The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Last attempt never made it out of moderation so trying again with one revision…
    My question for today is: What makes you decide to follow a blog? Similar interest area? Completely different area? Just well done? Beautiful images? Great writing?
    I went “live” on 2/1/11 and have posted everyday since then. In my first year I made it to 100 followers and by 1/1/13 to about 250. Suddenly in mid-July I started picking up followers at a much more rapid rate. Including Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter I am now well over 800. Small beer compared to some of the blogs I follow but good enough for me. What I can’t figure out is why the surge? I know they don’t all visit everyday (people do have lives) but…
    My curiosity is piqued and I am hoping the collective brain power here can come up with a theory.
    Shameless plug for a friend! A blog I strongly suggest you all visit is the “The Accidental Cootchie Mama” ( She is a newly published author – “To Live Forever An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis” and a GREAT blogger.
    Cheers and keep blogging!


    1. I think any blogger can relate to this post! Too often are people trying to write to become a more popular blog than for their own enjoyment. I especially liked your “friendly with the backspace” comment.


    2. I liked this it. was playful. I have only recently started blogging, and have found that although you are writing to an unknown audience (potentially anyone in the world who may want to read it) I find that I am writing more for myself than ever before. It is difficult to explain, but writing on a blog is somewhat empowering and more and more I am just writing whatever it is I am thinking. Also there are many other bloggers with stories out there as well as Daily Post with inspiration and prompts which I am definitely finding very motivating in my writing. I have a main story that I am writing, but blogging is my distraction, and a social group where you can try things out and see what people relate to and like. I have to say I have become a little addicting to it, since receiving a kind comment or a like seems to make me feel very proud!


  2. hi community pool,
    I am pretty new to the blogging world and i would like to know if there is a better theme (other than the one i’m using) for a fashion and personal blog out there that i can use for free or under $20? Also, What are the real benefits of subscribing the $99/year plan from WP for beginners like myself? Thanks in advance!
    -Meet me later


    1. There are definitely more creative, free themes out there than what you’re using. Go into the themes sections of your dashboard and search by ‘free’. Look for something with more color, and with larger areas for photography.


  3. Hi everyone!
    I’m quite new to blogging and would love any input as to how to make my page better, how to increase volume of view/followers, etc….anything else you see that might be useful to incorporate into my page. Thank you so very much for your time and efforts!


    1. The light text on the light background makes it a little difficult to read. I couldn’t read the whole article because it was straining my eyes. I did like what I was able to read though! Keep it up!


      1. Thanks so much for the feedback @notsosouthernandproper. I will see what I can do to change that aspect of the page set up. Thank you for your kind words and looking at it! 🙂


      2. NotSoSouthernandProper, would you mind taking another to give your opinion of what I changed up as far as the text color? Thanks so much!


  4. hi all!
    I love blogging… on my blog, the post on my blog are quite personal.. none of my friends know about my blog, bcos I just want to write.
    Wouldn’t want to be caught in a situation where I’m hindered by what others would think of me.
    Can I find out how many of you are comfortable posting your photo in your blog?
    If I blog without posting photos of myself, will it make my blog feel less personalize/creditable?
    I’m enjoying my blogging experience… and hope none of the people I know will find me. Haha…


    1. I’m not sure what you’re asking here, because there are lots of photos – many of them personally identifying – on your blog. Are you asking if you should continue that?


      1. hi Jenna, yes, I’m not sure if I should continue with that… I’m even hesitating if I should remove photos (in my earlier posts) which are personally identifying.
        by doing that, would it cause my blog to lose it’s personal touch?


    2. I am in the same boat. I don’t want to announce my blog to my friends and family because I see it as my little space to get my thoughts out. One day (in the far future) I will probably tell people about it but until then I am enjoying it for what it is.


    3. I don’t need to see a picture to read a blog. A catchy line or something I’m interested in catches my attention. I, too, prefer to remain anonymous. If you have a picture of yourself I feel your then not completely anonymous.


    4. I like the personal touch of photos and the “putting yourself out there.” I do it on my blog but I am also like that in life. Out there. (see also Gravatar picture…) So not sure if my opinion helps. On a side note I like the formatting (centered type). It works for you and pulls me in like poetry.


      1. Hi dkinsey2013,
        Thanks for commenting!
        I’m struggling with the the idea of putting myself out there..
        I want to be honest when I write, but I’ve vulnerability issues..
        Admire your courage to put yourself out there!


  5. Hi, I am a new member here! I would appreciate any feedback on my blog. I would appreciate style ideas, specifically. Basically, I am looking for an outside perspective.


    1. So I assume by what I’m seeing that you’re publishing mostly fiction and poems? I’m not sure about the theme; on one hand it is a little bland, but on the other there is nothing to take away from the writing. I think it will depend on what direction you want your blog to go…


      1. Some of it is non-fiction but with fictional facets. I have not written a post, really, being committed to a certain premise. My blog is called The Naive Bin; it’s basically a place for my purposeless ideas. There is this saying about people only using ten percent of their brain, right? When I happen to be posting I am lucky to be using five percent or my mind entirely. I’ll try to incorporate more thought provoking writings. Think of it as a trash can for the practicing-thoughts of a critic. Also, I appreciate the feedback!


    1. I enjoyed the post, and thought you had a good balance between the recipe and the photographs. You gave enough photos of the process without overdoing it like many food writers nowadays do. Your “intro” copy might have been a little long; you could probably lose the paragraph about cooking being scientific and the quality of the post not be affected. Otherwise it was great.


    2. I really liked this post!

      When I follow recipes, I’m a fan of progress photos which you have a ton of = awesome. Like the commenter above, try lengthening your intro just a tad. Nice job on adding the instagram/picture feed on the side and adding what the pork belly can be used for.


    3. Love, love, love the post! I also have a little cooking blog incorporated into mine. I HIGHLY recommend putting your recipes into categories to make it easy to navigate. Especially when you have posted a lot more, this will be really helpful!


    1. How do my pages look? Is it inviting?

      It has a country feel which goes hand-in-hand with your southern origins, Nice touch on having your picture in grayscale! The colored banner adds a nice warmth, which makes it inviting.

      Easy to navigate?

      Your “About The Blog” gives a good summary of what to expect from your blog + your category subsections will help find a post in the long run.

      Is my writing style interesting? Easy to read?

      I like it! I like writing styles that have a hint of humor and yours definitely fit the bill.

      I don’t know if you want to use it, but bloglovin sounds like something you would like to use!


    2. I like it! I appreciate your candor in your posts, and I’m impressed with the variety–food, nursing, etc. Looking forward to following!


    1. I love your writing voice! It is a bit shorter but that is fine! No need to add fluff. This was one of the few posts I read all the way through. (And am now considering the squat challenge haha)


  6. I have been working with perspective. A lot of these things are just representations of my thoughts from “someone else’s” viewpoint. I only have a few posts because I’ve just begun this blog at the start of the year, but any feedback would be appreciated!

    Thanks guys!


  7. Myself and two friends have just started a new blog, i guess you could say it’s a lifestyle blog with a hodgepodge of interests. My question is do our writing styles and interest points mesh together cohesively? Also is there anything you notice that we could add or change to improve the site? thank you!!


    1. I love how you guys have different topics to keep things interesting!

      I don’t know if you can change it, but the right side of the site is gray while the rest is sea green.

      Also, I’m not sure which theme it is (or if it’s still available), but there’s one that has a revolving post on the front page. I’m not sure how to describe it…an example would be what’s on mtv’s site if that helps?

      Good luck and keep up the good work!


    1. The link is broken, so I clicked on your name.

      It’s really hard to read with that background. Maybe try a white font? Also I would put your current post on a “About” page.

      Hope this helps and good luck!


    1. I love your pictures + your hair is awesome!

      On the bottom of the page, there’s two “categories” boxes. You should try and put the categories to the left or on top of the page horizontally.

      Try and put the contact form in its own page.

      Good luck!


  8. Ok, well, I haven’t posted anything in a couple weeks. I’m a little ashamed, and hopefully I’ll have something before this week is over. Regardless, I’d love feedback on what I do have. I write (very) short stories, and am interested in whether my work keeps your attention, whether you can sympathize with the characters, whether you’d like to read more and general comments on my style. I’d appreciate any and all feedback, thanks!


    1. I think your blog is great! I love the fact that your posts are short and crisp, which allow readers to actually ‘read’ your posts. They are well written and relate-able. I find it beautiful. I loved your recent post, and the way you said your heart would one day beat like someone else’s. Your posts have great impact. I would just recommend you to add on to the one liners you are posting on your blog in terms of content, at least at this stage of blogging. Adding a passage or two to the quotes might help. This way your blog would offer some real content to your readers and would help your blog gain traffic. Good luck and all the best! (:


      1. Thank you! I thought no one would appreciate the things I write. You’re a great help, thank you so much 🙂
