Community Pool

Looking for feedback on your latest draft or your new header? Find critique and camaraderie in the Community Pool.

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer). A few guidelines:

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I would like to request feedback on all areas of my blog while it is still in its early stages of development. Blog name is NFL Tracker.


    1. It looks good so far. You’ll definitely want to focus on photos. One thing, the photo you use as a header makes it appear you’re focused on one team. Part of the issue is that I kind of had to search for your subtitle that explains your blog pov; maybe making that bigger will help. I know from my own experience that keeping up a sports blog is tough, particularly during the season. Good luck!


    2. I like the theme you’ve selected, and the posts were thorough,clear, and overall an enjoyable read. I think adding pictures would be the only thing you would need to add to improve the blog. Overall, I love your blog!:-)


  2. Greetings,
    My blog, The Chocolates of My Mind, for the past year has concerned itself with writing the story about my late wife’s 12 year battle with cancer. It is a dark subject, I know, but I try to show the light that shown through it all of those years. Not sure if I succeeded. Comments are welcome.
    Thanks in advance.


  3. I’m looking for advice on my Main blog. I want to increase interaction with the readers of my blog. I seem to get the views rolling, but none of them seems to be eager or in a rush to comment at all. It’s a blog on my daily life, as well as buys, rants, and other adventures I go on. I don’t know if it’s because it’s too much on one blog, if it’s the design & appearance, or…I don’t know, lol. Appreciate any bit of help implemented~


    1. I think your posts look great. It’s actually very gaming-heavy, though. Maybe that’s your passion that you can really exploit for post ideas.


  4. I just made my very first blog last night! To be honest I’m not familiar with the blogging world at all so I am just looking for some feed back on how I did, if you’d be interested in visiting my blogs in the future, or how I can improve! Thanks people!


    1. I think you’re on the right track. Since you’re selling product, it would be great to see some pictures. Also, remember to break up your paragraphs to be a bit more scannable. Good luck.


      1. Great, thank you so much this info will go a long way with me! I tried posting a pic but it didn’t post! I’ll try again thank you,thank you, thank you.


    1. I think it looks great! I like how you use the header images and post titles to establish what the post is about. Headline writing is a real skill…


  5. I’m new to the whole Word Press blog as well. I started about a month ago, so far I’ve had a few views and likes but would certainly like to expand my audience as well as find other blogs to follow! Anyone looking to read something new or if you would like to recommend your blog feel free to have a look at mine or tell me about your blog 🙂


      1. Thank you so much for recommending those blogs, I own border collies as well so one of them in particular was perfect to read. What do you mean by read more breaks, still learning the ropes I’m afraid! 🙂


    1. Welcome, we started about the same times it seems. If you are looking to expand your audience, you can do that in a few ways: Use tags when creating a posts, and look for other blogs with the same tags. This helps unite those that have similar content. Comment on those blogs and even follow a few. Chances are they will become curious and check yours out. Another way is to participate in the writing challenges, daily prompts and photo challenges. Make sure you link the challenge at the bottom of your post. this creates a ping back. In doing so, others that also submitted will take a look at your post and perhaps around your blog. In turn, you can do the same thing. Also on Sundays when the community pool is posted, look around at different blogs. Try to help others. You may find a few blogs you like and others will be able to find yours as well.


  6. Hi! I would really love to get some feedback on my new site…
    It is far from complete and will be a continuous work in progress as it is intended to be a full resource site with expanding topics and content…. I just don’t know if I have chosen a good theme for that purpose. I love the idea of parallax scrolling and full sliders and feel I need something flashier to divide the content on the longer pages.

    The specific issues I am dealing with right now are:

    1. the featured image — I dont know if the settings got changed somehow, but only shows a banner type image sometimes and other times a full size (?)

    2. The tag or flag type images behind the title of widgets – How do I get rid of those? I do not care for the way the widgets appear at all and much prefer the look on some of my other blogs/sites: (ie. and )

    3. I need to set up a page strictly for documentation – an indexed list of word and pdf embedded documents that can be downloaded

    4. On the pages that I have routed to another site — how can my reader then return to my site and page where they left off?

    5. I would like to create a rolling scripture ticker or something and also want to be able to add scripture references into my main section of content but with a whole different appearance – maybe like as a pop-up, highlighted banner or section, with opaque colored box and different font, or something like that – I just don’t know how…

    6. I would appreciate ANY and ALL feedback, as long as it is helpful and not TOO technical – I am more of a “drag n drop” kinda girl, so please bear with me — and one last thing… from a design perspective relating to color and emotions… How can I do a blend of radiant, hopeful, warm colors, graphics, etc and then other parts portraying a darker, sinister, more manevolent feel?? Is that possible and if so, any suggestions on how best to make that work well..?? THANKS!!


    1. OH!! And one more thing… lol
      I keep getting email notifications of people signing up for my page, yet at the bottom only shows one subscriber?? And I have not received any form inquiries… Any ideas? I would prefer a follow box/icon or some kind of widget where there photos appear if they follow my site (is it possible to follow a site, or just a blog??) 🙂 help


  7. Hi everyone! I have been blogging for a little over a month here, and I am interested in some feedback about my page

    I have a good bit of followers, however that is not my main concern. I don’t have too much input from most of those followers, so it’s hard to tell how I’m being received.

    Feel free to comment here or on my page.

    Thanks in advance!


      1. Thanks! I have been dedicating time on the weekends to the blogs I follow. I have more time to read then. I will try adding questions. Hopefully I can get others to engage in conversation on the topics.


  8. Hello all, I like to write and observe everything around me. I write about my life in Korea and also enjoy sharing things about my life here but that will not be the only subject I cover.

    I’m considering a change to add some more fiction things on Fridays because a) I want to write more fiction and b) I struggle finding fresh things to write about.



    1. Hi! I just had a read through your blog and I really like it! Interesting posts, simple layout and great images too. As for adding fiction, I think why not?! I’d go for it 🙂


      1. Thanks for the feedback! I always follow back and will keep an eye on your site. I’ve thought about just doing one post/week on life, travel, etc. and one fiction post on fridays.


      2. I really liked your blog. Loved the way you write about everyday things in such an interesting way.! i especially love ‘The Coffee Shop Dream’ and ‘Life Typos’.


  9. Hi everyone! I have just begun my writer’s journey. Blogging on WordPress is an excellent way for me to express my thoughts and opinions and share it with the world, and I can’t wait to begin these new innings.
    I blog at Would love to hear what you’ll have to say!


    1. I looked at your blog. You have a few nieces pieces. A poet huh? If I could make a suggestion, I would say, be more consistent with posting. You have few month breaks in between. Also, look for other poet blogs. There are tons. Comment and follow. You will be in like company.


  10. Hello I am at alishamas.wordpress. I write about everyday struggles of my life, but I am guilty of not proof reading and make rookie errors. Any feedback would be appreciated!


    1. Hi! I really enjoyed your blog! It’s very well set out and easy to navigate which I think is really important. An overall great appearance and really interesting posts too! One thing I would suggest is to watch the consistency of post titles – I just noticed that some are capitalised while others are not, but that is a really minor detail 🙂


    1. Looks good, nice and bright, not too much distraction with sidebars. Hope your 101 things to do works for you. My “kids” are not adults, so I don’t have to wrry about that sort of thing anymore. All the best.


    1. hi, I took a look around. nice blog. if you want to pull in more traffic, tag your posts. There are a lot of travel blogs out so you will be in great company. Also you take nice photos. participate in a photo challenge or two. it will bring in a bit more traffic and introduce you to other bloggers.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’d love input on my blog. I’m hoping to post more in the future as I travel more, and have mot posts of flashbacks from my previous travels! Thanks for taking a look! I love community pool ❤


  12. Hello, myself Shreya. I have blog in my regional language i.e. in Marathi. Most of my posts are about encouraging readers to start their own blog either for personal write up or for their own business promotion. I seriously feel that small businesses should start and took blogging as for their business advertising. i would like to listen from my fellow blogger; how my blog is?


  13. Hello everyone!
    I started out a few months back by writing for children which gradually transformed into a general love for writing. Now all I want to do is write and blogging on word-press is a great way to satiate the writer in me. I would love to hear your feedback on my writing and my blog. Thank you so much!
