The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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      1. Thank you! I try to make it interesting to everyone and i target especially those who are not so into the business world and try to make it simple and fun for them to follow up on business matters while enjoying it at the same time


      2. Thank you! I try to cover most interesting topics and write them in a way to target those who do not have much knowledge or interest in business. I try to make it interesting to them and in the same time not to lose their attention.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I liked your blog about gaming! I used to enjoy playing video games before my mom said we spent too much playing them and got rid of our Nintendo. Which caused my brother and I to be quite creative and spent nearly every day outdoors, wouldn’t change it for anything:) Great post!


  1. I have a blog for women in technology and for those women I am putting together a course for them to brush up their English, I need to know what the four key career situations are that they wish their English was better – dealing with clients, boss, colleagues, giving status reports, negotiating for more time, budget, resources, etc. 4 topics/situations

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve got a lot of great content here, but it is a bit hidden. I know there’s the menu icon, and I do like the drop down functionality, but I’d love to see more of your content front and center. A lot of people may just drop by to see what you have and you want to grab them immediately with your great writing.


      1. Thanks for your comment Jenna! I think you’re right. I’m still new to this so I will have a look and see what I can do to make my content more attention grabbing and “out there”!


      2. Hi again! I’ve made a couple of changes – can you maybe have a look and see what you think? I tried to make it a bit more user friendly! Thank you 🙂


      3. Oh, yes…this sidebar is much better! I get a much better sense of the breadth of your content. I like the way you divided your content by type (short fiction, poetry, etc) because it allows me to choose what I want to read – which is good because you have a little for everyone. Your blog is set up like a website with a static “home page” and then different pages of content. You might think about a more blog-like focus with your latest post on the front page. But I like it as is, especially with the better navigation. Good job.


  2. Anyone desperately in need of advice? Come check out my new blog, Ask Chelsea! You can ask me anything, and I assure you I will answer 🙂

    ❤ Have a lovely day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Writinglesbian. I read a couple of your post and I found that your layout worked well with what you are writing about. This is like a secret diary, but not that secret I guess. You have motivation. Remember, keep it focused.

      Sometimes I found that it took me a while to understand your posts message. I had to keep reading further to understand them. It’s part of your hook. Also, sometimes you do a poem, other times a life experience, and at times it’s an orgasm of thoughts. It works. Am I on the right track?


  3. Hello Bloggers.

    I’m noticing that this theme works well with the kind of content we post on our site:

    Question: What kind of content, topics, would you expect to see on our site? This site’s audience is 3rd to 8th grade students and their family. Thank you for your feedback!


    1. I love your perspective, your voice and your lovely photos. I like that you don’t just splash out the photographs but have a personal story for each one. That really adds interest and makes your blog unique. The “magazine” format you’ve chosen really works as well. You do a great job of showcasing your photos within the posts. Overall, terrific work. One nitpick: I prefer text to be left justified, even when the photos is centered. Centered text is a little hard to read. It’s fantastic work, though.


  4. Hello all you awesome people. A long-time daydreamer, first time blogger here. Just posted my first piece of work. Although it is Mumbai-city related and most may not be able to relate, I welcome you all to read my post here: . Suggestions and criticisms welcome (rather, needed). have a great day


    1. Is this your only post? I’m not getting a sense of breadth of content here. Also, I like the basic structure of your theme, but I can see how the black and white can get overwhelming.


  5. Hey guys!! This is only my second post and it’s about Love and relationships (strictly opinion). I got feedback from my first post and it really helped me when writing my second! So if you guys could check it out and give me some feedback that would be great! Please don’t be too harsh!


    1. You have a lot of really good stuff to say, and your writing is engaging and fresh. That said, I’d say this is too long for a blog post. You might consider breaking a post this long into a few smaller posts and “serializing” them. It’s not only easier to read, but adds to your post count and keeps people coming back


  6. I would love some feedback on my blog in general – I blog 3 days per week mostly on entrepreneurship, life lessons, personal development, and book-related content. I put my posts on Social Media and constantly interact with other blogs but I’m not gaining the traffic that I was hoping for. Suggestions?


      1. Okay. I would say that 2 1/2 months is early to see major results. I have a very specific audience and have had to slowly build. I love your content and can’t see anything with your marketing plan I would change; you may just need more time. I would focus on content that is unique and keep reaching out to similar blogs.


    1. One thing you could try is making your posts more scannable. Right now, your text is one big block, but you can use subheads, bold copy, billeted lists etc to show the same info in a more readable format. Because your palette is black and white, the more you can do to add interest to your text the better your posts will look.


    1. Go to Appearance>Widgets and scroll down til you see Recent Posts. Drag that into your sidebar or header (wherever you want it). That will automagically add it. You can click in it to change the title or the number of posts displayed, but you don’t have to. If that still doesn’t work it might have something to do with your template.


    1. Hi- I would like to say two things.
      First, your post is short and to the point which attracts readers and makes them want to rea dyoru content.
      Two, I think there is a lot you can do to work on your post. It is fresh and real and honest, and if you could make your writing a little more formal and add a few more passages then I think readers will like it much more!
      I hope I helped! Good luck to you! Cheers!


    1. Hi- I visited your blog and left some comments regarding the content.
      With regards to the layout, I would like to suggest you try a better theme. Something which makes your blog look much more cluster-free and gives it colour at the same time. A better colour combination would make it highly eye-catching! The illustration you have used on the right side are masked by the text box and are not clear, how about trying a different arrangement?
      Good job otherwise, and good luck to you!


      1. Hi Nikita – thanks so much for taking the time to have a look at my blog and for your helpful comments. I have changed the theme again and made it a little easier to navigate (I hope). Thanks also for your comments on the content, it is greatly appreciated. Really enjoyed your blog also – lots of really lovely descriptive phrases. Thanks again!


  7. My latest post: SECRETS FOR GROWING YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL(growing old and ugly at 30), can you please review and tell me what do you think of my blog,


    I dare you to LOOK, IT MAY SHOCK YOUR PANTS OFF!!!
