Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment. Zero to Hero participants, head to the forums to chat about today’s task.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I am loving this community pool! New to blogging and would love input on the appearance of my blog. I feel like I am constantly at my dashboard trying to make heads or tails of everything. I would also like to know how to get more followers, I get likers, but I want to capture them as followers. Hope you enjoy my posts. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My blog is


    1. I like it and I think you have done a wonderful job. I’m learning that it just takes time to get followers. I just started a month ago and I can’t even get comments. lol Hang in there.


  2. Hi everyone! I was hoping to get some feedback on my blog as I’m always looking for improvement and for new blogs to discover. I would like to know your first impression of my blog and if you like the overall writing. Please check out my blog and I will happily check out yours!! ❤ Thank you!


  3. Hey all, I commented here last week after just setting up my blog and received some helpful advice on improving the readability of my site. Well, I took that advice and changed things up so any more input would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, I would like to add an explanation of my categories as eventually there will be a few and I don’t really want to stick with boring names for them…what would be the best way to do this? Add a main/static page to each category which gives a background story? Can you do this? Or maybe add a top menu and link to the first post in each category? OR is it more user-friendly to just have the standard – self explainatory names and be done with it? Opinions please. Thank you


    1. I have some relatively quirky categories on my blog. I explain them in my “About” page. It works for me, but be aware that this does affect the SEO. If I had more commonly used terms, then I might get more Google hits. However, I prefer mine, they are more about what I want to represent, reflect my tagline, which I am also pretty fond of, and they are alliterative, which I find appealing. I make good use of keywords in my tags, and elsewhere in the posts, so I am not too bothered. Why not test out your unique categories, and see how that works out? You can always change them later, if you find that you aren’t getting the page views you want.


      1. Thank you 🙂 That’s some good input, I don’t know about SEO but shall get googling and pay your site a visit to see these quirky categories for myself a little later. I’m not really expecting thousands of readers but it would definitely be nice to know that like minded people could find and work my site 🙂


  4. I would love ANY feedback about my blog. It’s hard for me to judge if it has great “readability” because, I write the way I speak, and have heard that can be hard to follow.
    My blog doesn’t stick to any one subject either. =D You can scroll through and see which one you want to read.
    And, keep in mind, most of my blogs are typed up, around 6am, after being up all night, at work. ha! here’s a link to my blog.


    1. I like your style of writing. I really like your paragraph length, it helps my eyes with the white space…maybe a pic or two would spruce it up a bit. I think your readibility is fine, because it’s the way you speak, it feels more intimate. 🙂


  5. well then, I’m trying to convert my portfolio page entirely into Blog format so i’d love some feedback. nothing’s completely done yet.. still a bunch of missing content, logo and the colorscheme isn’t all there yet, but i’d love some feedback on where I’m at now.
    so please swing by.


    1. the only thing that I would suggest is posting on a schedule. I see you’ve only posted three times in January, for example. As a reader, I would want more. 🙂


  6. Hi Michelle (my middle name BTW, but with one L),
    Two questions:
    1. I received a WP email that Victoria is now Following my blog (yeah!) but she does not appear in my stats. Suggestion or reason?
    2. I added the WP app to my iphone, but now DO NOT receive comments, likes, etc on my computer emails, only on the iphone., which is not preferable.Is there a way to correct this or must I uninstall the WP app from my phone in order to get the emails back on my computer?
    Thanks in advance for your assistance!


    1. Love your header and your other places published page…The only critisism would be on your about page: The sentence “This is another story of a rambling traveller entering the blogosphere.” turns me off. Take out the word another. (or don’t!) It leaves me with a feeling that you don’t feel you have much more to say than the next traveller. just my opinion. 🙂 Have a great one!


      1. Thanks very much great point! I just took it out, I guess when I wrote that I was thinking that I wasn’t sure what I could add but your right I think that phasing it like that would put people off. Thanks again for your feedback 🙂


    2. Love the blog. Love the theme. My only thought is that I would avoid the few stock photos I’ve see. You have such great original photos those couple of stock ones feel out of place. I’d say feel free to go for a photo free post if you dont have anything that fits. Otherwise, I dig it. Good luck.


      1. Thanks Elizabeth, I think your right. Maybe I feel like it looks boring without any photos but it is surely better to have a site with only quality stuff instead of filler. Cheers 🙂


    1. Hi courage2run. In my opinion, your about page is great. So well done. I am astounded by the amount of times I visit other blogs and think ‘oh, that’s a great idea, I must borrow that!’ haha. I quite like that you classify your subjects by day 🙂 (theology thursdays, brilliant!)


  7. Hi everyone. I just started blogging after Christmas and am really enjoying it. I haven’t sent out my blog link to friends and family yet as I haven’t got much in the way of content on the site so far.
    I am creating a website about my garden with a view to cataloguing plants that I can grow in Aberdeen, Scotland.
    I have posted a few blogs too – I would be interested in any comments about the look/feel of the site in general and in particular on my writing style e.g. ‘A Little Bit of Japan and Widnes’.
    Any comments, good or bad, will be gratefully received. Thanks


  8. Heroes

    Hello all,
    I’m a newbie and have just discovered the community pool. My blog is actually a story and comment in blog-sized chunks, so I’m not sure if I’ve pitched it right. I’d love to know what you all think.


    1. Did the same thing, couldn’t find it on the app but go to website and visit your dashboard, from there find posts and you should see one item in trash. You can recover it from there.


  9. Hey guys… I’d really love your feedback on my posts and blog. Hopefully you might even want to follow 🙂
