if i was writing to a good close friend and it seemed to have worked! As it is now, it doesnt show any sense of personality, if you know what I mean? Make it fun, make us feel like it is that nice girl on the profile image talking to us. Cheers!


      2. awesome, u go girl! u have what it takes, a little tuning, a little personal touch and voila u’re in for success blogging. would really appreciate some HONEST feedback in mine? Im really lost as to the theme of my blog…can you please have a look and give me a few suggestions? Thank you so much.


      3. Thanks! Just looked at it and I think the layout is great. I would just write about whatever interests you at, and if that’s loads if different things without a huge theme then I would do that. If you try to stick to one particular theme I think your blog might lose some posts which would give it more character 🙂


  6. Hello friends! Im still in a dilemma about the focus of my blog, i didnt want to create several blogs but wanted to speak about pacific island things and personal journals at the same time, would appreciate ideas feedback, please!!!! Thank you so much! Also while there, would you please provide feeback on how easy or difficult it is to find your ways around? Thank you so much!


    1. Hi, I thought it was good, you didn’t stop at superficially summing up the book but you should explain your ideas deeply and might I suggest organizing your paragraphs: It would become clearer. One more thing, I think your voice is reaching the audience. I have some book analysis myself if you want to have a look.


    1. Sometimes people post really uninteresting random facts about their lives but fortunately your post wasn’t even mildly boring and there is actually a nice conclusion that we’re in control of our lives. So, all in all, you’ve done a good job.


    2. I really like how you broke up the blog with the picture and the italic font. What are you planning on doing now that you have finished your third year? I have just finished my first year of uni studying psychology, so I have a couple of years until the end of my chapter! Have a look at my blog if you get a chance, I appreciate all feedback.


      1. Thank you for your comment! I am hoping to go on and do a Masters in Forensic Psychology, and then plan to work with offenders in secure settings. How are you finding your first year? Honestly, you should just relax and enjoy them, and gain as much experience in the meantime. I’ve followed your blog, I found the in-group/out-group blog really detailed and interesting. I’ve never looked at it in an educational setting (though it must happen there so much more frequently) but similar circumstances happen with leadership styles.


  7. Hey all! I’ve noticed a lot of blogs have a particular niche they are geared toward but I have taken a somewhat random direction with mine. I am primarily snarky, witty entertainment but I also like to post about things that are important which you can see in my “posts worth a read” page.” So is randomness like this still something you’d follow and want to read or is it better to stick to a specific niche?


    1. I visited your blog and I was hesitant to comment.
      Your blog is just…beautiful. It is very professional looking. I’m not sure about the content. It’s not my cup of tea, but your writing and the look of your blog is great.


      1. Hi Melene! yay!! one feedback, that is what i needed! yes, Ive been asking for ideas for a while here but never get any feedback. So thanks a again! yes, maybe the design is a bit TOO professional for a personal blog hey? I imagine it would be a bit uninviting? and agreed, Im still not quite sure how my subjects should work out. Im still looking for that specific topic that will take over the rest, but thanks a lot already. food for though! let me know if you need feeds too ok?


      2. No don’t change the look of your blog. I spent a lot of time on your site because of it. I wish my blog looked like yours. I don’t know how long you’ve been blogging, but sometimes it takes time to find the focus of your blog. Who are you writing for? Who is your ideal reader? What do you want them to know? What does that ideal reader want? Or just write about things that turn you on and people who are turned on by the same things will find you.
        Just a few suggestions and thanks for the offer for feedback.


      3. Hi Melene, thank you so much re. the design, it is a little treat i gave myself from theme they have wonderful designs. ok, I will think on it, i definitely want to write primarily for myself, not to please others, but of course comments and likes are a big ego booster hey. I guess Im writing to 3 different readers at the moment, 1 the reader interested in NZ day to day life, 2, the reader interested in arts of the pacific, 3 the reader who come to read about ME. that is what i need to work on, maybe just one of them would make it a lot more focused, and interesting…thank u so much! any other suggestions are welcome!


      4. This is just my opinion but I would focus on writing about your life. You’re a photographer so take photos everyday and post them and develop relationships with other photographers with blogs. You’re a nerd? Write about the nerdy things you do. You’re a student? That’s gold — so much material there. Once people get to know you and your writing they will read about any topic.


  8. Hello everyone!

    This is my site, Blogstralia. I’m still in the process of perfecting everything, but I think it’s coming along nicely. Feel free to give me some feedback on the site itself, or some of our posts;

    Cheers guys!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. i really like the theme, i think you got an idea which will take off. It looks like you’re a handsome guy too, which will catapult your blog even higher. maybe once a week? I would not recommend more than 3 times a week though, people will get too much from you, remember we’re following other hundreds of people too, so think of how much you would like to read about someone else a week? maybe that one time per week would pay off rather than too often.


  10. Hello! I run a food blog and I would like to know how and where I can improve. I for one feel like the pictures aren’t that creative/good. Any feedback?


    1. hi! right, feedback! hope it helps. image MUST MUST MUST be the width of the blog posts, no one has the patience nowadays to click each image, not to mention it would look a lot more interesting with bigger images! hope that helps. otherwise great blog!


      1. Hi not a problem, i think it is good to provide feedback here and receive them too, the more honest the better so no one wastes time ay! Yes simply select the size you would like the photo to be when you upload it. On the bottom right corner of your upload window on wp dashboard, there will be the size dropdown menu indicating the size of the image to be displayed. Please do a search on google on how to do that in details, there are infinite tutorials online on that!
