The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Just starting out with this entire process and looking for any page layout suggestions. How to attract more traffic. Really any input at all at this point. Even my writing style. Let me know what y’all think.


  2. I just started a blog to help me work on my writing skills, of which I’m greatly lacking. I’m also using it to help me learn photography better. I started a 365 day photo challenge for myself and am looking for feedback, advice and/or comments about my photography and how I can be a better photographer in all aspects.

    If anyone can check it out and maybe offer some tips I’d really appreciate it!



    1. I really like your blog, but most of all I love your photos. The pic of the cat is so cute, but the best was the pic you posted of lighthouse. I can’t wait to see what you post next!


  3. Still awaiting a review of my blog, I have read a few requests of those in the pool, but did not leave one, although I am not an expert, I do think they deserve honest reviews, they stink.


  4. I’m new to blogging and aside from comments on facebook, my writing consists of some journaling. I’m basically writing whatever comes to mind and then I usually delete it.
    I would appreciate some feedback on my writing. I am quaking in my boots just thinking about it but I need to know.
    Please be gentle, I bruise easily.
    Thank you for taking the time.


  5. I would really like it if someone could tell me what they think of my post. It is not something I just made up, it is somewhat from my point of view and it’s about how I feel. Please tell me what you really think about it. Thanks

    I’m not okay


  6. There’s an Amazon app that helps me to get going ….writing about SOMETHING…..ANYTHING. You Might find it useful or not. It’s called ‘Writing Challenge’ 🙂


      1. I didn’t leave my last post about the Amazon writing app to anyone in particular….just put it out there because I find it gets my juices going! 🙂


  7. In my most recent blog post I used a series of unconnected events to make a point. I wondered if the way I formatted them (i.e., separate paragraphs with no transition—a dotted break between each paragraph) makes sense or if it just makes things seem more choppy. I ask because I’m considering another post that would be set up in a similar way, but if it’s too confusing I will approach it differently. Thank you.


    1. I understood the dotted breaks since you explained it, but maybe people passing by won’t get it. When I see this in books, it means that another situation is starting, so the current one is done.

      I think it would be better if you took them out and left them for sections that are different from each other.

      For example: kid paragraph 1, kid paragraph 2, kid paragraph 3 (dotted break) winter paragraph 1

      Hope this makes sense!


    1. I read some posts on your blog. It sure is interesting. I like your content a lot. It is easy going and simple. You seem to get good response on your posts too. You are doing great! Good luck. Personally though, I would love some colour on the blog. Organisation wise it is good, but how about tying a new theme or something? Just a suggestion. All the best again. Would love some reads on my blog here: Thanks!


      1. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. Took your advice and changed the background to add some color, haha. I’ll take a look at your blog for sure. Thanks again.


  8. Okay peeps,
    I am out there. I curse. (For every F-bomb/ “dumbass”/etc you see I have edited out 10 others.) I say what I think. I like writing for myself and also like to keep it short. The story left somewhat between the lines and in the tone.
    My friends “get me” and love me, of course, but wonder if those “new to me” are put off by language/harshness/blah blah blah, and what I want is more followers…
    I NEED them. 🙂
    So please tell me what you think–good, bad, ugly.
    Here is a page:

    Here is my favorite post:



  9. Myself and two friends have just started a new blog, i guess you could say it’s a lifestyle blog with a hodgepodge of interests. My question is do our writing styles and interest points mesh together cohesively? Also is there anything you notice that we could add or change to improve the site? thank you!!


    1. Hi – I read your latest post titled “A Great Friend”. It is quite beautiful and honest. I enjoyed reading it. However, there are a few grammatical errors in the posts, editing which would help your writing look better. I would also recommend that you refrain from using words like “kinda” and other slang into your posts as I believe they rob your writing of its effectiveness. But then again, it is just my opinion, some might relate to the post better. I would be happy to provide any additional help if required. Good Job and All the best. 🙂


    2. Hi – I read your latest post titled “A Great Friend”. It is quite beautiful and honest. I enjoyed reading it. However, there are a few grammatical errors in the posts, editing which would help your writing look better. I would also recommend that you refrain from using words like “kinda” and other slang into your posts as I believe they rob your writing of its effectiveness. But then again, it is just my opinion, some might relate to the post better. I would be happy to provide any additional help if required. Good Job and All the best. 🙂


      1. Alright. Sure. Let’s deal with the few errors first. 🙂

        Please replace the phrase “with until” in the 5th line with “to as late as” and the edit the last part of the same sentence as – ” still never get tired of talking to.”

        The word “your” in the first sentence of the second stanza can be better replaced with “you are”.

        The word “then” should be replaced with “than” in the last sentence.

        Your post is very nice otherwise. I am sure you can make it better by adding more to it. Write about how you met, or some things you do together, or the things your friend changed in you, or something that you learned from her, or why she is different from all your other friends. I guess you get the whiff. The basic idea is to personalize the post better and give it a whole new element.

        I hope I helped. Good luck, and cheers! 😀


  10. Hi – I was looking for some feedback on my blog. Just new to wordpress but enjoying the experience. I think I need to work on the visual side of my blog – still finding my way around the dash board etc. Does anyone know if I can change the pages my blogs are on once I have posted them? Would also like feedback on the writing – what posts do you find most interesting, would you like to read more of? Many thanks


      1. Well that may be something to change! If you scroll to the bottom you will see recent posts – I’m having trouble working out how to use the pages! Thanks


      2. I think when you setup the theme for your blog you can pick to have all your posts be on the first page or show something else. Hope everything works out. 🙂


    1. Same as Lizzab mentioned. At least one of your posts needs to be right under that picture. Your About section could be on another page instead. I found the links to your posts (others may just get frustrated and move on), I will head back to read. Good luck with the layout design. ❤ #zerocharisma


  11. Hi! I’d love some feedback on my poem lengths. Particularly “catch 22”. Does it get boring after a while? I’ve only had it for a week so any feedback is hugely appreciated. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello – I read your poem, and found it gorgeous. It was wonderful. Thank you for sharing it! It weaves beautifully. I left a comment as well. In reply to your comment, I would like to say a few things. No, your poems are not too long, and even if they are, it is not a con, for they flow beautifully and one does not get tired of reading it.
        There are some typos in there, I thought I’d let you know so that you could change them:
        1. The first section, line 8, “your”, I think a better word choice would be you are.
        2. Last section, line 2, I believe it should be family “despises” since family is a collective noun or has been used in a singular sense here.

        Good job on the whole! I hope this helped. All the best. 🙂


  12. Hey everyone, I’d like some feedback on my entire blog. NOTE: it’s fully in Dutch. I was hoping there might be some Dutch people following the Community Pool. Link:


  13. Hello again all.
    I just updated my “about page” today. It had been a generic “hi how are you” place holder but now hopefully it more reflects the theme and tone of blog. Please take a look at it and let me know if you get it without being offended. No bad language (on this page) but I have been told I have tone issues. Now that I’ve totally built it up for nothing…..

    Thanks in advance. Any input would be much appreciated.


  14. I have changed my blog theme and added personal touches to it. It took me several attempts to get to this final one. What do you guys think? I would appreciate some feedback. This is the link


  15. I write on subjects ranging from human psychology, relationships to mortality and creativity. Mixing it up with a few photographs and quotes. My latest article is on the topic of International Women’s Day 2014.

    Would love to hear some feedbacks/comments/suggestions. 🙂


    1. Can I tell you your blog is brilliant? In its most honest form, it is brilliant. I love your content. It is fresh, short, heartfelt, interesting and creative. I ended up reading 4 posts, and each one left me smiling.
      Your blog’s layout is nice as well. It is simple and smart and cluster free, and I like that about it. As a tip, I would like to suggest adding an About page, since that is what readers are most likely to look for before they start reading your blog!
      You are doing a great job. I look forward to reading more of your work! Good luck!


      1. Thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed my writing. I read through your blog as well and you are a woman after my own heart.

        Thank you for following. 🙂


  16. We got a new post up about Bruce Lee! Check us out as we are new and steadily growing. Appreciate any feedback. And if you have a dog or puppy you should definitely be following the blog as many of my articles have actually been published and the info is not readily available in most of the dog training and behavioral rehabbing world! You’d be surprised how many terrible dog training methods are out there as mainstream methods.
