Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. I do enjoy the pictures on the side. I wish they were on the other side, though, the righthand side of the page feels like its lacking something in my opinion.

      I like how you wrote about the ten-year-old version of yourself in the third person, and then switched to first person in order to talk about your present goals and pursuits. I think you could have expanded the ending slightly – the first paragraph has a lot of detail, the second paragraph doesn’t quite keep up. But overall, I enjoyed the piece, and your writing style. Keep following those dreams!


  1. Hi all, I’m looking at changing the layout of my charity blog ( but I’m not sure what it is people would want to see on the front page of a charity blog? Do people want to see brief paragraph on the front page, or it to be entirely visual so that you click further to see what it is? or a mixture of visual and words? Design is not exactly my best skill!


    1. Photographs are great (some sort of slideshow would be ideal), but we definitely need the blurb to be able to know what the charity is about and whether or not we want to learn more.


    1. Your audience is young women and women who like diary-based fiction. I’d focus on blogs and sites that those women frequently. But my main piece of advice is not to focus on readers right now. Build your content. Even if you get readers, what hooks them is great content and the promise of more. Try serializing some of your stories so the reader doesn’t know what’s coming next and wants to come back. Focus on the content and the readers will come.


      1. How long have you been blogging? It takes a while for Google search to pick blogs up. Also, you may want to focus on tags which help search engines find your blog. WordPress has lots of advice about tagging and raising visibility on their site.


    2. I blog anonymously as well, and I just started earlier this week. I struggle, because I want to share my story with friends and family, but I also want to share experiences from my professional life, job search, etc. that I don’t think my previous employer or potential new employers would enjoy reading – so I stay anonymous.

      I think Jenna’s comments are spot on, and something that I’ve quickly come to embrace. I’m writing for myself for now. It is therapeutic. And there are so many great community members on WordPress, a few of which have read my pieces so far. And right now, that’s enough for me. Press on, build your content, and let readership come when the time is right.

      By the way – love the post – I once walked home from a fraternity house on a Tuesday morning in a bumblebee costume…..five days before Halloween. What an unfortunate walk of shame.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’s great! Focused, interesting niche blog. I usually don’t care for the “reporter” voice, but I think it works for you.


    1. I think it’s a good look at why people play games like Skyrim. The act of combining imagination with action feels more creative than sitting on the couch observing someone else’s creativity the way you do with TV and film. (Plus, at the end of a tough day at work, going into Skryim and shooting things with my bow feels oddly satisfying…)


  2. I was genuinely hoping for input last week, and never got it, so I’ll try again this week. I actually run 3 different blogs which all serve slightly different purposes. My main reason for wanting feedback is that I typically provide feedback, and I am of the strong opinion that one should not serve a dish they aren’t willing to eat themselves. So for that purpose, please provide your input here. You may comment on the blog in general or, if a particular post catches your eye, a single post.

    My main blog is Thoughts & Theories. I’ll post links to my other two blogs in additional comments.


    1. I have to be honest with you, I don’t think I can give quick feedback. Your blog is very meaty. I’d need some time to go through it all. I do think it’s a good idea that you have split the blog into three, because they do seem to have very different focuses. Because it feels a little overwhelming it might be a good idea to break it down even further, or provide “top posts” or some other way of sorting the information on individual blogs.


      1. That was kind of the idea behind the categories on each blog. My main blog has the 3 main categories that are somewhat topic-based, the coding blog has categories based loosely on my various projects, and my writing blog is broken down into categories in similar fashion. Each category is a different project.


    1. I think it’s good. It gives enough color without clashing with your colorful posts. It’s also feminine without being cutesy. I like it!


  3. I have this idea about wanting to connect people together in blogging. Believe in friendship and that’s what my blog is all about and would like to invite all to check it out and please give me your inputs. I have not get got round in terms of posting to that raw idea.



    1. I’m pretty new to the blogging world too (so I’m not sure how much weight my feedback will carry :)) but in regards to your post I guess I was waiting for you to discuss YOUR role / association with the SATC girls. You say you’re describing different kinds of annoying people… but then again you seem to have quite a knowledge of the show yourself. 😉 so I had some trouble understanding where you fit in. I would love to learn more about what inspired you to write this post – does this describe a specific person in your life? Are you a big fan of the show, but you just get annoyed with people who take their obsession to another level? Or are you a NY native, and you dislike the unrealistic portrayal of life in the city? I think your idea for the blog has the potential to be really funny / relatable, and inserting your own experience and flair might be the ticket.


      1. Thanks for the feedback! I guess the posts are supposed to be from an outsiders perspective, even though they are personal experiences. This specific post definitely includes me because I LOVE the show, it kind of is a mockery of myself, but also includes some of my friends relationship with the show.
        I will definitely try to make it sound like my own experience in the next posts.
        Thanks again 🙂


  4. Hello. Like PC Guy IV, I was really hoping for specific feedback last week but missed out as got there too late. I would really appreciate feedback on my post below:

    Shine bright like a diamond

    It’s about an unconventional marriage, but I wonder if it is too short and needs ‘beefing up’ a bit. Many thanks in advance.


    1. First off, the first thing you can do is to continue to write. The more content you have the more people will want to visit. Also, make sure you’re taking your posts well, and you’re writing your titles to be more search engine friendly. (You can find advice on both of those here on WP and through Google.) Finally realize that you’re writing a very niche blog, and a heavy one at that. You’re looking at a very small, but very invested audience. It may never get really huge, and that’s okay. (I also write a niche blog.) Just keep focused on your audience and writing the content they need and clicks will come.


  5. I need advice on writing my blog… how do I structure paragraphs, how long should it be, how do I present it… I’m not used to this kind of writing, I’m more into fiction so any advice is greatly appreciated!


    1. Clarice, since most of the questions here are looking for targeted feedback, you may not find what you’re looking for here. I found WP to have lots of really good articles when I was starting out. You might also check out their “Zero to Hero” exercise. I did that in January and found it REALLY improved my blog.


    1. Of course there is. If you have something to say, then blogging is worthwhile. I like your theme, too. You just need to keep adding content. I’d check out WP’s “Zero to Hero”; the exercises there helped me improve my blog greatly. Good luck.


    2. I’m going to agree with Jenna. I get far more creative-writing done with my blog then I did before I started blogging. It provides numerous sources of inspiration and I enjoy throwing my random thoughts at people.


    1. I absolutely LOVED this! The poem’s format was interesting – it obviously wasn’t shaped around any specific meter or cadence but it still flowed easily, which I think is sometimes really hard to do with free verse. Great job!


      1. Thank you! Yes, free verse is something I have really been trying to work on. In the past I have always been very structured in my poetry and I would like to break that down a bit without having it sound awkward.
        Thanks for the feedback!


  6. Help? I really enjoy adding pictures to my posts but when I begin writing the content, the sentences always are at the base of the picture. Does anyone know how I can write beside the picture instead of it being at the bottom of the picture. Thanks for your help in advance.


    1. Sounds like the text-wrapping is set at in-line, you want it either ‘left’ or ‘right’ depending on what side you want the picture to be on. Just have a play with the options.


  7. Hi. I am only new to this blogging (24hrs ago). If anybody would stop by and leave any tips or criticism on my page I would really appreciate it.
    It’s the technical computer and site design stuff which scares me – if I don’t know what a button does I don’t press it or click on it. With that said I have fathered four children so I will eventually (I hope) find my way around. But I will be grateful for any pointers you share.
    Thank you for reading this


      1. Thank you Jenna. My jaw actually make a cracking noise with the smile your comment brought. 🙂 right, I’m logging out after I click on your page. This day has been a good day for a certain trucker.
        Thank you


  8. To anyone who gets this far into the comments, I’m looking for people interesting in reading my online fiction ‘Headquarters’. I also blog about random snippets from my life/family on the odd occasion and regularly post awesome little pieces of fan fiction. (I have comment evidence to back up that claim.)
    I been asked if I want to launch my self-published collection of poetry & fiction at a local event in April so if you have any experience with similar things I would adore to hear from you. All comments will be returned in kind if you so wish.


    1. What kind of feedback are you looking for, exactly? General blog feedback or writing/editing type feedback? I do love the design of your page. Very clever and artistic.


      1. General blog feedback is what I’m asking for at the moment since the writing on my blog tends to be free-write stuff separate from work I’m writing in the hopes of publication.
        Writing/editing feedback is always appreciated though. Whichever one you fancy giving.


    1. I think you’re on the right track. It is harder to keep blog posts of a personal nature like this from becoming too long for the medium. One idea is to take a longer blog post and “serialize” it…in other words, break it into a couple of shorter posts. That way, you don’t overwhelm your readers, and give them a reason to come back! You’re doing great, though, and if you’re getting what you need from the blog, that’s what matters.


    2. I don’t want to hurt your feelings but when it popped up I was affronted with all the black. My eyes couldn’t adjust so I couldn’t read your message. Maybe a lighter color would help. Wish I could have read what you wrote but my old eyes just couldn’t do it.


    1. I love it, actually. The illustrations are gorgeous. The theme supports your content. The content itself is short but well-written and engaging. You have a good balance of content, while still keeping it from your POV. The whole thing works together as a unit. Great job.


  9. Fun is not always sitting on your couch playing video games, but is also going for a walk, reading a book ,or something else. You should be creative in your life time, because being creative turns you ideas better, and gives you more knowledge. When you go to school, you learn so many things, and latter all these things contribute to being creative. Being creative means that you imagination comes to life. while being creative you can do anything you like. If your imagination is telling you to make a new planet, then make one. Nothing is impossible. Our creative ideas move us ahead, and we accomplish so many things. Think of something that captures your imagination, and then keep it, and make it yours.

    When we came to earth,god sent with the same amount of creativity, deep within us. Now it is time to find it all, and show the world your talent!! I like to follow that saying that I heard about. There will be so many thing in life that you will not want to do, but you will end up doing then sooner or latter, so why not make it fun!? I’m not saying don’t take things seriously, but if you make them fun, you will have less trouble doing it.

    Even though you are having fun, don’t EVER race through your work. Yes, it might finish faster, but it will be messy, and it will not be your best work. Not doing your best work is terrible. So, make everything a joy, take it seriously, and do your best work, and everything will finish faster.


      1. I am not asking for help but i was sharing my opinion on a topic. This is my blog i hope you enjoy looking at it. I just wanted more people to look at my blog to I found a way to express my feelings on my post.


      2. I cant get your website on my mac book, sorry! Hope you don’t mind. Are you Sue Hezel – Artist and Instructor. OMG! That is so exciting and amazing. I love art and its one of my favorite things to do.


  10. Please take a look at my blog and leave a comment what you think. I’ve only been blogging two months and I want to make sure that my blog is easy to read, looks good and has content people are interested in. Your help is greatly appreciated!


    1. Yes, yes, and yes to all your questions! 🙂 I think it is easy to read and you definitely have a very human, relatable voice. And I love the layout – it matches the content well and seems very “you.” 🙂


  11. Hi, I’m Chris. I have recently started up a new blog page. I am passionate about mixing art and writing in a new way to express my faith.
    I would love constructive feedback on the page, my dream is to somehow do this as a living, so some advice and feedback would help me know whether what I do actually speaks to anyone.
    Many thanks
