Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I’ve seen a lot of comments here today regarding post length and trying to keep it short. I think my posts are probably fairly long but I don’t think they’re boring. I would love some feedback from fresh eye regarding whether my titles grab attention, if the post lengths throw readers off before they reach the end, or anything else that may help me improve my writing.


  2. ciao sono da bergamo o rinovato mio permesso de suggiorno domani fai tre messe me anno detto de andare li quando arrivava a tre messe ma io fino ora non ricevuto nenssuno msm e quando controllo onlini me dici documento de suggiorno in tratazione ma cosa devo fare li domani qualcuno puoi me aiutare grazie


  3. I type like I talk – which I like – although I don’t know if my posts or pages are clear enough for readers to understand the overall point or idea? Looking for constructive feed back on my site.


    1. Personally, I think you are using the wrong theme. That particular theme is for image-heavy or multimedia blogs. I see you have three posts and none of them has an image, making the blog seem rather bland. I’d suggest use images a lot more or change the theme.

      Good luck with it!


    1. Some suggestions for questions – apologies if you have used some of them before!

      When I was 16 I …..

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      How is your heart?

      Where is your happy place?

      Do you love me?

      What do you mean?

      Is there anything you want to say to me right now?

      Where are you now?

      What is wrong with you?

      Cool game! I’ll have to give it a shot.


  4. Hi, I am looking for some input on a story I have written. I have edited it several times, but really just wanted to know if you have any comments about it. I am thinking about entering it in a competition so if there is anything that doesn’t flow well or anything that does not make sense, would be great to get some input and I would be happy to do the same for anyone who takes the time to look. Thanks.

    Angel of Pain


  5. Hey blamily (aka blog family),
    I’m a young aspiring writer and artist traveling the world with my parents and five siblings. My blog focuses on our out-of-the-box lifestyle (we are organic, plant-based vegans, homeopaths, homeschoolers, have adopted my twin siblings, and are lifetime travelers.) I’m interested in any feedback you guys can give me, in the way of my writing, art, and overall ambience of the page. If anyone has any advice on how to get more traffic on my site, it would be much appreciated.
    Saludos familia!


    1. Hi maiakjackson,
      Cool! I’m homeschooled too. It sounds like you live a unique but awesome life! I need a blog URL, however, if you want me to give you some feedback. All I can say about getting traffic is to tag efficiently and do exactly what you’re doing: getting involved in the Community Pool.
      By the way, please feel free to check out my blog at I’m writing a novel and want to get the word out. Thanks!


    2. Hi Maia. I was really impressed with your images and even more so with your catchy and curiosity-provoking titles. I try to do the same thing on my own travel blog and I find that it draws a better crowd. Given your life situation I think a blog is a great idea and i wish you the best


      1. Thank you so much Ben for the taking the time to check it out. I visited your blog and was very impressed as well. The artistic photography and map in the background really arrests the eye, plus all the effort you put in is very evident. I’ll be staying updated with your journeys!


  6. Hi all. I am very new to this blog so please bear with me. I write but other than that and replying to various groups. I am trying to finish editing my romance novel, for want of a better word, ready to publish on Amazon with my other three books. Sorry this is not an answer to any other posts.


    1. I struggled looking at your home page. I appreciated that it’s unique, but the way the pics and words are staggered – it’s a little confusing. It wasn’t clear to me which lines of text were associated with what picture. Furthermore, since there were no titles, it was hard for me to get an idea of if I wanted to read more of the post.
      Once I open a post, it’s awesome, but the home page is a little difficult.


    1. Overall, it looks good. I just don’t understand why you chose a tractor for your header image. It doesn’t seem to fit the overall mood of your blog. I’m not seeing “style and sass.” In theory, the tractor could work if your background image were a little less wooden, so to speak… but I think the header is the better option for a switch. Or you could test alternatives for both and see what you like best.

      Your posts may not be traditional Southern but your design doesn’t reflect that.


  7. Hello fellow bloggers, I recently started a bog (like so many other people who have posted comments – sorry for being repetitive) I was just wondering if you would take a look and share any feedback you might have. Also I use a lot of commas, perhaps too many, I don’t know. I’d really appreciate if you could let me know what you think.


    1. Hi! I just checked out your blog and I really like it! The photos you use are great too and bring a lot of vibrancy. I especially liked the post about the Jelly Shoes – I can totally relate! 🙂
      I didnt notice the comma issue, although I have been found to use my fair share of commas in posts – oops! Haha


    1. First, I really liked your playlist–brought me back to high school. Second, I think wit is what makes a blog different than just a collection of facts or dry narrative. I always try to inject some humor in my posts and whenever possible in the titles as well


    1. Hey Sarah (or should I say Sahara?) really enjoyed your writing style. It has palpable wit (yes, I just said palpable) and a fresh sense of description. Definitely creative and entertaining.


      1. Ben, thank you for taking the time to read through a bit and give me this feedback – I’m pleased to know that, even if I’m not totally on the mark, I’m close. And to be described as having “wit” is a compliment; thanks again.


      2. Oh, Ben, thank you for that. Thank you for taking time to read a bit and the feedback. From what it sounds like, I’m headed in the right direction. Thank you.


    1. I really enjoyed finding your blog tonight – I like your writing style. However, outside of your words, there is not a lot of “you” on there. Such things as a gravatar and and a FAQ or declaration would be helpful, like why schmaeg is your favorite curse word and why you don’t like harmonica in your blues.
