Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong; I haven’t gotten comments since the early days of my blog a few months ago. Your blog comes across like a journal; maybe people don’t know what to say perhaps because you are not indicating what you would like them to comment about. A therapist once told me that people would like to be guided in how I want them to react to me, which totally stunned me at the time but was a very useful concept. What would you like people to say to you? And about what?


    1. Love the blog. Love the frequency of your posts. My only advice (and one I’ve got to give myself too) is don’t add a picture just to have a picture. Sometimes a less than great picture can take away from a great post. It’s a sin I know I commit time and again.


      1. P.s.- since you wrote this as feedback, I purchased a camera! Waiting for it in the mail and hopefully I’ll be able to get on here and post some real photos. Once again, I thank you for your honest response!

        Best, Talia


    2. I really like your writing style, and the way you include pictures. In a couple of posts they might be a little superfluous but sometimes you need a picture to properly portray what you’re thinking or feeling. You have a very admirable blog there!


      1. considering I received that comment before I’m absolutely going to take your advice! Thank you for your response, it’s appreciated. Also, after reading through some of your posts I have some feedback as well. I love the title of your blog- your posts truly reflect that life can at time be a climb, but that it’s worth it in the end. I love the honesty of your blog as well. You will help a lot of people through your writing, more than you may ever know, and more importantly, I believe writing helps us heal ourselves. Keep up the good work and once again, thank you 🙂


  1. Hi Community, I started using WordPress as a platform of my autobiography and now my blog is more than just writing my life story. I take part in Weekly Photo Challenges and sometimes Daily Prompt and love it. I found that I tend to get a lot more likes when posting on those challenges but when I write a standard post, I do not get as many likes or comments. I would love to hear from you about my blog in general.

    And for new bloggers, I created a special page where you can post your blog for feedback and comments. Please check this out.

    littlegirlstory ‘Must Read’ blogs


    1. It’s very much like a diary, i.e., a typical blog, certanly no worse than average, maybe significantly better. But typical blogs don’t draw much readership. Your layout is quite workable, for now. The content is okay, but if it were my blog, I’d add a wider spectrum of content: what worked, what were the positives among all the negatives, what did I get out of it, what did I learn, what would I do to help others if THEY were in this situation. Balance, basically. Good luck and congratulations!


    1. The content of this blog is great. This post is very honest and quite true. I enjoyed reading the post; it gives the impression the creator likes thinking, which seems to be a target in your blog. Your follow button is slightly confusing though.


      1. Thanks, appreciate the comment. I’ll have a think about that follow button; I can see your point… I could kid myself and cite that as a reason for not having quite so many followers…


  2. I would appreciate some feedback on my two and half week old blog — specifically, I would like to know which of my posts are good and which are not. This will help me focus on the desirable features in later posts. The blog is meant to be humorous and uses some vulgar language in some of the more recent posts (If you do not like this, you can leave a comment, but do mention something else on the page you preferred). Thanks


    1. Hi Camjo3,

      Your new blog is already off to a very good start with interesting contents about your life in the college/dormitory and about your family and certain friends.

      Your “About” page sets up a good tone and is adequately reflexive regarding what and how others should make of your intentions and purposes behind your published posts. It would be even better to give an account of what stream, course or discipline of tertiary study you are undertaking, considering that many of your posts concern your life in college.

      I have left more comments on your blog, and will be grateful if you could also kindly review my blog. The instructions are available in this community pool at

      May you enjoy your long holiday after all of the exams are over with flying colours!


      1. Thank you, I appreciate you saying that 😀
        I do like the content of your blog, but all the seemingly randomly placed upper-case makes it seem like you’re shouting at me, and as you’ve probably gathered my brain is a bit picky so it decided an anxious response was the best approach. For this reason I will not be following you, but I do like your chosen blog topics.


  3. I’m trying very hard to get more people to see my blogs, as are all of us, but I’d like to know how. I’ve tagged various blogs with different tags for a wider audience, and I guess the idea of being “freshly pressed” is kind of hard. Advice?


  4. Hello, humans of the internet (and some cats)!
    I would like to know what do you think of my blog. I write about my life and more specifically about my pursuit of love. Is it good? Should I change anything? What do you think of it?



    1. Your layout looks good, but your content seems sad and self-deprecating. Don’t be so “whoa is me.” Just blog about what inspires you. Connect with the world, where you are a foreigner, by finding people who have similar interests.


    1. I don’t think it looks empty, I think there are too many images, and for me that’s what doesn’t flow… My only suggestion would be to reduce the number of images… or a different template…


  5. Hey everyone! I seem to be having a problem with my posts. I am unable to inculde any links in them unless I just copy and paste the link into it completely. I dont like the way that looks and would love to change it. Any ideas ?


    1. FIRST you highlight the words in your draft that you want to be the link. Then you copy the link. The you press the link button (the one that looks like a tilted 8) and a popup window comes up. Enter the link into the top field. Then press the button on the popup window and you’re all set.


  6. I have just posted my first entry. I’d love some feedback, I hope to write about things I experience and can’t keep inside me. I imagine this blog will turn into something of an emotional explosion at some point, though for now it is fairly well orchestrated. Please criticize away, hopefully constructively!


    1. I loved your first post! It is so descriptive that it really creates a feeling more than an image. I’m not sure I can even give any constructive criticism. Normally I like the addition of photos but I think that would take away from your writing style as it allows readers to create their own images. I am looking forward to seeing what else you post 🙂


      1. Thank you so much! It’s so hard to know whether what you’re writing is completely self indulgent or not, I’m very flattered!


  7. Hey guys if you have a couple of seconds I would appreciate it if you looked through my blog and gave me some ideas for the direction its taking, I’m new to all this and with all your combined knowledge I know you can bring me up to speed.


  8. Hey! I’m pretty new to the blogsphere, and if anyone could just read my blog and comment on it, that would be great! Anything from photo critiques to layout suggestions is awesome.


  9. Hi! I am new to blogging and I started as a stress release but now I am addicted. I would love any feedback on the overall feel of my blog, the length of the posts, or any other thoughts! I’m not sure what I am doing so I’d love feedback. Thanks 🙂


    1. You have a very compelling background story and a nice clean theme format. Good luck in your endeavors!


    2. Hi! I really enjoy your writing and content of your blog. One thing that I would do is perhaps put a picture of yourself, something that will allow the reader to connect with you. Just a suggestion, but your blog is great the way it is now =) I hope this helps!



  10. Hi could you take a look at my blog and let me know what you think. It’s a fitness blog. I’d ike to know what you think of the layout and what could make it better. Also thinking about doing a blog on a detox. Think it could be popular with New Years around the corner. Thanks.



    1. Hi D,
      As a fellow fitness enthusiast and trainer I thought I would check out your blog! I like your content but there are just a few grammatical and spelling errors throughout your writing. Maybe you could add more related information for people to continue reading? We need more educated people to separate the science from the “crap” so I think this will be a great blog topic. 🙂


      1. Thanks. I think I was a bit eager to put up some content and let the standard slip. Now that there is some material up there I can now focus on puttin a higher quality content. Thanks for looking and giving feedback. It’s really appreciated.


  11. Hi could you take a look at my blog and let me know what you think. It’s a fitness blog. I’d ike to know what you think of the layout and what could make it better. Also thinking about doing a blog on a detox. Think it could be popular with New Years around the corner. Thanks.



    1. Right off the bat, you need to make “lets” into “let’s” in your sub heading. I’m confused on your layout. I don’t know if it’s the theme or what, but does that theme run all of your blogs together? when I clicked on “blog,” it seemed that they were all running together, but if I wanted to “like” one I had to go back to the home page and click on the individual blog on the side menu. Just looking over a few blogs, you really need to check for errors in grammar and sentence structure, even your request for us to look had a typo. The content is pretty good, but it can bog a reader down.


      1. Good point! On the blog roll if you click on the title will that not take u to the post without having to find it on the homepage? The spelling and grammer was brutal and this will be addressed. As I keep practicing I think I will be able to engage the reader more without bogging them down as you said. Thanks for your help. I’m taking all of it on board.


  12. I want to attract more viewers who respond to my post. I notice people review my post but rarely do they respond. I would love to communicate more with followers and increase followers.


    1. how about going on people’s blogs, reading them and then writing comments. you can also ask them to go on your blog if you’ve got similar ideas, which can get you more readers and communication with oder bloggers and readers 🙂
