Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Kata Bijak: selama badan bisa digerakkan bergeraklah dan selama nafas bisa menghela helalah. Selama bisa belajar belajarlah karena manusia belajar harus sepanjang hayatnya.


  2. Hi!

    I’m new in the blogging world! I just wanted to get general feedback on my blog and what the viewers would most likely want to see more of!

    Please check it out!!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like sharing my thoughts, so i was told to start a blog. I’m not good with the internet, but I tried and I feel like my first post was too bold. What should I do to ensure success?


  4. I would love you guys to give me feedback as well. Your advice is so very appreciated. I’m getting more and more traffic on my blog but would love to keep on improving and appeal to a broader audience.


    1. hey, I have to say you have a great blog, very awesome voice to your writing too! Sounds like talking rather than writing, which is very hard to do for me.

      I think that you should distinguish between what language each post is somehow, because popping into french or english posts is easy when you can’t see the post title. Also, consider getting rid of the collapses comments section, it makes it difficult for people who first discover your site to comment. I, personally, spend the time to discover things like that, but another person wouldn’t and simply wouldn’t comment.


  5. I really like the template, but a new visitor may be inclined to click on any one of the pictures (from not knowing the order of the posts).


    1. SuperG, I love your poem; I really FEEL it. The only critique I have to offer is this: Your are talented; you have a rhythmic style to your work that is evocative — that said, fine tone that ear a tiny bit; take out the WEAK words in this poem and use your STRENGTH . . . just cosmetic edits will do. 🙂 Let me know what you think — I’d appreciate any feedback TOO, lol! 🙂


    1. I like the theme you’ve chosen, and the general writing style and length of posts. You do tend to focus on more negative topics, which is important, but can be overwhelming to readers. It might be a good idea to balance the overall tone and topics a bit more. Does that make sense?


    2. Your take on silence was rendered so vividly in words. The whole post was articulate and thoughtful.

      Also, I like your layout. It’s easy to maneuver and visually pleasing.

      I don’t think I remember seeing your post on the Weekly Writing Challenge homepage, nonetheless, great job.


    3. You really tackle a wide range of topics, and I think that is a great way to keep the reader engaged, because every time they scroll down they find something interesting to read about. Keep at it, but consider possibly lengthening some of your posts by tackling a subject from more than one angle. The key to expertise (from my research into it…see “The Craft of Research” for the best explanation I know of) is to address every post as if you are talking to the reader. They will ask you questions, they will doubt your information, they will challenge your assertions. So, if you wish to establish a rapport with your reader, consider throwing in the other side or a new angle.

      Also, remember to include a call to action when you post, it shows the reader that you are interested in hearing their opinion on a subject.


    1. I think you have a really good start here. Your writing is clean and I love the way you use photos within the posts (they’re very well organized and support the content well). Are you planning to continue on a fashion-oriented blog or doing something more general? Either way I think you’d going great….


    2. I really love your header, it looks fantastic and like Jenna said you use photos well in your post. I think you could perhaps develop on your opinions though, they seems a little minimalist at the moment. Also in the week 2 review you’ve got ‘exited’ instead of ‘excited’.
      I totally agree with you about the House of Holland Prints though.


  6. Hi. I’ve been blogging for about 50 days and would love feedback. Mostly I feel like my posts are kinda boring, and are missing the “zing” that I write with when I am doing other sorts of tasks. It might be b/c I’ve chosen to write each day, and I feel like some days I have zero edge. Let me know what you think. I love criticism; it will only help make things stronger.


    1. u should change the theme, further, the content should be little precise. The heading of the post should be more appealing. you may check me for what i mean. I started the same like you, and based on feedback, brought the good changes to my blog. All the best. regards.


    2. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. For someone who’s posting every day, I felt like your writing stayed strong and your content is well balanced. I like that you keep your daily posts in manageable bites. I also like the theme and overall look and feel. I think this is actually a very good blog.


  7. Hi all! I commented earlier today looking for advice on one of my first blog posts. I have since written another, and wanted to see if you think the topics flow well together. I’m interested in writing about my experiences professionally and personally (from being laid off to being a newlywed to preparing for the arrival of my first baby). I want to talk about topics such as the ones I’ve already posted, but also about the job search process (such as interviewing while pregnant, etc.). Do you think I’d be better off writing two separate blogs (one on family and one on job searching)? Or, do you think I’d be okay keeping them as one?


    1. While I can’t tell you whether or not you should maintain 2 blogs (since I don’t do that myself), I can say that your 2 domains are certainly connected enough that you could keep them on 1. Balance being the theme, you could blog about both your personal and professional lives, and about how you are managing both at the same time.


    2. I don’t think you need to separate them at all. It totally makes sense that this is your life: the whole package. Practically speaking, trying to balance two blogs with everything else you have would be difficult when it comes to filling them out with content. I think you should keep them as one.


    3. Hi Katherine, I think you can keep them together. According to your about me page your blog is about whatever life throws your way, and that can encompass so many things. Hopefully your unemployment will be short term and you can move on to blogging about your career. Good Luck!


    1. Hi Samuell,

      I went through your about page and a couple of posts viz. Trypanophobia and Mission Impossible 01.

      The following feedback only comes because you said that you are not satisfied with the design.

      From the first look of the site, it was an explosion of content – with your header – which has 3 posts and each post has a photograph of a different size. Then when I scroll down, there are a lot of menus, which I understand are necessary, but since they are divided between two sides, they are a little distracting.

      I am a fan of simple design, so I’ve tried to keep that with my blog –

      If I had to recommend changes, I’d say
      1. For your header, make the 3 photos the same size.
      2. Streamline your menus. Think hard of whether you need them, and if not, remove them.

      Otherwise, I like your content. I felt that you were quite honest, which is always good. I’d like to see more of your animation work, if you are interested in putting it up, but otherwise, keep at it. 🙂
