The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Have a look at editing a picture on Gravatar:

      About the blog, just keep going, just keep talking about the things you love and the things you are passionate about.

      I liked your posts about music, it is not something to ‘apologise’ about, you were thinking about music and you posted about music.

      Just keep plugging away at it.


      1. I went to the Gravatar profile and uploaded a picture of myself, but it still puts that black picture up, I can’t figure out why.

        Thank you for liking the general theme of my blog, it’s much appreciated.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Contortumdesigns I think your blog is great! I enjoyed reading your roller coaster from hell story, although it was not a great experience for you. Through your writing I could visual all aspects of your journey. The pics of your work are phenomenal and I like the fact that you have a link to other bloggers post that you like. I think I’ll add something like that to mine. I’m all for sharing anything interesting or inspiring that I read. Well you now have a new follower, I wouldn’t change a thing. Great job!


  1. I’m having some trouble with staying consistent with my writing, and my blog views have been fluctuating because of my inconsistency. If anyone would be so kind as to give me a few tips on becoming a bit more consistent with my posts, it would be appreciated. I usually write when I think of something that inspires me, but not really otherwise (I don’t know, this might be useful information). Thanks a bunch for any help! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 (SMILEY-FACE OVERLOAD!!!)


    1. Hi Sarahansari,
      I’m not sure if this will be helpful, but this is what I try to do: if you have trouble being consistent or finding inspiration frequently enough, then just get into a habit of posting something once every few, or several, days. Your viewers will get used to it. If you post a bunch of things at one time because you feel inspired at one moment, but then you don’t post anything for a really long time because you lack inspiration, then you’ll run into the problem of inconsistency. If you get a bunch of ideas, write them down so you remember them, but spread them out and post them at intervals.
      And by the way 😛 please feel free to check out my blog I’m writing a fantasy novel and I want to get the word out. Thanks!


      1. Thank you so, so much for your reply. I’ll be sure to keep your advice in mind. And yes, I’ll check your blog out. Thanks again! 🙂


      2. Also, if you have an overflow of ideas (I tend to) you can write several drafts ahead of time and save them. On days you have writer’s block, you can always proofread and publish them. I’ve been guilty of releasing several posts in one day (I am a new blogger so maybe done this twice). Sometimes I really want to write about something but will be prompted by the daily post and respond to that as well.


  2. Hello everyone! I’ve been blogging slowly since December 2013 and still getting the hang of it all. Can you guys check out my blog and tell me what you think. Is it user friendly? Are the topics or blogs written okay. I get a few likes here and there and am just now starting to get people to comment. I am very passionate when I write. Any input you can give is appreciated.


    1. Nice, nice, nice. Nice writing style. Nice theme. Nice color scheme. Great imagery and great use of supporting content. I don’t have anything critical to say; I love it.


    1. Sorry but the content is a bit juvenile for an old lady like me but I thought you did a good job. Keep it up and there will be followers.


  3. Hey hey guys! Well, I’m new to WordPress, but the not the blogging world. I want for this blog to be more of an open forum/”here’s how I feel” type situation open to old and young, but I’m not really sure how to get in started. One of my many dreams is to be a big time journalist/blogger/counselor–just help meh. LOL! Where do I start? What can I do? blaaah!
    Happy Sunday guys. ♥


    1. There’s no real shortcut. Right now, you don’t have much in the way of content. If you want to build an audience, you have to write stuff people will want to read. Focus on building great content and the rest will come.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Meh901,
      In my opinion, that’s a really great idea for a blog and will get you plenty of traffic! As you’ve probably noticed, any type of blog that encourages its viewers to participate should get you lots of positive results. As for getting started, maybe write about yourself, or something that’s happened to you recently. You could also start with an explanation of what your blog is about. But whatever you write, since your blog appears to be in your early stage, make sure its witty and entertaining 🙂 Everybody will like that!!!
      By the way, I’m a new blogger, and I’m writing to gain publicity for a novel that’s should be coming out soon. Please feel free to check out my blog at Thanks!


      1. Thank you! I’m actually working on a get to know meh better post now.. But I will most definitely check out your blog!! Good luck on your novel.


    1. First of all, I LOVE your blog. Love your post, love your writing style and your voice. I think the theme is great and the background picture perfect for what you want to convey. The only advice I have is that you don’t want to add the “estimated reading time” take on your post. I almost didn’t open it because I didn’t want to read for 10 minutes; but it isn’t even that long. I think you might scare people away from opening your wonderful content.


      1. Hey! That’s a great tip, Jenna. It came with the theme but there might be a way to remove it. Thanks a lot – I really appreciate you taking the time to check it out. 🙂


  4. Hello 🙂
    I’d like to know your opinion about: How to improve my blog and then increase the traffic, I’m trying to make nice recipes with nice photos but I still have less than 150 followers, could you give me some tips? thank you in advance 🙂


  5. I would appreciate if you guys checked out the Sharp Impressions tab on my blog 🙂


    1. I’m really not sure what your SI is about. You should probably give more information, including about the types of causes you’re focused on.


  6. My food blog isn’t getting as many views as it used to. I always feel this euphoria when I post new posts but it gets dampened due to my lack it views. I feel like I’m doing something wrong. Any advice?


    1. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it appears there’s nothing on your site. People don’t think of blogs like websites – with a home page, etc. They expect a post or series of posts when they land behind your blog. Hiding your content behind a link called “posts” makes people search more than they usually care to (I had to look for it myself). I would definitely make your posts page your landing page and see if that helps.


  7. hey everyone, would really like your opinions on my blog and if you think the content is good, also what i should improve on. any adivice or tips are much appreciated. oh and dont let the title fool you, its not the typical mpmmy blog.


  8. Hey everyone! 🙂 My page is mostly all poetry based. I’m looking for some new topics/ideas to write some some poems. Any suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated greatly!


    1. Happy Spring from New Brunswick, Canada is quite cool it seems. I enjoyed viewing the birdhouse.

      Lousie, you seem to be doing well with your blog. Here’s an idea, have you considered looking at all the topics that people are writing about at a local book store. The decided what topics are missing on the shelf. This is what I tend to do on 34Kiwis.


  9. Dear Readers, I am looking for some helpful feedback for my blog. Please check it out: i have always been passionate about blogging but i am losing my touch can you help me. I am always not finding enough time for blogging can you help me to try and work it into my schedule.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello ABI. Your blog seems to be doing just fine. It’s quite large… and when people usually post for help, they are more like novice readers/writers, as in “just began my blog” people 🙂 Either way, I completely understand on the “not finding enough time for blogging.” I have to make time myself, about 2-3 hours a night, 3-4 times a week. It’s difficult to manage especially when you source your work in order to create a positive post.

      We’ll hang in there, especially because we know that our viewers depend on great content from us 🙂


      1. Thanks. I was going to do the post a day 2014 challenge, but then I couldn’t find enough time. So then i thought maybe I should do the POST A WEEK 2014 CHALLENGE or the POST A MONTH 2014 CHALLENGE. Which one do you think I should do??


      2. Depends :coo: Start with a post a week. This seems to work out for us, especially because you can always do more, but I know for a fact that I will do 4 post a month.


      3. Really. I was trying to catch up on my blogging right now since the last time I posted was on the 19th. I really enjoy blogging and think of it as a hobby. Do you?


  10. Hello everyone! I’ve been blogging slowly since December 2013 and still getting the hang of it all. Can you guys check out my blog and tell me what you think. Is it user friendly? Are the topics or blogs written okay. I get a few likes here and there and am just now starting to get people to comment. I am very passionate when I write. Any input you can give is appreciated. thanks in advance!


    1. I love the title! I’d look for a theme with some softer colors or some creativity. Your content seems to need a bit of a soft touch and your current theme is a little sparse.


      1. Thanks for the feed back Jenna regarding the theme. not sure what you mean by a “softer touch” for my content. Do you think my content is a bit harsh?


    2. I am passionate as well, in the beginning (less than a month ago) I had no comments on posts. However the more I wrote, the more others engaged and I always made sure to engage with them as well as visit their blog and comment. It seems networking may be the key


    3. Hey, I really enjoyed your blog 🙂 I found it to be user friendly, but also inspiring. There’s positive energy flowing through and that really got my attention. How we all go through the same everyday battles, but we must keep pushing through. I can’t say much about the layout because I know absolutely nothing in that department, but as far as the content, it was quite refreshing.


    1. I think your blog is fantastic and I love your titles. They draw you in. As far having trouble finding out what to write, you may want to think about your point of view. What is it that you’re passionate about? Or do you just want to write what’s happening to you?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You’re a terrific writer, Sue. It flows so easily and so well. Believe me, I could say much more and I’d love to, but that’s just it. I don’t have to because your writing really is pretty great.


    1. Beautiful photos, great concept. Now just give us a few words so we know what we’re looking at and you’re golden. (You don’t need much copy; you’ll want to keep he minimalist vibe.)


  11. Tomorrow makes a week of blogging for me. I would like some feedback on how I can get more people viewing my blog. Thanks in advance!


    1. I am sort of new to blogging as well. I didnt set out for followers but have a few. I learned they came usually when writing in response to The Daily Prompt. In doing so, others will see your blog listed if you copy and paste the link inside your post. That brings a bit of traffic to your blog. Also, moments like this. Take a few minutes to click on another writer posts and if you like it, comment. It usually will cause them to take a look about your blog as well. Otherwise, I’ve no idea how others gain thousands of followers. As with any writer, we thrive on an audience. Generally though, I dont seek it out, I mostly just write. Today I’ve interacted more than usual


      1. Thanks! That’s kind of what I figured. I guess I got swept up in the numbers of it all, when I came here to write.


      2. You are welcome, I suppose we can become side tracked. I have about 40 followers and about 3 that engage regularly. It amazes me that some that follow me have hundreds and even thousands of followers. I just keep writing. I think tags can be important as well, it draws in a bit of traffic but the challenges and prompts would definitely pull in a bit more traffic-if thats what you are looking for.


      3. I’ll take on the challenges and prompts to help improve my writing. I get what you are saying about the number of followers vs the amount who actually interract with you. Good advice, thanks!


      4. I just read your blog and it resonated. No matter one’s age or religion, isn’t that the simple truth – whether or not we can look ourselves in the mirror at the end of the day and like what we see (and who we are)!


      5. I think a lot of it has to do with subject matter. I have a “niche blog” (football referees) so my traffic will never be as huge as if I wrote about say, football itself. But I’m getting good traffic for the subject matter. It’s all relative,


  12. Hi Everyone,
    I started a blog a few weeks ago and I’ve noticed traffic has picked up (some) but I haven’t received any comments. It’s a recap blog on the TV show Dallas. I’d like it if someone could take a look at it and give me any pointers. I’m new to blogging and thought I might enjoy it. Thank you!


  13. Hi all! I’m very comforted by everyone’s support of everyone else – I have come to expect that from this community anyway. As writers, it’s hard to expose ourselves to subjectivity, which ironically is the very core of being a writer!

    Having said that now, I would like to open myself up to your subjectivity. Would you be so kind as to mosey over to my site and comment on the following:

    1. Is the picture on my landing page strong enough?
    2. Is the pop-out part on the top right to find my “About” page easy to find?
    3. Do you think comments by visitors is crucial to the success of a blog or is views/visitors a better indicator?

    Many thanks and keep writing!



    1. Hello. I did have a hard time finding the “about” section. When I got there, I saw you picture. As a reader, it did not dawn on me to scroll down initially. The picture is fine, but I am not sure if it matches your about section. Good luck.


      1. Thanks for taking the time to help! It’s as I suspected. I LOVE the theme, but I think I have to adjust my content to make it work within the theme’s restrictions.


        Liked by 1 person

    2. 1. I’m not sure what you define to be “strong”, but I really dig the picture. Keep that.
      2. Yeah, the “about” page with this theme… I used this one for a little bit and all I ever heard was that my “about” page was too hard to find. I knew where yours was, but others who are less familiar with the layout may not find it.
      3. Comments are more crucial to the success because they’re kind of like networking. Views/visitors are a better measure of traffic. Sometimes readers have a hard time writing comments, but regular bloggers find it easier. So, in short, they’re both useful.
      Hope that helps! Good luck!
      — TheAnsible


      1. Thanks! When I say ‘strong’ I guess I just meant captivating. Not just a picture of some trees…lol

        Re: this theme. I really like the vertical division, so I want to keep it. However, the my “About” is more important that the aesthetics. I even thought about using the landing page as an introduction to my site rather than to the blog itself and then create a link which points to an ‘About’ page.

        Thanks for your help! 🙂

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