Introducing: Grow Your Traffic, Build Your Blog

Make room on your (virtual) bookshelf: today, we’re excited to announce the release of our new, free ebook, Grow Your Traffic, Build Your Blog: Tips and Tricks for the Tenacious Blogger.

Heavy traffic ahead

“Oh, I have enough visitors already. I couldn’t care less about my blog’s traffic,” said no blogger, ever. Of course, we blog because we love sharing our perspective and enjoy belonging to a larger community of like-minded bloggers. But most of us would also love to see our voices reach new audiences with the content we invest so much time and love to create.


That’s where our ebook comes in. It’s chock-full of actionable advice and time-tested blogging wisdom, featuring sections on interpreting your blog’s stats, making the most of social media, and building content strategies that attract readers, among several others. It’s a comprehensive resource you can use whenever you feel like your blog needs that extra boost.

If you want to try out some new tricks to increase your blog’s visibility and grow your readership, give it a spin (and if you haven’t already, do also check out our inspiration-full first ebook, 365 Days of Writing Prompts). It’s available in .epub, .mobi, and .pdf formats, so you can read it on your tablet, smartphone, reader, or computer. Download it now by clicking on the download links, or to go to the download page.

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  1. Thank you for making this resource available to us who are new to the world of blogging. I just had my first book published and have enlisted outside assistance in setting me up in the world of social media. I was recently set up with my blog, Twitter and a FB page. (I’m also new to FB. I’m afraid I’m a leftover relic like Fred Flintstone who still uses the feet to start the engine of the car). I feel like I was handed a box of parts that I have to figure out how to assemble. “So, does this long, curvy-looking thing go into this funny-looking pyramid-shaped thing-a-ma-jig.” Thank you, my friend for the resource. Now, I just have to learn how to breathe and relax. Have a great Saturday everyone!


  2. Is it on Kobo?? I have an eReader and I would love to know. If it doesn’t I suggest you try it out for your next eBook


    1. While I’ve never used Kobo, my understanding is that Kobo supports both .epub and .pdf files, so you should be good with either one.


  3. I am a new blogger to word press. I prefer being followed by strangers. I write as a release and for input and output. If your goal is to get a following to further a writing career, than popularity is key. That’s my reason, however, I won’t Taylor anything for the public. I’m also OK not having any following, I write for myself before anything.


  4. Within seconds, I am already reading the eBook. The one question that I have come across in the eBook makes me wonder – which social media site out of Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram do you believe is more effective?


    1. There isn’t a straightforward answer to that — it really depends on the type of blog you have, and the kinds of networks you’ve built on the different platforms.


      1. Okay, I see. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question nonetheless! I will try each kind to see the responses. 😛
