Five Posts to Write Right Now

Have you spent too long staring at a blank screen? Here are five post ideas to jump start your blogging.

<a href="">5-Ball by Kurt Farrar</a>, <a href="">CC BY 2.0</a>.

Mired in bloggers’ block? Pshaw — we’ll give you a push! Here are five posts you can publish right now, no matter what topics you usually blog about.

1. The last thing that made you mad.

There are two great things about addressing issues that make you angry: first, the posts tend to be fun to write (not to mention cathartic). Second, the internet loves a good rant.

Think about the last thing that really made your blood boil, and take it from there. You can write about why it was so upsetting, explain how you found a solution, propose changes to keep it from happening again, or freeze-frame your emotions in verse.

(If you’re worried about letting it all hang out, check out our tips for writing rants without sounding like a big jerk.)

2. Your typical childhood lunch.

No really; stay with me.

In her excellent book on writing, Bird by Bird, author Anne Lamott reveals that she often suggests that those struggling to commit words to paper (or screen) write about their school lunches; something about the act of recollecting and writing those details helps jimmy the floodgates open. For Lamott, the act of opening a lunchbox is, “about opening our insides in front of everyone. Just like writing is.”

I was doubtful, too — until I tried it. In thinking back to those lunches, I tapped into a rich trove of detail and emotion around childhood, school, food, family, and much more. It was an eye-opening experience, and I now heartily recommend the school lunch trick: it’s like Drain-o for writers’ block.

3. An ode to an object.

We often blog about people; family is a central topic for lots of us. Sometimes, getting unstuck is about changing your point of view, and writing about an object can help you do that. Tell a story about your favorite overstuffed armchair, chronicle the history of your hand-me-down teapot, or tell us why your cheese grater is the perfect specimen of its kind. At worst, you’ll end up with a fun, lighthearted post about a teapot; at best, writing about a thing will help you bring out a story and perspective you haven’t explored before.

4. Self-psychoanalysis via your bookshelf or Spotify playlists.

Take the five books on your nightstand, the last five songs you listened to, the last five movies you watched, or the last five blog posts you liked — what do they say about you? If that’s too revealing, try some fiction — invent another person with these tastes, and tell us about them.

This post is a triple threat: you get an amusing and/or insightful post, you hook readers with an insider view (we all love perusing other people’s stuff), and you leave the door wide open for readers to engage by commenting on your choices and sharing their own.

5. A mad lib.

This may seem like a cop-out post. It is, a little, but we all need to lob an easy one once in a while. For a Mad Lib, ask readers for a list of words — nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc — and use them to fill in the blanks in a post you’ve pre-written. (If you want to get fancy, you can even do it with a custom form, like thishere’s how.) It’s fun and funny, and engaging for your readers. Plus, you never know if a reader’s wacky word choice will spark your next post idea.

These are all pretty open-ended ideas, but if you need more of a boost, review our ways to make prompts your own. Now, go forth and bust through the block.

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