Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment. Zero to Hero folks, head to today’s forum thread to chat about the assignment, but feel free to seek other feedback here!

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Hi, just wanted to comment on two things: I like your poems, the one on the sun was profound. I suppose it’s not a very touched on topic, the sun, despite how ‘glaringly’ obvious it is in the sky haha. The layout of your blog is good too, nice and decorative. I’ve just started mine, so it’s a bit bare. Hopefully I shall achieve something similar in time!


  1. I’ve been blogging for over a year now. One thing I struggle with is getting people to post comments. To me the discussion is important. Please have a look at my blog and see how I could improve it to encourage comments . Thanks 🙂


  2. Hi Everyone,
    I was thinking about changing the layout of my blog and would love feedback. There are a lot of things I like about the theme I use (Yoko), but I don’t like that the top image is so big you need to scroll down to read the content. Thoughts?

    Is it a bad idea to change layout in general for readers do you think? I am one of those people who love to rearrange the furniture on a regular basis to keep it fresh, but I also know when I return to web sites that have changed I don’t always like it.

    Is my sidebar too busy?

    Would love any feedback!


    1. I learnt lots about my own blog looking at yours 🙂 I too use YOKO and hadn’t realised how different my blog looks on a tablet to the PC . I actually like the image at the top but I’m a visual person. What I don’t like is if you want to comment ( via the tablet) after reading a pits I need to scroll back to the top to the comment link. I have changed my theme once I’m not sure change is a bad thing but I’m fairly new in blogging so I look forward to reading other replies you get 🙂


      1. Thanks for the feedback. I hadn’t thought about what it looks like in a tablet. Yes, the way comments are displayed is another thing I don’t really like about it. I wonder if there is another theme that maybe encourages more comments?


  3. Really appreciate any comments on my approach to my blog.
    I have made a number of varied posts in recent weeks and am wondering if it has made my blog more readable or just confused?


    1. I really enjoyed reading your blog, I love your writing style and the lay out definitely appeals to the girlies! You’ve found a new follower in me! Would love to hear your thoughts on mine.


  4. I’m having the worst time figuring out how to edit my blog make stick out and ultimately come up with my first post any ideas?


  5. I am new to blogging but everyone seems to think that I would be good at it. Here is something I wrote please give me feedback.


  6. Hey guys, newbie here. I’d love it if anyone of you would read my blog (or a post or two) and give me some feedback, just basic but constructive stuff. Do u like it, am I making any sense (lol) that kind of things. You’re more than welcome to leave the comments directly on my blog if you want to. Thanks (


    1. One thing, on the left side where you have the search, about, etc. – at least on my screen, it gets cut off at “about”. I can see there’s something under it, but I can only just see it, and when I scroll down, the posts scroll but the left side stays static, so I can’t read that mostly-hidden link or any others under it (if there are any).

      Another thing- one of your posts talks about bilingualism. I would add that to your about page, that you’re raising your child to speak English and French, and maybe add what method you’re using if you’re using one (ml@h, opol, etc.).


      1. Thanks for your input, great idea to add the bilingual part. I do know about the design issue just not how to fix it. Thanks for reminding me, I’ll have to see about fixing it or changing my theme altogether.


    2. You’ve a new follower in me Mama. I really enjoyed reading your posts. Your most recent 2 posts particularly struck a chord because I also wear my baby and because my 2 year old son has recently discovered the word ‘stupid’ on his adventures somewhere! I would love to hear your thoughts on mine.


  7. Hi: I’ve created a new blog, suespen2paper, and I’m new at all of this. I would appreciate your comments about my stories in the comment section of each if you would be so kind. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks.


  8. I would love some feedback on my blog’s appearance and organization. I have a very simple theme and layout (a lot plainer than almost every other blog I’ve seen). I would like to know if it’s too plain – and boring – or if it’s just clear and uncluttered (what I’m hoping for). Any comments or suggestions are welcomed.


  9. Hello everyone, I started a blog because I was getting sick of Facebook. I’m not sure if I’m doing this blogging thingy right, coz I dont seem to get any comments or ratings, good or bad. Any suggestion on how to improve? Or maybe I should just stick to Facebook? Heh.
    This is me:


  10. I would like to build up a lot more traffic for my blog. What is the best way to do that. I am currently in the process of making a career change and would hope some would be interested in the themes that I write and would like to speak to me about career opportunities.


    1. Interaction plays an important role in increasing your traffic. Keep on reading more posts and communicate with others. Also use proper tags for your posts to help people reach you. And keep writing!!!


  11. My blog is just for a 4th year undergraduate class called the Psychology of Evil. Lots of interesting topics are covered centered around the concept of evil, what it means, examples of it, and so on. This class just started so I only have two posts but I’d love some feedback from people other than those who are in my class (and thus required to comment).


  12. Could anyone tell me how to create a simple/clean gallery? I need to be able to link to external URL’s. Would also prefer something better than the thumbnail view, but all the other choices available make the images way to randomly sized.


  13. I posted on one of these a few weeks ago when I first started blogging and only had a couple of posts, but now I have many more (trying to post 1-2 a day) let me know what you think!


      1. The theme is fine. But I think you should change the background image to a lighter colour. Its a too dark pink. Place a background image, would look better I guess 🙂
