The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Your blog is wonderful. The fact that your reviews are short and crisp great. Your writing is blog-oriented which makes it very readable and enjoyable. It would be even better if maintaining the same length of posts you could improvise on the things you include into your reviews. A little more about the plot and characters maybe. On the whole it’s wonderful. Good job! Good luck!


      1. I really like your blog! You are extremely well written and I love how you paint a picture for the reader with your words. I’m afraid that since I’m very new at this I can’t really come up with any helpful tips, but that being said I didn’t really think you needed any improvements! It is a great blog 🙂


  1. Hello! I’m curious how my blog looks overall to the outside eye.

    I like that my photos are displayed and change automatically to keep it interesting, and that the menus are easy to see and read, and it’s not too cluttered.

    That said, I don’t know…it feels like something’s missing. Something that would make it stand out.


  2. I would love to get some input on my brand new blog. The traffic is booming so far and I have not used any tags. My content is mostly images- I know I have to work on that. I’m still learning. Any feedback on how i can consistently keep traffic flowing and also thoughts on my content would be appreciated. Thanks!


      1. Hello. Your blog is quite interesting! They are humourous and relatable! I would like to suggest you to change your blog layout though. While your content speaks light and fun, your blog theme says serious and boring. Change your theme to better fit the mood of your writing. To increase your readership I think you should comment on other blogs and leave constructive feedback. I hope this helps! Cheers and all the best!


  3. I liked my own post, and I’ve been sent a notification via email with the following comments:

    “You’re so vain. You probably think The Worst of Bullying is at Its Best in Religious Schools is about you. ”

    Is this meant to be an insult or something?


      1. Yep, it is a joke. Every time I happen to press my own like button by mistake or otherwise, I get the same notification.


    1. The layout and space definitely make the focus on your words, especially since it doesn’t seem like your focus is going to be pictures or anything visual. This does however make it extremely important that your writing is great, since it stands alone on a white page. I think that’s pretty much what you’re going for so I think it works. I would change the default picture at the top though, it’s very boring and easily picked out as default.

      Also content-wise I always find it interesting to know where a person is coming from when they are going to write personally like you seem to be. I don’t mean traits or interests like you’ve listed, I mean life-style and experience. Things like your job or your setting and general place in life always make it easier for people to relate to you and understand where you’re coming from or to realize how different you are from them and see things from a different perspective.


  4. I’d like to know if my blog reads well, if it is too serious…I do plan to start the next post with something light hearted but I don’t want to be forced. Is there anything wrong with having a blog with some gravitas? Would love suggestions


    1. To be brutually honest, with no disrespect intended, I didn’t read much. Your paragraphs are very long and it was a little intimidating. Try to break up your paragraphs into smaller ones, it flows better on the eyes and easier to read.


    2. I liked whatever little I read of your content but found it really overwhelming with the large font and lack of white space for my eye to rest on. Like arkansasrose says, try to break the monotony. You could choose a different theme, reduce the font size, add photographs that go well with the content. Hope this helps!


    3. Protips (in the context of blogging):

      1. Start with the simplest way first, which is to put in subheadings to break up the sea of text. Two choices of subheads – either by subject/subtopic or newspaper-style subheads by taking a phrase or a few words from the paragraph underneath it.

      2. Write shorter. Trick of the trade is 20-25 words per sentence, maximum three sentences per paragraph.

      Those two should already make a radical difference. I’ve been in the publishing business (print and online) for 32 years, so I hope that would be useful for your consideration.


  5. I’ve been nursing the idea of integrating a forum into my [wp dot com] blog for a while now.

    Was thinking I’d create a new page and give it a forum layout. Truth is I’ve got absolutely no clue how to go about it.

    Anyone know something about that?



    1. Wow. I looked over your blog just now (I have one just on my thoughts as well) and I really do love your writing. There is so much expression, and it seems real, and full of passion. You’re really very talented. Amazing job, I applaud you.


    2. I like your voice! It’s really refreshing and it doesn’t take more length than needed (didn’t know how to phrase it).

      Keep it up!


    3. Your writing is very genuine and well written in terms of sentence structure and fluidity. I like that it is very honest. I think you’d be surprised how many people feel the same as you, so try not to be so hard on yourself for the things you think and feel. I liked “The Words that Just Came Out” that was very descriptive and I liked the tone, I would be interested in reading more like that. In terms of what you are saying in “Relentless” just keep writing and drawing, many different creative ideas will come out of it and of course, I think that the acts of writing or drawing in themselves just help to get things out of your mind that need to be let go and kind of take you to a meditative place where you are not thinking about everyday life. Look for people to inspire you – many great writers have said that you should write your stories for someone, kind of as a gift. I am no great writer and new to blogging myself, but I get the most inspiration from people that I care about and I think to myself, I am going to write you a story because you’re cool. Use that as your act of kindness – make good things happen to the people in your stories. And of course you can always just smile and say kind things to people – you’d be surprised how little it takes to make someone’s day. Keep it up.


  6. good post…keep doing it…as I am new blogger I posted couple of blogs and not able to get that much popularity please visit my blog …please help me by reading by any blog (as I read yours) and try to find is there any writing issues or I’m expecting too early…your valuable comments will really boost my writing skills…


    1. Your blog and writing skills are pretty good. It provides you with great topics of interest. Since you’ve started blogging from the last month I guess it is actually too early to expect. You need some time to be comfortable with everything around here.
      Secondly I hope you don’t mind me saying that but what I noticed at the first glance is that your sub title doesn’t truly match with what you write. I guess you need to work on that.


    2. I think it’s too early to start expecting. You could link your blog to your FB page and ask friends and family to share your posts. That’s a quick way to gain popularity. Doesn’t help if you’re blogging anonymously, though! Also, it’s useful, not usefull!


    1. Hi I had a read of your post, very descriptive with some interesting imagery – watch your use of commas (it is something I am guilty of too) you are using them when they are not needed (“The unusual shape of the room, gives the impression at first glance, of the deck of a ship”) you don’t need any commas in that sentence and there were some other sentences with the same. So I guess maybe just look at your grammar again and maybe google when to use commas and semi colon’s. There is little information on your page – what are your motivation’s for blogging?


      1. Thanks Just Be V. Very constructive and helpful feedback. Will reconsider the comma use 🙂 for the subsequent posts. Also need to work more on the blog design and format and include more information.The motivation for blogging is just writing practice while taking time out from a busy corporate life.


    2. I would agree with the others that it needs fine-tuning. It’s not the funnest part, however you’ll discover new ways to say things and ideas will pop into your head while editing. You can try to rearrange the order of words in your sentences to alleviate some of those extra commas, while making your descriptions easier to read. Try using less ‘buts’ and anything that staggers the flow of your writing.

      You CAN break the ‘rules’ of grammar. Just be careful in that it always makes sense, and communicates exactly what it needs to. Sometimes, separating our ego’s from our writing can be a struggle. It is completely necessary if you desire to excel at the craft.

      This shit is hard! Keep practicing and you will improve. #zerocharisma


      1. Thanks ZeroCharisma.”. Sometimes, separating our ego’s from our writing can be a struggle.” – can you please elaborate on that?


      2. Well, we unavoidably put ourselves into whatever we write. I go to some dark places to squeeze life out of these words. But, sometimes some of the things we really want to say or how we want to say them, isn’t the best way to communicate our ideas. So as writers we will always struggle to make the right choice so our work is digestible by our audience – not just for ourselves. Like many other things in life. #zerocharisma


    1. It is a bit long, but you’ve got some good information in there with purpose so I wouldn’t shorten it. Maybe add some photos or pictures of example of what you are talking about (the section about media would be especially helpful for making your point)


      1. Thank you. I was worried the length would be off-putting but I really couldn’t find a way to say it shorter. I’ll definitely look into adding photos.


    2. I enjoyed the article once I got into it and appreciate the honesty of it. My comment has to do with the length as you had asked and maybe this is more a reflection of my own style but if you feel that it is too long, think about the words that aren’t needed to push story forward and be harsh with editing them out.

      “Now that I’ve thrown three links at you, I hope you are still reading. Thanks to those who are. Getting on with the actual point of this article:”

      Not a single word of that was needed…and never apologize for your voice.


      1. That’s a very good point! I’m always apologizing for what I’m about to say or have said. I’ll definitely take a closer look at the wording. 🙂 Thank you


    1. I think as your very first post on what I am assuming will be a fashion blog its very good. I am even considering following it… its short, its informative and its punchy. Great work, Joy


    2. I really liked it! I almost didn’t read it because it seemed too long, but the font is causing it (no need to fix it. It’s my issue!). Since it’s a fashion blog, maybe include pics that is can go with the posts?

      Keep it up!


    3. Good first post – you are getting your thoughts out there and you can tell you are passionate about fashion. If it is going to be a fashion blog I would make sure and put lots of images in with your posts. I love your profile picture, it gives the reader an idea of your style. You have got me interested to see what your fashion style is like, so good start!


  7. My blog is…I don’t know if anyone will care for it, that’s my worried mind speaking, but in 5 postsgot 6 followers and two comments. If anyone can give me feedback it


    1. Hi I read most of your blogs there and there was really something about them. You really get across the tenderness and respect you have for your mother and she sounds like a really interesting, intellectual person. You were very lucky to be introduced to such great books at a young age and you can tell from your writing that you are well read and love the English language. I like your posts, they are thoughtful and loving and you have made me care about your character, your mother. It would be interesting to read more stories about her earlier life as well.


      1. I’m glad you found it valuable. This is what I love about wordpress. It’s so beneficial to hear what other people think of your writing and a nice comment or some encouragement can really make your day! I do very much like your writing.
