Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

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  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Hi Cathy. Nice post. I think I agree with you on principle. Liked your about page too. One suggestion: Perhaps you can jazz up your titles to draw readers in. That’s something I try to do with my blog. A curious title will provoke a curious reaction and hopefully clue people in to the fact that your blog exists. Hope this helps


  1. Hey guys, I’m really trying to get some comments going with my posts. I want to hear feedback, and know what you want to see more or less of. Also, I would love some movie/music/tv/book recommendations! Check out my blog and leave some comments and answer the poll on my latest post! Thanks y’all!


    1. Enjoyed you blog and think your target audience must love it as well. If you’re looking for a book to review, I’d be remiss to not recommend my own, The Gardens of Sir Verity–a mildly surreal young adult novel (even though my blog is travel themed my creative writing has always been there as well)


    1. Very nice pictures. I’m an animal lover myself and have several pictures in my photo gallery of animals I’ve seen in my travels in the wild. Feel free to check them out


    1. Hi Sarah. Like your header image and Title. In fact, I enjoyed the titles you chose for your posts. That’s something I give much thought to myself as a rightly worded title can bring in more viewers. Your writing style is very personable and whether or not you make a living at it, I think it is safe to say you’ve achieved your goal of being a writer 😉


      1. Thank you Ben!!!! That is so wonderful to hear. Although I wouldn’t mind making it into a living 😉 I like your blog a lot also, great titles and posts!


    2. Great job with your writing! Really enjoyed the 2-3 posts I read already…If I may be neat picky it would be the organization of the blog itself…a column on the side with “previous posts” or something like that, so that we can jump right to a particular post, rather than scroll down, would be really helpful. Your header is sweet as is the title. Well done! Looking forward to more!


      1. Thank you for the kind words and feedback! I will reach out to WordPress peeps and see if they can help me change that. I just love this layout so much but I think it is one of the “everything on one page” type deal, unfortunately. Much love to you!


  2. @teacherblack, comments on the other community pool page have inconveniently closed in the past couple hours, so I’ll have to respond to you on this new page.

    Regarding the Cracks Between the Rocks post:

    Thank you! I did have a little trouble with that middle section and making it fit with the rest of the story. In your opinion, is it okay that it was unclear about the kind of love it was? Because I meant it to be both, but I don’t want it to be confusing. And I love that you got those two feelings from the ending because they’re both right, in a sense. I’m so glad you liked the story and thank you for taking the time to give feedback! It’s very much appreciated.


  3. Hello guys,to me every thing is challenging, blogging is the hard way for me and please guys teach me the best way i can become the best blogger in the world.please help needed


    1. First, I would add some graphics or photos to make it more visually appealing. Your About Page needs to be personalized and try to come up with intriguing titles. Hope this helps and best wishes


  4. Need a little help. How do I pre-select which photo from a posts is featured with its listing on WordPress? When I select the “select featured image” on the edit page it only uses that photo on MY blog page listing but not on the WordPress listing???


  5. Hi Bloggers, I just want to know what I can do to improve my blog? Whether it is just the overall appearance and layout or if I need to lengthen my blogs or have more images etc.

    I am fairly new to blogging and would love feedback from anyone.

    Thank you!! 😀


    1. Took a look at your site. I enjoyed your take on reviewing your interests (games and movies for example) and think the posts were proportional to the subject. Personally I think you’re on the right track. My only suggestion would be the appearance of your header and title don’t really stand out (as opposed to mine that take up half the screen 🙂 so perhaps a little tweaking there but overall very nice


      1. Ooh ok, thank you for your feedback and I will have a look at the layout of my blog and I’m glad you liked it 😀

        And I checked out your blog and it is great, I like your layout and how everything is out together 😀


    1. Hey Naomi. First–love the graphics. Give a nice feel to your blog and I assume say something about your own tastes. Your writing is enjoyable and your purpose in doing so in your about page is commendable as well. Best wishes


    1. I like the photos! It makes it look very professional and I can’t help but feel very inadequate now lol! no seriously they look really good.


    1. Overall, the design works. As you continue writing, you’ll eventually want to change your theme to something with more than one column. There’s a limit to how far people will scroll through post listings and you’ll want links to your archives.

      Other than that, I’d suggest switching around your header menu. Your tagline says “Gaming, Films, and Music” and your About page says “gaming, films, and music.” However, your first three categories are “Music,” “Game,” “Movies.” Make it consistent.

      Also, I’d rename the “Adventures” category (try “Travel”) because “Adventures” is unclear. It could also refer to an aspect of gaming or films. I’d also add an “S” to the end of “Update” to make it clearer.


      1. ooh ok awesome, thank you for such a detail reply. I will take on board what you have said and consider putting to forward to my blog. 🙂


  6. My landing page is directed mainly at people who are interested in the camino de Santiago. I started my blog last year to record my journey – I am walking again this year, leaving in a couple of days. I have recently updated my side bar. Would appreciate any feedback. Many thanks


    1. Overall, it’s really great. I see only two minor details:

      1- The links to images in your sidebar don’t all work. Try clicking on each one to make sure the visitor is directed to the full-sized picture.

      2- Why horses for the header? (I know nothing about the region you’re hiking through, BTW.) Unless you’ll be seeing a lot of horses on your trip, I’d change that header to something more relevant. However, don’t change it if you have to rush to do it; the horse header is artistically solid and will work better than something hastily put together.


      1. Thanks so much for that. I didn’t know about the sidebar pics and will look into it.
        I did know that I need to change the header photo. I wasn’t quite sure what direction the blog would take initially and I love this photo of my horse running free by the lake. I have some lovely (and much more appropriate) camino images. I will swap as suggested.
        I really appreciate your criticism.


    1. Seems like you found a place for your voice. I’d recommend more photos of the things that interest you, as well as one of yourself for your about page. People are more inclined to read when they have an idea of who they are listening to. I thought your poetry was excellent and not surprisingly since I have a travel-related blog, can relate to your love of travel and foreign cultures


      1. Thanks.. I’ve been thinking about adding a picture for a while now. I will get around to it at some point, hopefully.
        Thank you so much 🙂 And that’s nice.. I’ll check out your blog.. I love travel blogs.. 😀


    1. Definitely not boring. I think anyone with a genuine interest in keeping their patience as a parent would take the time to read it. Others with only a passing interest (or no teenagers) maybe not, but this is in no way a reflection of your writing. Sometimes you gotta say what you gotta say, though I too have been working on shortening my word counts to keep my readers’ attention

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for your feedback, Ben. I appreciate it. I noticed you mentioned on another person’s reply section that you don’t have a large following. I feel the same. I think I chose a limiting audience, although I like the challenge of writing about teenagers. It’s tricky because I don’t want to embarrass my own teens but I want to be honest in explaining this is can be a tough age group. I will spend time reading your blog and others’ and give feedback. Good luck!


      2. I checked out your blog. It’s fantastic! I have done some traveling (England, Germany, Austria, Caribbean, California)… but I can tell that I would be completely overwhelmed by India. You are a great writer and I love the photos. I think you will get a lot of followers by giving feedback to others. Your site deserves more followers!


  7. “Good” is a relative term. I think your style plays well to what I perceive is your target audience. I like the block letters in your header like it was an old Nintendo game (or at least that’s how it came across to me).


    1. My first suggestion is to create an About Me page where potential readers can find out who you are. A well-thought out picture and gravatar would help as well. Tag your posts effectively and keep them concise with relatively low word counts. Hope this helps and welcome to the Blogosphere


    2. welcome to blogging. Your theme is great. If I could make a suggestion, add an about page. It will introduce you to the audience and set the tone for your content. Most bloggers will head straight to the about page with coming across a new blog. Otherwise you’re off to a good start.


  8. Hello All. I recently updated my About Page to be more informative and engaging, as well as to include a “Best of” link. I’d appreciate some feedback as to if I should add/subtract/or leave the same. Thanks in advance


  9. starting a blog about Saxon heritage, culture and networking; welcome to join in if you are Saxon or friend of the Saxons!
