Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I’m still working on my about page, check it out and let me know if you would follow or run away


  2. Hi folks,

    I just started my blog, only have a few posts (consider them warm-ups) and would welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

    I’m interested in linking disparate ideas and asking questions that generate a “huh” response.

    I tend towards metaphor abuse and verbosity, but am striving to keep my posts above the fold. And that’s my plan.

    Check out my blog at and let me know what you think.


    1. Enjoyed your blog. You’ve got an intelligent humor and expansive vocabulary that should make it a very enjoyable addition for high-minded readers. And despite your eloquent explanation in your About section regarding why you don’t want to say much about yourself, I still think (potential) readers will like to know a little more about whose brain is conjuring the expressions they’re reading


      1. Thank stopping by, Ben. Appreciate the compliment and the suggestion. Will certainly reconsider my approach as I become more comfortable with the overall process and product.


    1. Hey Jackie great start your blog is up and running! Just take a few more hours when you can and get your about me or about this blog section typed out. This tends to be the first section I read when I go to a blog so I can get a quick idea of what the blogger and blog is all about. Once you get that going post another link here for us to all check it out, I’m sure it will be awesome đŸ™‚


  3. I am new to all this and I am trying to connect with people. I am a mom and wrote my first blog about some mom like subjects….like, what’s the appropriate age for kids to join social media sites and even my love for cooking. Hope to connect and share opinions đŸ™‚


  4. Hello there! I have tried to make some mnemonic (on vocabulary) using poetry. But since there is only one commenter so far, I’m kind of lost in why people like it (or otherwise).
    Feedbacks and comments quite welcome. đŸ™‚

    Scrabble Head


    1. Just took a look at your blog.
      I find amazing that what my be discarded by most, can be very useful for artists like yourself.
      The blog is nice, just keep adding more content to it!


      1. If you could take a look at my blog too. I’d really appreciate it. It’s about computer programs. Any kind of input is valid, even English grammar.


      2. While I dont understand all the lingo it seems to me that your blog is very well written. I’m assuming you are from Brazil. My friend bolivar is from there. Any small in consistincies in grammer are barley noticable and didnt seem to affect my abilty to understand what you were try ing to convey.


  5. Allow me to share with you an inspiring story. It’s not about my own story. It’s about The Journey of Leslie. A 6 year old burnt patient from the Philippines. Social Media has been the most powerful tool on her journey… her journey towards recovery. A journey that started in a single post on Facebook that touched the lives of many social media user to lend a hand and give Leslie the chance to experience an enjoyable childhood. Less than 1 year have passed and many amazing things have happened. To give you a specific and detailed on her journey.. I would like to send you the url of my blog, where I posted THE JOURNEY OF LESLIE. Facebook has been an amazing tool to achieve the goal of helping Leslie recover, to maximize her full potential, intelligence and contagious optimism. This is one of the many exemplification that there is power in social media and the internet in general.


  6. So I’ve been here before asking for feedback but I have a different opinion I need on my blog if any one is willing:
    So I just recently found out I have a site instead of a site, not even sure how I did that. With this I basically get ostracized and my tags and posts do not show up in the wordpress reader feed and worse yet wordpress users cannot “follow” me easily. They can only follow me by email and that is more complicated than most people want to deal with. I am pretty bummed with this news so my question to any one who has an opinion on this is are you less likely to follow a blog if the only way you can do it is to subscribe by email?


  7. I’m new to word press and I just posted my letter on here that I want others input on and what they think if second chance should be given or not


    1. Hi humyrana. Just done checking ‘Closure’. Are you sure you want the first paragraph to be that long (it might discourage quite a number of people to go on reading)?

      Now about the blog in general. And this one I’m even less sure about: Who(m) are you writing this blog for –and– who are you talking to? (You? Any people? Someone in particular?) No, you do not have to answer me on these. But I guess knowing those in advance will do your blog (or yourself) good.

      Hope that helps. đŸ™‚


      1. Thank you for pointing these things out and it’s address to one particular person and this is my first attempt so please let me know what you think.


  8. Sorry to stalk the comments but I went back through and pounded out moving my blog to so people on wordpress can actually follow me! My layout is not as cool as it was before but if any one could check it out and give me feeback or better yet click follow that would be great!


    1. Hi Jennifaye, I tried signing up for your daily zenhabits, letting go – but it isn’t working. I Added my email, haven’t received your confirmation email, however. I love the idea of giving back on one’s birthday – perfect!! If you can fix this, I’d be happy to read your ebooks. Thanks.


    1. Hi Holly. Just been there. I believe your targeted audience are teachers or educators. Not being one myself, I cannot say on their behalf. But surely I can represent me. :mrgreen:

      So here it is: I like the header, and I feel the blogger has the passion for what is written there. Good luck. đŸ™‚


  9. I take part in Blogging 101 and love when I have time to check the day’s challenges and thoughtfully respond to the assignments. But then I have days and weeks where I’m overwhelmed with work and don’t have a free second to go on and write, let alone respond to an assignment. Even in these busiest times I sometimes have something I need to write about. But I feel a little guilty coming on and posting something irrelevant to the challenges I have been neglecting for the past week. Just now wrote one such post, and would appreciate any feedback on it.


    1. I have to tell you your post is one of the most brilliant things I have read in a long time! Not only is it thoughtful, but also thought provoking. It is beautifully written, easy, simple yet has great depth. Great job!
      As for the your wonderfully inconclusive close, I believe whether or not the bird inside the pretty cage knows he’s trapped, depends on whether he knows what freedom is. :’)
      I would love some feedback on my blog too:


      1. I really like the look of your blog, simple yet elegant. And I love how you put pictures at the top of every post! Do you take any of them or find them on the internet? I also like your descriptive writing style; you give just enough and not too much detail.


  10. Hi there! I am new to this blog world but would like to remain consistent with this amazing outlet. Does anyone have any advice on how to stay fresh with ideas for blog posts? As well as how how to becoming successful with your blog (meaning people will give a crap about what I write/actually reading it)? Cheers x


  11. Hi! I am new to WordPress and the world of blogging. I write stories predominately centered around my dog. I’d love some feedback on my stories. Any recommendations on blogs to follow would also be appreciated.


    1. Hi Riley. Done there. Now some small thing. I believe people type .. (dots of 3, 5, etc) for effect. The trouble in wp, any 3 dots will be converted to an ellipsis character (using only one ASCI code instead of three). And in some themes, this can make the dots barely visible (check out the end of ‘The Grass is always Greener’). To have my way around this, I usually use only 2 dots (not three), or type a space between the three dots.

      But then again, this is subjective. So you’re free to ignore this triviality. Good luck. đŸ™‚


      1. No, thank you very much. It is the small trifles in writing (and in life) that interest me the most. I agree, the ellipsis is diminished in my current theme. Noted for future posts.


  12. Hi… what is the best option of having posts on my blog @ in two languages? I created this one as a challenge of one of my friends, who said keep writing, keep writing Swav… so I do my best… also want to include interpretation of my paintings in my native language, which is Polish… Any clues?:) by the way… I’m still a newbie in wordpress


    1. Hi Swav. A bilingual blog? Yes, it’s doable. Watch out, though: for all I know, writing the same thing in two different languages all along is not advisable, for it can be seen as duplication (and this is not good).

      But don’t worry, surely there are ways around this:

      1). Use translator (plug-in). Then your blog is bilingual no more, but multilingual.

      2). Or check this out:

      Hello, there!

      All the posts are in English, but comments are welcome in three languages: English, Indonesian, Javanese.

      3). Or this:
      The ‘pages’ are always in English. And the ‘posts’ are unique in that they always have preliminaries in two languages (Indonesian and English), but the main body of the ‘posts’ is either in Indonesia OR in English (but NOT both).

      Good luck. đŸ™‚
