Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi everyone – I don’t usually ask people to look at my blog. I write it for my own satisfaction mainly, but I figure why not. I have a good amount of traffic, and considering the short time I’ve had it on WordPress, a good number of followers. The only thing I’m lacking is comments! And I do love to hear what others are thinking.

    So, if you’d like to take a look and give me an honest opinion, I’d be thrilled!


    1. I like the layout you have and it’s easy to navigate around. One suggestion is maybe talk about WHY you want to go to those places instead of just links ? Keep reaching out to bloggers and hopefully more people will give you comments! 🙂


    1. Looks like you’ve got a pretty good following ! I like your content a lot and I think your theme is perfect for the type of blog your writing. I would say that perhaps some of your posts are a little long, maybe try having some condensed?


    2. I like your content and the theme you chose, but I’d love to see some photos or graphics – something to give it a little colour. 🙂


    3. Good content there!
      Just one advice. Since the length of the posts is long, try making a page for the post and then link the page with your post(that would say about the page in less than 100 words and a ‘read more’ link).
      That would help in viewing more topics with less scrolling.


  2. My blog is only a couple of months old and could use some love:) please let me know what you think of my writing, either by commenting here or on my blog. Thank you!xx


      1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your lovely comment. I will be sure to pop over to your blog for a look too:)


    1. Your blog is lovely in its warmth and friendliness–there’s nothing better than reading a blog and feeling perfectly comfortable within it–almost at home. Wonderful, wonderful, and simply wonderful:D


      1. Thank you so much, Benjamin! That means a lot to me:) I have also had a look at your blog and I love it! I have followed you and look forward to having a good read through all of your posts.x

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I do like your “short and sweet” posts. I think you picked a great theme for the content and the way you write. Definitely keep an eye on your headlines; some of the longer ones don’t work as well as the shorter ones. Other than that it looks great!


    2. I love the layout of your blog – everything pops and leads your eyes from one thing to the next. Your use of soundcloud is really effective and unique, even though I’m the type of person who prefers reading over listening. Great blog!!:)


      1. I’m trying to get more comfortable with the audible speeches to add variety for your opposites–thank you so much for the kind words!


    3. Great Blog and good content too. The only thing that I didn’t like is the number of tags. There are 4 tags of just your name. I think deleting some tags would be good. Other than that, everything is fine.


      1. Yeah I definitely have to learn how to tag more effectively. Thanks for the time and thoughts!


    1. I think it looks great. It’s got a good blend of journalistic and personal styles. Did you mean to make the first sentence a link?


      1. Thanks Jenna. My whole idea is to have a blog where people can come in and connect in friendship… it’s a big idea and I am only scratching the surface. Below is the link on my experience with meetup group.

        Looking for friends locally?


      2. Initially I only linked half the 1st sentence but have now linked it to the whole sentence. Hope that helps. Thanks heaps. 🙂


    1. You have a good foundation to work with! My critiques would be to add some more pictures or colors to your blog to make it even more visually appealing, and to add more categories. This really helps with navigating your site, especially after you have been posting for a while. Happy blogging!


      1. Thanks so much! Again, been probs, and I just need to get over my obsession with black, and I need to go back and definitely pay more attention to my categories!


    2. I think your blog is really great! I love the balance of posts. You write about different things, but your voice and POV pulls everything together. I really liked the picture of the list of things you should do, and your post on ComicCon. On the recipe post, I might center that photo and make it larger; right now it is a little lopsided. Other than that, just keep writing! You’re doing great.


    3. Your voice comes through in all of the posts, and I like how balanced your points are. You write like you actually care about what you say and that’s incredibly important.
      This is nitpicky, and I might be the only one that feels this way, but when I look at your homepage it feels almost lopsided, with the big turqiose bar on one side. Just my two cents.
      Keep up the good work!
      — TheAnsible

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much. And I agree. I’m playing around with the themes to hopefully find what I like. I don’t like the way it’s heavy on one side. I definitely will be looking at others. 🙂


    4. The blog is great. The only thing that I find odd is how almost 40% of the screen towards the right is just plain black.

      Switching to a theme that would properly balance it will be good, right? 🙂


  3. i’d like to get some feedback and advice on how to get my blog out there for more people to read. i also have some really good recipes posted for anyone interested in new, fun foods to bring to the table!


    1. I also incorporate some cooking/baking into my blog so I really liked seeing what you have done with yours! If you go online, you can find a lot of forums and other websites where you can link your recipes to (so long as it is appropriate) to get some more traffic.


    2. Posting on other cooking blogs and joining Facebook groups are good ways to get eyeballs. That said, I feel like you should look for a different theme. Half the screen is taken up by two sidebars of solid green or black; meaning your content and photographs are cramped and smaller than they need to be. I’d look for a theme that lets you highlight your photos more. Good luck.


    3. Great blog content wise, I am a bit partial to cooking and football blogs since those two things are what I do when I am free. 😉

      I think you should change your theme. 30% of the screen is left black. The theme you have is perfect for 800 x 600 reso. but these days more than 50% of the people use 1280 x 720 reso. So, they would see that blank space.


    1. Good, informative post and great use of things like bulleted lists and such to make it more scannable and readable. Well done.


    1. I thoroughly enjoyed your writing–excellent flow, good bounce, light and fluffy, great for blogging:D The format is slightly overwhelming at first, but that overload is quickly forgotten. An about me page or section would not go unwarranted.


    2. I assume you got your About page issue resolved, because I could get to it. Other than that, I’m not a huge fan of this theme, at least if you don’t use your own picture. That picture is pretty, but it does seem very “stock”. With your content, it feels like one of the cleaner, more colorful themes might work better.


    3. Hi, I loved your writing. I read Wink, Wink and the one about re-gifting. You have a great writing style and a great outlook on life. Like a previous commenter, I also found your format bit overwhelming. But, I also figured it out quickly and I was able to get to your about page, so that is working. You might want to go fiddle around in the themes section and see if you find one that is more navigable, but if you like what you have, keep it. It took me minute to figure it out, but I got it, it was easy. Also, I like your photos.


      1. Thanks so much for the feedback!! I’ll go look for a theme that’s simple, yet bright – hopefully those exist:P I’m glad you liked it:)


  4. This is my first time testing these “waters.” I’d like some advice about setting up pages with posts that don’t show up on the Reader (I want to post general/ basic info). Any feedback on my blog would be nice too. ¡Gracias!


      1. If you don’t want your posts to be shown on the Reader, then you can put in the settings of that page that you want it published privately – that way only you can see it. Hope this helps!


      2. You should be able to go to your dashboard and choose Pages then Add New. You can make your page about whatever you want (not just ‘About’) and it will show up at the top of your blog along with Home and About if you have those. I don’t believe those are shown in the reader, since they’re persistent.


    1. You have some lovely recipes on your site. Jenna’s right, you can update pages as often as you like. I have a recipe index page, which I update to show each new recipe I add, and it doesn’t appear in a reader, only the new posts do that. The only thing to be mindful of is the fact that some themes limit the number of pages you can have, which looks cleaner, but means you have to make some choices.


      1. I really like the design of the blog. Do bear in mind that readers may miss some gem post because the written titles are replaced by images. Good luck!


    1. I love the look of your blog. I read a couple of your posts and hope to read more soon. It doesn’t bother me that your blog doesn’t have a theme, it you and you are speaking from the heart. The pictures are gorgeous.


      1. Thank you so much for your comment. I think because I at times worry about the type of audience I should be gearing my posts towards. But will just continue for now with what I am doing as my blog is fairly new and I am just finding my feet. x


  5. Greetings fellow bloggers! I was hoping to get some feedback on my writing style. Are my posts too long? Were they interesting enough to read all the way through? Did you enjoy my humor? Let me know! Here are two of my articles: A students nurses first day in the hospital Scones Recipe


  6. I’ve started using CoPromote. Has anyone had any luck with this for their website or other businesses? I’ve just started and so far have only had 2 other people share my content, yet I am sharing the max- 3 a day! Its free to join, all you do is share other people’s content thru your social networks. If you share my content, I’ll share yours. Here is my account name so you can search for me: ChristinaArtDIYCraftsBlogger. Please leave yours if you’d like me to target you for my next promotion, and you can do the same.


    1. Um, I think your blog is fantastic. 🙂 Colorful, well written, well balanced and interesting. Why do you think it’s missing something?


      1. I need to learn how to take better photos. And the prose is getting stale, or maybe I need a rest, a cup of tea and a panadol!! Thanks Jenna, I appreciate your encouragement.


    1. Hi! I read your two most recent posts – I really liked your scone recipe post because the introductory paragraph really drew me in since it was very different from most other recipe articles which are just bland and straight-to-the-point. Also, I love scones so I’m possibly biased on my love for your article. Haha 🙂
      The other post I read was about what inspired you to become a nurse. I thought it was the perfect length and I loved the humor at the end 🙂 If you ever do write longer posts than this one, adding images throughout the post as opposed to just at the end can be one way to keep your readers engaged 🙂


    2. Hi! I love your blog. I was raised in the South by Yankee parents too. And I can’t wait to make your scones–my grandparents were Irish too. I read two of your posts about your nursing experiences and I think they are great. Not too long at all. And your writing style is so genuine and from the heart. Keep up the good work!


    3. I love your writing! If I had to pick one thing, it would be more visually appealing photos (although I know they can be a hassle) and maybe a more minimal lay out? It kinda reminds me of xanga. But your voice shines though and I followed! Can’t wait to read your posts in the future!


    1. You are on the right track! One thing that I noticed is that there is nowhere to like your posts! Im not sure if you did that intentionally or not. I might break up some of your larger paragraphs as well to make them a little more manageable to read if you are going to have a longer post 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I really like the theme and general look of your blog, and after reading your about page I really also understand and like the concept of what you write about. But I think your last post was a little too long and I felt like you were trying to say a lot of things related to the idea of self-esteem/wanting to be perfect/general teenager insecurities so maybe breaking that topic up into smaller sub-topics for different posts would have been a good idea. I really enjoyed what you had to say but it was a little difficult getting through the whole read.
      Generally though I think you have a lovely blog! 🙂


  7. Hi there. I’ve been blogging for a very short time — so would appreciate any comments at all. I don’t have a specific theme — I just wanted an outlet for various writings. So you’ll find some articles, fiction and a little poetry. All comments very welcome!


    1. Your poetry is beautiful! My only critique would be to add a little more color to your site (unless you were going for that kind of simplicity look.) You have a really good start 🙂


    2. First of all, that new follower is me. I LOVE your posts and I can’t wait for more! I could use a little more color on your page, but that’s a small complaint. Thank you for putting your thoughts up here for the rest of us to enjoy!
      –The Ansible


    1. I am in love with your blog! I like how you have all different kinds of posts (pictures, text, different lengths…) as well as your sweet humor. Looking forward to reading more 🙂


      1. Thank you very much! Thank you for taking the time and looking at my blog, it is very much appreciated! I’m always looking for constructive feedback and I want to make sure my blog is read clearly. =) I will be over to visit your blog!


    2. I literally just fell in love with your blog and have just followed you! My goal blog is definitely something similar to yours – girly, inspiring, full of cheerfulness and happy vibes! So please feel free to check it out and give me some general feedback on it if you get the chance 🙂


      1. Hi Ines!
        Wow! Thank you so much for your feedback and I’m so happy to inspire your blog! I love connecting with other women who are into positivity and girly fun like I am =) I’ll be over to check out your blog, I know I’ll love it!! ❤

        Thanks again, Christina


    3. Hi, I really like theme of your blog. I like all of the girly, fun embellishments and the content is right up my alley as well. Great job! I’m inspired by your positivity and girl power enthusiasm 🙂 p.s. my name is Christina as well!


      1. Hi, Christina!!! ❤ ❤
        Thank you so much for taking the time and checking out my blog and giving me such great feedback! I truly believe that positivity is contagious so I strive to put it on my blog. I'd like to inspire other women to not only feel positive, but also girly at the same time! Who said girly girls can't be smart?! =)
        I'll be over to hangout at your blog soon! ❤
        Thanks again, Christina


      1. Why, thank you!!! My writing voice is very important to me as I want to engage with my readers. Thank you so much for sharing that with me! And, thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! I’ll be over to visit yours!


    1. Hi! I really like the general appearance of your blog because it has a very clean look to it but maybe add some kind of background image/color? For me it looks a little “naked” without it I guess, I think even just making it all white for instance could be a way to eliminate that feeling for me. But it’s just a personal opinion 🙂 Other than that, I like how you have the categories on your sidebar because it makes it easier for new readers to know instantly what you write about. Adding a “most popular posts” widget is also always useful to draw new readers in to your best content 🙂
      I also love how you incorporate images into your posts – that’s really useful to engage readers!
      Keep up the great work and, if you get the chance, feel free to check out my blog at and give me some feedback on it as well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Ines,
        Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I was thinking the same thing about it feeling a bit “naked.” I appreciate your feedback and tips. I’ll be heading over to check out your blog soon! Thanks again 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi. I agree with Ines – the page looks a little bare. You could use some widgets on your sidebar. A suggestion is to move all the widgets from the bottom of the page to the side? (:

      I’m not sure if I’m right, but I noticed that you categorised your posts based on the title of your blog. Is this intentional?


    1. I’m not sure if this comes off as compassionate or disrespectful. You’re a very good writer, and the plot moves along nicely, though. So it might be better to not mention MH370 and just call it a twilightzone type fiction about a commercial jet. I’m not sure though. Any other opinions?


      1. Thanks for your feedback. To be honest, I wasn’t going either way. Just inspired by the event to write a fiction about it. Perhaps I should remove the flight number… in due time, in due time.

        Once again, thank you! 😀


    1. You have quite a lot to look forward to, don’t you? I would recommend future posts be more grounded around one theme, although this is your introductory post so you’re understandably excited!


      1. This is a great start. You have a point of view and a subject your passionate about, which is a big step on the road to blogging success. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store. Good luck on your travels!


      2. Thanks for reading and commenting. Yeah, that makes sense to focus on one specific area. I suppose the scatty style is quite reflective of my current state of mind! Ha ha. More focus next time. Thanks again.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Apparently I had the “Notify me of comments via email” checked when I left my comment, and now I’m getting an email every, single time someone comments here.. Can someone PLEASE tell me how to stop it??? LOL


    1. If you have that button on go to your homepage after logging into your account. Then go to the sidebar that says Blogs I Follow press edit on the side. Then you can press and it will show you the things you might want to remove. If that doesn’t work contact me and I will try and help you.


      1. Thanks. There were no options for that, so I unfollowed it. I’m hoping that will stop it. Any other suggestions?


      2. Um….. it’s night time now. I have no time to think. i promise i will reply tomorrow with more helpful tips.


      3. I got an idea. Maybe you can press the x button on the side and then add it again. Maybe that will stop it and you may be able to press the edit button then. Check it out then inform me about it.


      4. Your Welcome. I know how great it feels to be appriciated by someone which is why I did it. It also was a really good post. I am following you now which will also help business spruce up.


    2. In every email you receive, there should be an “unsubscribe” link in small print. You should be able to unsubscribe to the notifications from there. Psst, I once did the same thing too!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I miss the comments and the likes and happiness shared on my blog. I just want to know what it is. What does my blog need? I know it needs something. But what? I find that maybe if I can’t figure it out maybe you can. Here is the URL:


    1. First of all, know that it takes time to build up a readership of people who comment. I follow a professional blog from NBC that regularly has posts with zero comments. As for your blog, I’d ask you what audience you’re trying to reach. Your posts seem to be a little all over the place. It might be good to find a subject you’re passionate about that and focus on that…


      1. OKay. Thanks, that seems helpful. I thought that maybe my blog should by helpful from all different parts of life so it could help everyone but maybe it would be good to focus on a topic that everyone to relate to and still not be all over the place. Thanks

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you. My sister who is a blogger as well but I never really considered it. Now I am. Thanks
