Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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      1. Thank you for taking the time to read it as well as noticing how ridiculous the ad is. I don’t know which was worse, the fact that the ad was so obvious in it’s sexism, or that no one in the audience seemed perturbed by it in the slightest!
        But thank you again for stopping by, I appreciate it 🙂


  1. I have wanted to write a blog for ages and finally sat down today to start it.
    I want to create links to the online articles that I have been in and videos that are online. How do I do that?
    Also, I would like to change the layout so that the “all about me” section is separate to the other posts. Is this possible?
    I’m thinking of doing my next post on “living life with a brain injury” where I describe what I’m doing with my life now. Then a weekly blog on what it’s like living with a brain injury so for example a post about drugs, a post about makeup, a post about friendship, a post about benefits, a post about the encephalitis society.
    Also, is it possible to have a link to the encephalitis society website?
    Thank you for any feedback you can give me.


    1. Hi Liz! WOW, I absolutely love your blog and your story! You’re truly inspirational!! ❤ I look forward to reading more from you =)
      I love all your ideas on incorporating websites and articles that pertain to your life, as it is so fascinating to learn about brain injuries.
      As for help with linking sites on your blog, I'm pretty sure someone can help you with that, I am not the best at explaining IT help. Sorry!! But, I love your blog and I'm so inspired by you!! I hope this helps!



  2. Hello out there! I’m looking to gain more followers on my blog. Any tips on how to do this? My blog specializes in news and reviews in comic books, graphic novels, games, movies, and TV. I’m also looking for any advice that can help improve my review writing. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The link to my blog is below.


  3. So I’m trying to make posts that could possibly start a conversation with readers. But in my most recent one, I feel that I just chatter

    My Best friend Cant Speak

    Any advice? and also I have a question if anyone could answer or steer me in the right direction. I love anime and anything art. I been wanting to make posts where i discuss my views on them, but i want to use images of the characters etc but i don’t know how to do it properly. I don’t wanna break any copyright laws. I just want something to show on my blog so if anyone who reads it can see what i’m talking about. I hope it makes sense


  4. Wondering if anyone can take a look at and suggest any ways we might make our posts and themes better.

    Also, a more specific question – are the menus okay, or is there a way we could neaten them up or something?



  5. I would really appreciate any insight on the overall appeal of my blog. I am very new to blogging, and I have not figured out a direction or focus for my blog. Specific critique on the quality of my blog so far would be very helpful.
    Preferably, please leave helpful comments on my blog.
    I welcome and encourage all feedback. Thank you!!


    1. Very very nice! I liked your ‘Official First Post’, and your sense of humor in your writing and the name of your blog. Don’t reblog too many posts since later on it will be hard to find YOUR posts. Keep it up! 🙂


      1. Thank you very much. Compliments will get you very very far lol.
        how long have you been blogging?
        what is one piece of advice you have learned over time, that would be helpful to new bloggers? (like me)


      2. Haha you’re welcome! Well that’s something you shouldn’t ask me since my blog is only a month old. 😛 I’d like to know too! What I’ve been told is, that you have to stick to your theme (if you choose one). Like if you say you’ll be writing about sports and movies, you can’t be writing a post about food in that same blog, you know?


      3. what is the address for your blog?
        what you’re saying definitely makes sense… I’m holding off on choosing a theme.
        For now, the theme is just my ramblings lol, until I feel the need to change it 🙂


  6. Hey all! Here is my blog . Any tips on how to improve my writing/topics to write about? Any criticism is greatly appreciated:) Thanks a bunch!


  7. Basically I’m pretty new to this website. I created my blog to give people a true insight into mental illness and hopefully help anyone who feels alone. just wanted a bit of feedback I guess to help me steer it in the right direction.


    1. I think it depends. Some people can attract viewers with their layout alone, but the topics written about is what mostly makes them follow. If the way they write isn’t boring and their theme is about something you like, that will work for you. Also, you need to come up with a good name for the blog, since it’s the very first thing they read, and that can make them or stop them from clicking on your site (which is ironic because I named my blog after my boring ass name, and my layout sucks). Just make sure to be yourself, and not write only for the attention. 🙂


  8. I’m a brand new blogger. Not just to this site, I mean in general. What I want to know is how did you begin to get followers to read your blog? I’ve started following some other people, but they’re all big shots I suppose so I don’t think that will help much. My first post isn’t very interesting but I felt the need to just get started.


  9. It has been my secret passion for writing my thoughts so have decided to put it on blog with some friend’s encouragement. I will be glad to be helped with some feedback over my post to correct myself and learn more. Thanks and keep smiling.


  10. I haven’t been checking out community post for a while. Just want to share that when I first became a blogger, I was sort of ‘pleading’ other bloggers to visit my site not really knowing what blogging is all about. I started my blog looking for a platform to write my autobiography and found wordpress. It meant so much to me then (and even now) to read comments and likes on my posts. So if any new bloggers wish to have comments on their new blogs, please feel free to visit my page specially created for this. I will visit your posts to give my two cents worth of thoughts. Looking forward to your visit at


  11. I am yet to post my first … but I am full of ideas! I want to dedicate different days to different topics e.g. motivational monday & fitness friday … IS THAT TOO CHEESY?


  12. Hello community! First, sorry for my English because I’m French speaker. I created a website in wordpress and buddypress while I had no knowledge of anything in programming. I just want you to take a shot eil and give me your impressions on
    Thank you.


      1. I love the vibrant colors. Wonderful manifestation of nature views. Follow for a follow? I’m new and it would be very motivational for me.


  13. Hey everyone =) I’m a trainee journalist and this is my blog, if anyone would like a read! Do let me know what you think!


  14. Hello all…please visit my blog and leave any feedback and comments on my blog. Feel free to leave a link in your comments. You can read any fanfiction there 🙂
