Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi everyone. I made an about page after much delay as a response to w writing challenge. It was really hard and I chose to write about the purpose of my blog instead of myself. It’s not the best that it can be and I knew that from the beginning but I did not, and still do not, know what to do to it to make it better. I’m thinking of rewriting the whole thing but that would put me back right at square one. Would you mind taking a look and giving me some suggestions? I would really appreciate any help.

    Why I Whisper

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello there!
      I just visited your blog.
      Good things first, I love the name of the blog – it’s intriguing and pretty apt. I also love the tagline that accompanies the title of the blog; it is, for the lack of a better word, very poetic. I haven’t read beautiful blog writing in a long while, and I must say your blog is really nice!
      About the ABOUT page, I find it very expressive yet simple, which is really good. It is a balance many writers wish to achieve when writing. So good job. I believe I see what you find wrong there. Although it conveys the purpose of your blog and a few details about you, it lacks some structure. For instance you emphasise on the point that you need just one friend a little too much, which is not bad as long as this emphasis is not created through repetition of the same sentence. So you may try rewriting the second and third para maybe; you need not change the message those paragraphs contain for it is honest and well written, just revise it to make it more palpable. :’)
      I also love that you express blogging as a means of therapy, how it is a public journal for you, and how you make conversations through it with ‘me’, the reader. You could also include a piece of your poetry, an abstract of it, at the top of the page.
      On the whole it’s a good page, just needs to be more neater linguistically. Good luck. I hope I helped. :’D Happy writing!


      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. Thanks for your compliments, and for your good eye. I knew my About page lacked structure but even writing it was hard for me so I didn’t know how to fix it without making it worse. I will consider all you have said and try to revise the page. Thanks again. I’m really glad you helped.


  2. Why hello there! I just started a blog to share my thoughts and adventures with my family (who lives on a different continent)! I’d appreciate some feed back on how I am doing.. Not quite sure I’m doing it right, haha. Thank you!


    1. Hello Annika!
      I just visited your blog and I see it’s quite new. I find the concept of it beautiful and wish to follow your adventures in that foreign land as you blog about them, probably like most of your readers.
      I personally believe, there is no wrong and right to blogging, and if there is, then you are most certainly taking steps in the right direction. I look forward to reading more fresh, personal, adventurous content…soon! đŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Annika!
    I just visited your blog and I see it’s quite new. I find the concept of it beautiful and wish to follow your adventures in that foreign land as you blog about them, probably like most of your readers.
    I personally believe, there is no wrong and right to blogging, and if there is, then you are most certainly taking steps in the right direction. I look forward to reading more fresh, personal, adventurous content…soon! đŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey, Citizens of Blog. I have been hoping for more comments on my posts. Part of it is assurance that things are actually being read, another part is to know what direction I should be moving in as a writer. Check me out at


    1. Hi Jose. Two things: try another theme (the one that can show your ‘color’), and I think is a good idea to reply to a good comment on your own blog. đŸ™‚ Good luck.


  5. I would like for you guys to check out my Sharp Impressions Project tab. Its important to me, and I would like some advice. Also, dont be afraid to look at some of the recent posts. In want to know if they inspire anyone even a little.


  6. Hi, I’d like to know if there is an easy way to create a duplicate of my blog, so that I can make it private, for testing things first, and then publishing on my regular blog?


    1. Hi aishasoasis. Instead of publishing it right away, you can save your work as ‘draft’ and ‘preview’ it as many time as you wish. If you’re new,, starting afresh with two blogs would only give you too much burden.


      1. Thank you for your advice, kutukamus, this is true, starting with two would probably be painful! I’ve just begun saving as private or draft until it looks right and then publishing, so this is good advice.

        I was hoping for a complete import into another identical “private” blog, without losing my “public” version. Do you know anything about this idea?


    1. Hi bornonanewmoon. A few more posts might help. I mean, if you had a few posts already (instead of just one), then I guess people could pick one that suits them most. Good luck. đŸ™‚


  7. Hi there! It would be really amazing if anyone looked at our blog. It’s a combined blog and we’re writing publicly for the very first time: Thankyou!


  8. Hi Folks, this is my first day as a blogger, I have posted a few of my verses if anyone would like a nosey, they are simple, basic and accessible (don’t expect an epic) … Any feedback would be hugely appreciated.. Thank you đŸ™‚


  9. We have updated our blog adding in more write ups and have also changed the appearance. it would be our utmost pleasure if anyone visited our site, read our write-ups, observed the appearance and gave us comments in respect to their observances. Thankyou so much and good luck to all the others new bloggers here


  10. Hi everyone. I have resently started two blogs and have yet recieved any comments. I have published them on facebook and ask my friends to comment. I wonder if they do not comment because my writing is terrible and they don’t want to hurt my feelings or if they are just not interested in taking the time.

    I would love to hear from other writers what you think. Do I loose your attention at the beginning. Are the topics not interesting. Do I show enough of myself to make it ineresting. Please let me know. I can hardly wait. Thank you.
