Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. If you folks are silly and ignorant enough to post accolades to Anti Gun, Anti Conservative Michael Bloomberg then your opinions have set you Free of this Texan. Pretty hard to advocate Hunting, Guns, Hunting Dogs and get in bed with a Liberal Anti Gun Politician !


  2. Hi Everyone, I would love your stories. Specifically, I am thinking of writing something about how to overcome distraction as a student, on the job or even in personal life (like the kind of thing that makes you lose sleep). My interest in this comes out of nearly failing 2 college classes because my daughter was having health crisis, emergency room visits, surgery and complications after, all starting 3 weeks after the birth of her first child. I felt helpless and worried sick, but I pulled it together and raised my grades for the rest of the 8 week term. Hope to finish on C’s in both classes. What do you do when you have to clear your mind and take care of business?


  3. I’ve noticed that some bloggers can create posts within added pages, not just the home page. How do they do this? Is it a particular template that allows it?


  4. Can’t find where else to go with this, but my link is not being posted on the Daily Prompt. I link to is just fine from my page, but for some reason it does not appear on your site. I had this problem for about a week it cleared up and now it reappears.


  5. I would appreciate comments on: 1. Theme. Have I choosen a suitable theme for at photo-blog, or is it “messy”? Any suggestions?


    1. Hi ulund, I actually think your theme is very inviting – the colors are warm and its a pretty layout. My site also posts a good deal of photography and art and we needed to update our theme – one major reason being that the images were not big enough, did not fill the page, and simply didn’t do them justice. We are using syntax theme now – I adore the wide page and large images – even the unique alignment is different and is making a huge difference as far as presentation. It was exactly what we needed because I really wanted the content to stand on its own better than the theme we were using before allowed. It looks like you have some nice photography on your blog as well, but you are right – on my phone the images are catching, but they are very small on the desktop view. I think if your blog is a photo blog – then your awesome photography is what should stand out above all else. Most importantly though is that your photos are good so they deserve to take center stage. This is just my opinion though. If you keep with your current theme I am sure it is because you love it and if so, maybe play with the post formats / image size. I’m sure you can make it work for you. Thanks for your comment that took me to your site. I enjoyed visiting your blog.


      1. Hi Twig, thank you so much for your very helpful comments! It means a lot for a beginner like me. Sometimes I feel a bit lost in this blog world. I must find a way to get my pics larger. I guess it is some setting in my cell phone I need to adjust.
        You have a very nice blog too! I really like when the text cuts into the images. Effectful.
        Have nice day (or evening)! 🙂


  6. We were looking for some feedback last week on which new theme to try, hoping to receive some feedback from other bloggers who posts similar content. We make several attempts to comment on other blogs as well as ask for feedback from others, but we haven’t been successful yet this year as far as responsive audience. I admit I find consistency both in posting and readership a challenge with the art focused content. We did choose a great newntheme and many of the daily posts here helped us decide. Thanks. Any thoughts or new ideas on what kind of questions / content help promote more readers / feedback? (


    1. Hi there. Just checked your homepage. I believe your blog is not meant for children’s eyes (in a positively sensible kinda way). But I think the trouble with many people of nowdays (who are very fond of screen-staring)–especially those who have collected some considerable number of years into their treasure chest called age, is: they get discouraged easily with tiny fonts.

      Just a thought. Cheers! 🙂


  7. I am still a blogging virgin although I have always been a creative and colorfully verbal individual. I am currently taking in all the feedback and information I can about blogging and getting out there. I truly want to network and be social with other bloggers and make people laugh, humor is my favorite part of life. If anyone would be willing to have a look at my blog, maybe read one of the posts and give me some feedback on whether or not it was entertaining or giggle worthy or even follow me I would be so appreciative!


  8. Hi Everyone, I am looking for quick personal stories about what you do to stay focused when life gets in the way of your studies, work, or maybe even your sleep. I am not talking ADHD, but an illness, accident, family members illness, etc. What was it and what did you do?


  9. I created and in the last two months since changing theme and making other changes, my visitor stats have taken a nose dive. I need to bring the stats back up to be able to gain more sponsors.

    Currently the theme is Costimize and want to change it to Genesis Framework, but not sure if changing the theme and framework would be a benefit or another visitor drop. Your advice on the look and feel or if something in particular should be changed is greatly appreciated.


    1. The ads in your header are overpowering things to the point that your title, tagline, and menu are obscured. And as I scroll down, the only bold colors are your ads and that makes your blog content look like an afterthought.

      All of this may explain why your stats have crashed.


      1. Yes bumblepuppies, the header ads do overpower everything which is why I am looking for a different theme for better placement and uses more color. I thank you for your input.


  10. I just wanted to say this community pool string has been amazing. Being a new blogger it is really hard to mingle and be able to expand your readers and followers so thank you much for posting this Daily Post! I have already been able to interact with some great people, let’s all help each other out and start following and sharing each other’s blogs!


  11. Hello all writers and readers!
    I write poetry and post the stuff I have the balls too lol.
    I’d appreciate any reads and feedback anyone has to offer on my work.
    Thanks (:


    1. I like your ‘voice’. Your post on the difference between men and women might be considered offensive if it wasn’t so true 😉 Although we do think about more than just boobs and bacon…but always do get back around to them


      1. Haha thanks so much for the visit and the feedback Ben! I am partial to the nitty gritty truth of things because that is usually where the humor lies 🙂
        Or at least that’s where my random mind finds humor 🙂


  12. Hello everyone! I am a little late to this conversation, but here goes! Today I created a new personal blog and I’ll be posting 4 times a week if all goes well. I want to keep post short and sweet and blogging simple on this one, but I’d like to know if what I write is interesting nonetheless. More importantly, I don’t know if my about page should be written to fit the purpose of the blog itself or if it works as is. I am not sure if I should make it more personal. Thanks for any feedback!!


    1. Hi MPR,

      You make it look easy to set up a blog in one day…

      I thought your About page created interest not only in your personal blog, but also in your other blog. It’s a great way to generate traffic — I clicked on the link.

      What I find most compelling about your “About” is the clarity of purpose and voice with which you write. You give just enough information to create curiosity and just enough structure to assure the reader that you will be consistent in offering interesting posts. And the statement about copyrighted work sealed it for me: you are protecting your product because it’s good and you’re proud of it.

      I agree about your comment about keeping it short and sweet — there is value to keeping it above the fold.



      1. Thank you so much for your very clear and very encouraging comment! I am glad I reached my goals with the About page, and now I can focus on other things! Altough I have to say you ”Behind the Mouse” page is way more original!!



  13. I highly appreciate your skill that you come forward asking for genuine feedbacks. I am thankful to you as I also want to learn & write blogs on regular basis.


  14. Is anyone else having problems editing their widgets? I am currently using Vagabond theme – in the last two weeks I have not been able to move around any of my widgets – some of you may have noticed that my “Recent Posts” is TOO FAR down; I need to move it up. Can anyone help me…I have tried to edit/move around on SEVEN different computers all using the same Operations Programme


  15. Hi, We are looking for ideas to promote our launch and blogs for our Interior Design and Construction Event…. we are remodeling our $1Million beach cottage. We need 200,000 subscribers to make it successful!
