Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Blog Name: Your Well Wisher Program
    Objective: Attempt to solve commonly known problems
    Strategy: To bring clarity to well educated people

    Your Feedback/response for the blog content will make it better. regards


  2. Two girls, One summer- Check out our new blog! We are documenting our journey to becoming “yes girls”, starting with our adventures with the Tinder app. We will share bad pick-up lines, weird conversations and recaps of all our dates!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hey everyone!!

    anyone here interested in anthropology? or short stories of the horror, drama, macabre genre? or poems about dogs? if so, my website has some of my own short stories/poems as well as a blog on my university education while obtaining an anthropology major. its pretty new and i’m still working things out, but I’d LOVE some feedback on it so far on theme, layout, posts and writing quality 😀 thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am kind of new to blogging and would like to hear feedback on my first post. I don’t really care too much for things such as grammatical things, just the writing style or thoughts on my post. Thanks in advance!


    1. Hey! Just read your first post, I thought it was good! I would only say that the ideas while very important are a bit unoriginal, I hate this word because it sounds so negative but I’m having a hard time coming up with another to use in it’s place. I loved the beginning how you stated that you woke up and checked instagram, this portion was very easy for me to visualize and I liked that, I like that you showed where the thought for this post came from. While this may sound harsh, the part that I found “unoriginal” was the story about how you felt different. I feel that this same story is told by many people just in different forms, past that though I thought the last paragraph was nice and I enjoy the sentence at the end of your post that restates your point and shows where you are now in your life. Hope this could be any help, I’m also new to blogging so my advice may not even have any significant value haha but just thought I would try to get more involved.


    1. When I don’t have any good ideas, I check the daily prompt and/or google for blog post ideas! It does help 🙂


  5. Hi. I’m madvanthi and I have a blog (usually concerning mythology) called The Epic Blog at I’d like to know whether I should start writing about individual characters from epic poems. Please give me some feedback!


  6. Hey guys, I recently got back to blogging! I would love to get some feedback 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. heLLo! (:
    I am new to wordpress and decided to start a blog about Tiny People Photography. Pretty much I take pictures of Tiny People in our everyday “big” world and have a quote that goes with the “theme” of the image. I only just started, so haven’t got much. But please visit and give me some feedback in my style of photography themes and maybe even some photography tips if you got any! (I am only a beginner!) &&maybe some tips in my style of writing (i.e. is a quote enough? or should I expand about the picture?); never been the best in english! teehee x].
    thanks! xx


    1. Hey Rachel!
      I got a chance I read two of your posts and I thought they were very well written. Along with that they were very informative and detailed. I like your topic and it seems as though it is a good fit for you! I wouldn’t worry about the funny thing… Unless that is your main goal and you are trying to have a humor blog… In that case I would maybe try some different topics.
      Hope that helps!

      Be Well!


      1. Thanks so much! I have had a hard time choosing a topic! I love being humorous-but the problem is I am only funny sporadically! I am passionate about this, so I will stick with it and see where it goes. Thanks again!


      2. So true!!! Maybe I’ll add a page for random funny moments. You can’t have two kids without laughs!


      3. I’m glad I could be of help 🙂 if you get a moment please check out my blog. It is more on the shock value humorous side of things. Thanks!


      4. I just took a look, domoarifoto! You have a lot of insight into human nature! Very well written! I read the first few posts and they were very good! You may want to watch the typos/grammar errors. Not sure if they are there intentionally or not. Keep it up! And thanks again!!


  8. Hello all I am very knew at blogging. I would love any advice on what you think of my blog? How can I make it better? Any feedback would be awesome.


  9. Hi there. I am also totally new to blogging and have been doing this for about two weeks. Could someone please take a look at my blog as I am considering changing my blog theme but am not too sure and I am still working my way around here. I know that my grammar is not on point but I am working on it…honestly. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you


  10. Hi everyone! I have just started to write blogs on poems that i wrote i the past few months.Having kept them for long within the confines of my memos……..i feel that i can share some of them. Am looking forward to reviews from all and also for ideas to come up with more of them.


    1. When your at (frontpage), you hold your mouse over your profile picture in the right upper corner of the screen.
      Then you click “Settings”.
      Then on the right side, there is a option called “Public Profile”. Click it.
      When you scroll down, you can see your profile picture. Click “Edit Photo” to change it.

      Hope this helped!

      Liked by 3 people

  11. Hey everybody!

    I am relatively new to the blogging world and am working in being more consistent with my posts… I would love some feedback on my blog and my writing. Any input to help me grow my audience is appreciated.
    My blog is intended to be a tongue and cheek, educated perspective on the world and my experiences. It is not for the easily offended or faint of heart.




      1. HI! I like the way you write and present your ideas. The dilemmas you brought out in your post about Social Media were especially well presented. Just followed you, and I have a feeling that I’m going to like what you have to share. Cheers!


    1. Melai-
      I enjoyed reading some of your posts! I really liked how in depth you were and like that you touched on tv shows. I would love to see your posts about shows be more reviews and hear more of your opinion about what you thought about them. I think that would be a great direction to head in.
      Be Well!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hey! I don’t know what sort of input I’d like, but any thoughts you have about my thoughts, rants, will be much appreciated 🙂


  13. So finally I posted my first blog for :- Writing 101. I am thinking of writing it serialized ; let me know what you folk think about that. I know I will be given a kinda subject like today I was advised to write on the first pic that caught my eye and my take on it has been posted with the pic. Let’s see what can be done about that.
