Community Pool: NaNoWriMo/NaBloPoMo Edition

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Welcome to the Community Pool: NaNoWriMo/NaBloPoMo edition! As always, the thread is open for any questions, but we hope those of you participating in a NaMo event will find it a useful space to get feedback and encouragement. Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.


Participating in NaBloPoMo? Head to BlogHer’s NaBloMoPo Central for more prompts, inspiration, and motivation to help you post every day — in November and beyond!

(Not participating? Why not? Get posting!)

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hey, I made a new post, and I really wanted someone to look at it and comment about it. It’s about social building and networking, and I want to see if someone at least finds it valuable or relate able.

    I don’t particularity focus on anything with my blog, I just write what comes to mind. If you want me to address something on my blog, leave a comment or something 🙂 THANKS.


  2. hello everybody! i just started wordpress yesterday and was hoping that SOMEONE would read it and leave a comment. not asking you to subscribe or anything but just one comment, just one like would mean the absolute world to me. p.s. im just a kid so don’t expect Tennyson…however i am a well experienced writer


  3. Hey everyone! I have been thinking about creating myself a Facebook page for my blog, but don’t have tons of followers on the blog yet. Gaining a lot thanks to the NaBloPoMo (so thanks to anyone who’s been reading the past few days!!).

    My end goal is to write a book. I have the idea in mind, but I’d love a solid base of readers before I attempt it otherwise it won’t be successful. Do any of you have Facebook pages? If you do, do you find that it interferes with privacy you’d like to keep up on your personal facebook account? (I’m an elementary school teacher — don’t want my kids finding me.) If not, would you mind telling me why not if you’ve got compelling reasons?




  4. I have just started blogging on the use of social media for professional development.
    I want people to blog in and tell me ways that they have used blogs and twitter to advance their careers. So far no visitors. I need more people to read my blogs and I want lots of examples of
    use of social media to advance careers


    1. Hi. I’m not sure why your blog hasn’t been receiving the comments that you duly deserve but I must say, this post has particularly evoked my inner feelings. It’s amazing and heartwarming that we as children actually know that we should express our gratitude to our parents. The way you write is brilliant but can be improved further where organisation is concerned. But even so, your structure is clear. I have also written something similar to my mom. It would be great if you can give your sentiments with regard to my post: thank you 🙂


  5. When I started my blog one month ago, I was hoping to find some spiritual interaction in this virtual life. What we write as bloggers should be the sound of our souls. Maybe in our real lives things are a bit different, but still, what we write is the reflection of our thoughts, our hopes and our feelings. I hope that some of those who see this comment find some spiritual consolation in my blog.


    1. Seifsalamkarem
      Another very moving post, thank you.
      Are you saying here that not many readers seem to identify or engage with your posts? I’m aware that many people can’t (or are afraid) to bare their souls too much.


    2. Hi. I really love your poetry. They’re so raw and evoking. Truly brilliant. However, if you are seeking for improvements, you might want to work on the length of your posts? It’s quite long for a poem, in my most humble opinion. Other than that, the pictures that you have chosen are most apt and mesmerising. Wonderful read!


  6. I would be most interested to see what people make of my response to today’s Daily Prompt. Warning: it does contain strong language which may put some off.


  7. Hi all, I’m pretty new to all this and literally am feeling my way in the dark. Any input criticisms, would be most welcome.


  8. I blog about a variety of things but would love some input on my last post which includes my most recent fiction piece I wrote for a class. It would be awesome to get input from someone who isn’t a biased friend!


  9. Hello!
    I’ve posted a blog about a month ago and I’m looking to get more traffic to my site but I’m completely new at this. I have a few social media platforms running to promote my site but I’d love some feedback on responses to the content I’m posting to see if any of you more experienced folk have any thoughts? Thanks for your help! I’m at


  10. So… I just added the NaBloPoMo widget to the sidebar, which sent me into another spiral of widget rearranging.

    Help! What order should I put my widgets in?

    The organized side of me wants to put things in categorical order (like all of the following options sequentially, followed by highlighted posts (Freshly Pressed, guest blog posts), etc.) but the strategic side of me wants to know what I should have at the top, middle, and bottom regardless of how they go together?

    Should the email follow button & Freshly Pressed widgets go at the top? Search?

    What about the About Me link? Should I switch to instead of Gravatar?

    I need advice on how to sequence the widgets, and if I should dump any of them.

    Thanks in advance!
