Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I’m a newbie blogger, would love some feedback on my blog. I’ve learned a lot here and still taking it all in, thank you!!


  2. I blog about my life. I guess that’s boring to people, but it helps me to write it down. It was a stressful year and my blog is about getting over it with a fresh start.


  3. I just started a new project, and I want feedback on the website. It will feature 100 blog posts starting January 1st, 2014, each scoring a “point” for homosexuality:

    What I want feedback on is the general look and feel of the site:

    – Is the project understandable? Too confusing, weird, too “political”…?

    – Does the site look good? Once there are some posts, I will take advantage of the themes “featured posts”-feature and havse six thumbnails highlighting old posts on the top of the front page. But other than that, it will look the same unless anyone has some good feedback 😀

    – Spelling and grammar in the pages that are already there?

    I would appreciate any comments 😀


  4. Hi Michelle! I still haven’t found the answer to my question, which is this:
    I have two blogs, which is written under my own name and which is penned by a pseudonym, Dina Leah. My conundrum is this: When I am logged into my Laura P. Schulman account, it seems that I must sign out of that and sign back in as Dina Leah if I want to post/comment on that blog. In other words, if I’m writing on Bipolar For Life and I want to go over and write on Dina Leah, when I go over to Dina Leah is still shows the author as Laura P. Schulman. If there is a way to switch authorship without signing out, I’d love to know about it. I kind of suspect there isn’t, but I can always hope, can’t I? (I think Dickens said that.)


    1. When you’re leaving a comment, you’ll see small links under the comment box that say “Log out / Change user.” If you click on “change” you can specify a different name and URL for that comment, so you don’t have to log out of one account entirely just to leave a comment as a different author.


  5. I’m very new to blogging. I write completely about my life as a form of therapy. Have a look around, leave a comment, give me feedback. So far the only comments that I have received are just links to other peoples sites, which I approved then took off. It seemed to me that just leaving links to your blog in comments and nothing else was pretty bad form. Do you agree?

    Here’s my latest introspective about not being able to say I’m sorry:


    1. Your material is good (I only had time to look at the first post, though). Do bear in mind that people are reading your blog for enjoyment; You may want to add pictures, gifs, or bullet list to engage the reader when you have really long posts.

      We bloggers have to understand that we live in a society where people can be somewhat put off if they see that they have to do a lot of reading without the added media (which is sad).


  6. Good day! I’ve just started a blog with the intention of determing if I have the time, talent, or desire to write a humorous autobiographical book one day. I welcome feedback, please! Thanks a ton.


      1. Dumb question…can about not be the home page? The menu tabs are on the top right. Is it confusing or just not aesthetically pleasing? Thank you!


  7. I have a poetry and art site that I’m looking for input on. I’m getting 30 views on a bad day and abou 100 on a good day. I’ve had a lot of people send me their poetry and art and I’m actually coming out with a print issue in January. But feedback on the other site and how I could get more views would be great. I’m on all the social media sites. Check us out at


  8. Could you kind people check out my blog? I am considering adding a tab of other blogs that I follow.How successful have you all been with this idea?


    1. I have a page on my menu with a short list of links: a few of the blogs I follow and some other webpages that fit the theme of my blog. It’s mostly just a selection of interesting stuff for me, no other reason for it.


  9. I have a poetry and art site that I’m looking for input on. I’ve had a lot of people send me their poetry and art and I’m actually coming out with a print issue in January. Feedback on the site and how I could get more views would be great. Check us at and let me know what you think.


  10. Hi! I’m a travel and fashion journalist. I had a successful blog for a while, but one day I just deleted it. I’ve regret doing so, but I finally gathered the courage to open an anonymous blog where I share my stories and life experiences. I hope I can inspire someone. Best wishes, and please check out my blog!


    1. Oh….I don’t know how to make pages or put them on different pages or whatever that is called. How do I categorize my posts now that they are written? Can I put them in different pages or spots?


  11. My name is Sonja, writing has been an inspiring to me since I was a child. I love to inspire others though a Daily Inspiration that I send to 100’s of people by email.

    I wrote my first play during the time I had just finished having chemotherapy. My book that I am working on now is about many adversities that I have endured. People need to know that we are more than conquerors and can beat the odds that come against us.


  12. My name is Abi, writing has been an inspiring to me since I was a child. I love to inspire others with using the tool of writing. Writing is a powerful weapon in my opinion. I am more of a beginner at blogging but i get help from my sister, one thing for sure i could sure use some more help. If you have any help ful tips or comments please reply at my blog URL:
    Please check it out and report back to me with some tips on my blog or below


  13. Hello and happy holidays everyone. I decided to create a wordpress account today in order to help me get some things out in the open. I am not sure whether or not I should have a specific focus or what. Considering my blog is titled, ‘confessionsofatheatremajor,’ should I reach out more to aspiring actors of just do me? If I could get some input, I’d be so grateful. Thank you! 🙂


  14. Hi! This is my first time here and I think it’s a great resource. I just started blogging about a month ago and I’m mainly wondering about my blog name. My address is “reclusiverachel…” and the title of the blog itself is “Breaking Free From The Status Quo”. I already set up multiple social media accounts with this name to try and increase views, so I hesitate to change all of it, but I’m wondering if the name and title are misleading in terms of the blog posts. I appreciate the feedback! I’m hoping to achieve “freelance writer” status someday 🙂


  15. Hi, I’m just starting out and I’m looking for some pointers about my Travel Blog.
    I recently returned from the UK, France, Canada and America and I am detailing my journey on wordpress.
    Most importantly, I’d like to get some opinions on my writing style and on the layout. I am not a premium user but I’d like some advice about how to make the content more relatable, accessible and flowing.


  16. This is the first blog i’ve ever written in the nature it’s in.
    If you don’t mind dropping a line of feedback i would appreciate that.
    Yes, i know that i’m not good when it comes to tagging…i struggle here lots.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas to everyone


  17. Hey everyone! I’m new to blogging (this is my first time) and looking for some grammatical feedback. If anyone is interested check out my first blog and let me know if there is anything you would change!



  18. Hey everyone, I posted on the last community pool and didn’t get any feedback 😦 I just want some general feedback on my blog posts and layout etc? It’s for the company I work for and I want to know what content would interest and entertain readers 🙂


  19. Hey, check out my site and tell me what you thought of the game review I posted. Would be nice to know how effectively it describes the game for someone who’s never played it.
