Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  1. hello…. I started my blog last month… I am aware that it is a very short period but, I confused that i do not recieve any views apart from one person. I try to update twice a week and i took last weeks suggestion and tried to incorporate tags, im not very good at it though.. but when can i expect to see change… this is my blog… it would be very nice if you could show me the way.. thank you very much

    Liked by 3 people

      1. to be honest that comes with the theme.. thank you to wordpress.. i have other pictures in my blog though… sorry if it sounds rude.. i dont want to take credit for something i did not do.. thank you so much for checking it out though 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve had my blog since November or possibly longer and have just now started getting more views and such. It takes awhile and you need to put your blog out there so other people can have a chance to see it.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I started by looking for other blogs that were about the same content as mine. I started following those people and then they started following me. I still don’t have many people following my blog but, the people that are writing about the same things as me do. You need to find the right community for what you are posting and make it seem so interesting that they want to check it out. Don’t get me wrong I’m not an expert it’s just what I have seen that works. If you want to check out my blog it’s

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Use your facebook or create a facebook page for your blog, and google+ communities that are in line with your blog and allow you to post.

        I get most of my traffic from one google+community and internet searches. do not forget to add tags to all your posts. Hope that helps. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    2. While the theme and pictures are welcoming, I’m confused as to what your blog is about. At first I thought maybe food reviews or food photography, but then you mix your posts up. You may want to put links in a navigation bar to organize or do an about me that covers what your blog is all about. Otherwise, a mix of brighter colors can make the blog more welcoming and make it pop. -Author S

      Liked by 2 people

      1. hi thank you so much for your suggestion… i do have an about me page but yea it does not cover what i write about.. will work on that asap.. i tried to organise it a bit by adding the topics i will cover on the menu.. will check that out too… thank you so much for taking time to see it 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I LOVE your “about” page! And your posts are good too, especially the peanut butter icing one! Yumm!
      The only thing I would say is that the background (you know, the bits you can see on the side, in blue and yellow) is kinda intense. It gave me a bit of a headache… but other than that, great blog!
      You can take a look at mine as well if you want. I think we’re using the same theme on our blogs 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha Thank you! Yeah… I was thinking of changing my background but I haven’t come across the right one yet but I think I am going to look for a better one tonight 🙂
        I just checked out your account and it’s really pleasant to read 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    1. i love the idea of your mystery date with books. i really unfortunately think that people judge books by their covers way too much. your blog look really professional and well-put together…i will be reading more later!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I actually found your blog from harker book’s lienster nomination post. I’m so loving this blogosphere!

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Some of the pages look a little bare, but the blog is inviting. Book lovers look at products with a bit of mystery which is intriguing. The background is a little distracting, so you may want to look at more solid colors.

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      1. Of course, anytime! If your blog is new, it would explain the number of posts, but just keep chugging along, adding a little every day. -Author S

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  2. Looking for feedback on any piece as two authors join forces to create works in many categories such as fiction, poetry, advice, descriptions, and food for thought. The latest posts include a poem inspired by a Broadway play, a continuation to a series by Author D and the poem’s analysis. Also look for feedback on my ongoing Imagination Leaks series.
    The second link will bring you to a list of every post categorized by topic and author. Happy reading!-Author S

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Although I didn’t check out everything, I did appreciate your views on doing stuff with your heart because i totally agree with that. We need to be doing things we are passionate about. Also, you’re site looks sweet. Here is my website. I invite anyone really and i don’t expect everyone to agree with me but i appreciate all feedback. Thanks man!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Your posts seem well written with a variety of images to draw readers. The background is plain, so some of the posts blend in and look bland. Adding some color will bring life to the blog and pages for organization help you and the readers keep track of new topics. -Author S

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for your inputs. I’ll add more colour, as you say. And I’ll also try to find out what pages are, as I said I’m new here, don’t know much.

        Thank you for taking out the time to check my blog! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Of course, glad I could help! When you go to My Site after coming to wordpress itself, a menu on the left takes you through your stats, plan, etc. On that menu theres a button that says pages where you create a page to compile links to your posts and so on. After you make the page and everything you want is on there, go to the menus button to edit your main menu and include the page. I hope that helps!
        -Author S

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi All! I recently started writing about my journey to heal my cystic acne from the inside out through functional medicine and nutrition. I would appreciate your feedback and any advice you have about attracting new readers / followers! I would be happy to offer feedback on your blog as well!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. i strongly believe that nutrition can help with anything! As i am in recovery from an eating disorder, i am relearning right now how to feed myself nutritious food without feeling guilty. i also like the vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons. I will be following your blog and wishing you luck! Also, i look forward to yummy recipes to try! (and your blog looks amazing as well)

      if you wanna check out my blog its at
      i am writing about my recovery and mental health in general and also about random things like greys anatomy. I would appreciate any and all feedback 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. The images on your blog are beautiful, and the posts I read through were heartwarming. I would say there are far too many capitalized words that distract the reader and draw attention to unimportant words. Other than that, keep moving along in your journey through life, as you will grow and improve through that as well. Best of luck!
      -Author S

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  4. Hi from poetry blog! I’m very new to WordPress and also English poetry. I usually get some likes but without comment. So may someone advise me how to improve my poetry? Please let me know if there is any poetry circles or stuffs here? I also wonder if my site looks easy/good enough to read or not. Any comments are appreciate:)

    Thank you very much!

    ps. If you are poetry blog too, please feel free to leave your url here! Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have some excellent, stunning images to draw readers to your poems. I noticed you also go through what inspired you for each piece, and those paragraphs might overwhelm readers who expected just poetry. Maybe you can try posting that separately or organizing your inspiration to a different page so readers wanting poetry aren’t spooked by block paragraphs. Also, a little color goes a long way in inviting readers and making posts pop.
      Also know that poetry is trial and error, so keep an eye on rules for certain types like haiku, sonnets, etc. and start from there. Otherwise, it’s all a big experiment, so keep chugging along.
      The blog is not specifically poetry, but I do post poetry on there. In fact, my last two posts were a poem and its analysis. The link will bring you to a list of all the posts, poetry has its own category.
      Happy reading and writing! -Author S

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much! Your advice is very useful! I agree with you it’s too much to have a longer ranting than a poetry itself lol! I am grateful that you point out my blog’s weakness and also give me creative solutions! Thanks!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m glad I was able to help give you some solutions. Through every experience you’ll grow stronger. I’m glad to see you liked Blazing Jealousy and thank you for taking the time to read it. Happy writing and growing. -Author S

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    1. i didn’t get to read all of it…but i do like what i saw so far! i look forward to seeing more of your fashion shoots as i am trying to get style ideas because apparently one cant wesr sweatpants every day of their life :/ lol oh and i am a dog person too!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi!

      I identify with you on a lot of levels, if not all.
      I like what you write, and that’s what matters the most. After all, content is supreme!
      I find your theme a little too blank though, adding mild colours would probably make it more attractive.

      Other than that, yes! Take one day at a time 🙂

      Here’s the link for my blog:

      Feedbacks, comments are more than welcome!

      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi,
    I have had my blog running for a while and am finally brave enough to put it up here! I write about home/lifestyle and would love some feedback about contents, layout and areas to improve. Please let me know what you think here in the comments. Many thanks!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. congrats on starting to get it out there more! It looks lovely and very professional, and i love how you cover a range of topics.looking forward to more! keep it up and welcome! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I really enjoyed your thoughts on Once Upon a time. I’m currently catching up on Sunday’s episode as I type this. Love your witty sarcasm! Keep it up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for checking it out! I am always looking for good criticism to help improve my blog. In regards to OUAT, I have been watching it on and off I’ll probably binge watch it when it goes on netflix lol I am not too thrilled about this season.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Hello,

    I’ve just started my blog and am looking for any feedback. My topics vary depending on what’s on my scattered mind that day. Thus far I’ve discussed atheism, chivalry, children, and a more exotic take on driving. Give me a look and let me know what you think.


    Liked by 4 people

    1. First thing I need to say is that if you ever stop writing I will be so pissed. Your last post about driving was imaginative and as an unstable female…left breathless.

      One thing I searched for was an About Me section. I wanted to know who the heck you were and what you did professionally. I think just that one tweek might make the blog a lot more professional. You’re one helluva writer.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you so much! This is great feedback. I’ll have to figure out how to add that for sure. Thanks again!!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. wow, just like the other person said, you are an AMAZING writer. I too would have liked to see an “about” page, but other than that, this is amazing. and you cover so many topics too! i definitely will be looking forward to hearing more soon! ❤

      if you don't mind, will you follow the link on my name and check out mine and tell me what you think?

      Liked by 2 people

    3. As colorwithstacia already stated, so well, don’t stop writing . You have a gift. Your stories are quick to engage and enjoyable to read.
      I’ll repeat teh comment regarding an About section. When I find an engaging blog, I like to know a bit more about teh creator and what drives them.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for taking the time to read, and thanks for the feedback! I will be adding the about section very soon. Thanks to everyone that brought this to my attention.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi everyone,
    I’ve just posted my blog post titled ‘seaside dreaming’. It’s not just about my trip to the beach, but also the idea that writing in such a place actually seems appealing to me now. If you’re a writer, or just feel like checking my blog out, then I’d really appreciate some feedback. Feedback on my writing style, blog layout, or anything else would be really helpful.

    Thank you 🙂 x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Seasides are beautiful places to write, with the calm water, sound of waves and seagulls, and often gentle breeze. The introduction to the post is a bit lengthy, and I wondered when you were going to get to the purpose of the post. Maybe you can shorten the intro or move things around to make your point faster and easier to read.
      Otherwise, I agree that writers are adaptable creatures. Whether in an overcrowded shop or a sunny seaside, writers will find a way to write! I did enjoy the questions at the end to get readers more involved, so keep that up if you can! Happy dreaming! -Author S

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for your feedback! Hopefully, when I have more time to edit the post I will be able to get straight to the point.I love writing questions at the end, so I’ll definitely continue that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Of course, happy to help! Great to hear you will continue with questions. Feel free to drop by the blog as feedback is always welcome! Happy reading and editing!
        -Author S

        Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s so strange, I’ll try and fix it. If you click on my name then that should even take you to my blog. Sorry about that.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I love it! i commented directly, but i absolutely love it, and the layout is great (i have the same theme haha) i also like how you cover a variety of topics 🙂 i look forward to reading more soon! keep dreaming xo

        would you click on my name and give me feedback on mine?

        Liked by 2 people

      3. yeah i recently changed my domain name and actually switched back to the wordpress one because it was giving me problems, so i get it :/

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I read through the death scene post, and I noticed quite a few adverbs. Those can weigh a scene down and take opportunities from the writer to show not tell. The conversation between Helena and Sirec was great, as her personality comes through when she tells him he can only suffer for a year and not to go to taverns.
      Other than that, focus on bringing the scene to life by showing the reader what’s happening instead of being so direct as to tell them. Happy writing! -Author S

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Of course, I’m happy to help. Feel free to drop by the blog as feedback is always a welcome sight! -Author S

        Liked by 1 person

    1. hey i like your blog! i struggled with an eating disorder for going on 9 years, and have been in recovery since november! so i relate to a lot of what you write…its sad that so many women are so self-conscious 😦 if you’d like, i write about my recovery, mental health in general and random topics including greys anatomy

      i look forward to reading more soon!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi!

      I liked what you posted there. You wanted to dispense information, and were able to do that quite effortlessly. Kudos!

      Any feedback, comments on my blog would be really helpful.

      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi! I recently just started my blog as a way to keep in touch with friends and family since moving, and figured it would be a nice new hobby in a city where I didn’t know much of anyone. It has sort of become in my opinion, a little messy on topics and organization and I am just looking for any sort of general ideas/input/advice – whatever you have to give! I’ll be happy to check your blog out too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hi there! i just looked at your blog and i love it! you are so personable and honest and you are definitely not a boring blogger. Also, i really like your #mondaymantra – i might use it on my fb if you dont mind! and i have no advice because it is so great already! Just maybe categorize your posts? but other than that just keep it up! I commented directly for you ❤

      i cant wait to hear more from you! 🙂

      if you dont mind, would you look at my blog and tell me what you think?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh thank you so much!! That has seriously made my day! And feel free to use the #MondayMantra thing! I must say, it has started to take off with my friends and family on fb and other social media sites of mine. People have started really looking forward to me posting them, much to my surprise! Maybe you will receive the same sort of feedback! I will certainly take a look at your blog, I’d be happy to!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Aw good I am glad…and thanks so much…i am going to write a #mondaymantra now! and be honest in what you think with mine! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I checked out your blog and I honestly really enjoyed it! So much so, that I decided to start following you! 🙂 (Wow, sounds kinda creepy when worded like that!) But, I truly respect and love the open awareness and advocacy for mental health and positivity you put out there. It is so important to always speak to what you believe in and you can tell you believe in that. And you should, I can tell you from experience I know of many things that you write about and one voice really does make a difference. My only suggestion is adding more gifs, just because I love your use of them in the Greys post and I truly think it added so much life to it. It has me considering using them now! ❤ Seriously, keep up the great work! I can see why you were nominated for the award!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. wow thanks so much! and haha yeah i can see what you mean by that…but dont worry about sounding creepy 🙂 but i really do appreciate your kindness and i look forward to reading more of your stuff as well! and yessssss gifs are great! use them haha i shall incorporate more of them now! 😀 thank again, and stay amazing and stay YOU ❤ xo

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey I just read through your blog and really liked it! Your writing is relatable and interesting to read. I also enjoyed a variety of subjects. Good luck with new adventures in your life! I hope you’ll continue sharing it on your blog 🙂

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  9. Hi everyone! My name is Jasmin and I’m a newbie blogger. My blog ( is about fashion and lifestyle, beauty quick-fixes, travel tidbits and DIYs. I’m would like to get some feedback on what, as a beginner, a blogger should take care of, technically. I always make sure to add relevant tags and title, but other than that, what should I take care of. Thanks and I’d really appreciate the response 🙂 Thank you once again for creating space like this! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Jasmine,

      The blog looks nice and clean. The only suggestion I would make is to ensure your photos are clear. It keeps your posts from looking rushed.
      If you have nothing available, maybe hold off a day or two on the post till you have good quality artwork.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Ed, thank you so much. I’ll make sure I get myself a good quality camera. Mostly I click the pictures from my mobile phone and it makes them look blurry 😦 Is there anything I need to improvise other than that? thanks once again 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s about it, the consistency in image quality will take the blog up a notch and keep it from looking “amateurish” or temporary. You don’t need a high quality camera, just something better than what your current mobile seems to produce.

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  10. Hi guys, I just started a blog! I’d like to know if you guys are finding the post easy to read. I want the reader to get the information quickly, feel engaged with me, but can move on to participate in the challenges without rereading my junk over and over.

    Any helpful pointers to make this blog successful?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The blog looks nice, simple to navigate, with good use of hyperlinks and tags. The About page tells readers about you very nicely. The art scene is a bit fickle and I’ve found wonderful support for my photography in the blogging community. Wishing you much success i following your dreams. I’ve been blogging deliberately for just under a year now and enjoying it tremendously. Come by for a visit:


      Liked by 2 people

  11. I’m waiting for you. All of you.;)
    Find me and more at The Devorian. If you like what you see, well, by all means follow me!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your blog is intriguing, and the image and dark colors set the scene for horror and scary material. Feel free to stop by and check out the navigation page for horrific and suspenseful stories in the short story category as well as the Imagination Leaks series. Happy reading, writing, and scaring! -Author S

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