Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi everyone,

    Just looking for a little feedback in terms of the content of my blog and the tone of my writing. Both I’ve been trying to improve upon for a while now. I’m relatively new to blogging, just under 6 months and any constructive comments you could give me, I would really appreciate!


  2. Hello, I just started an art blog for the gallery I work for, The Loft Fine Art. Right now I just have some posts talking in depth about some of the art we have on the walls and in the future I would like to promote local artists that have exhibited with us. My goal with this is to be fun and interesting for the readers. I would appreciate your feedback.


  3. It’s a well written post. keep it up .

    heres link to my blog -
    its a photography blog . it contains some of my self captures pics witha bit of editing.
    please guys . do take a look and follow if you like it . 🙂


      1. I have checked your website. 🙂 But, I don’t believe in Paid Survey. It is better to work as a Freelancer 😀 You can earn as much as you give input. Better to work on Freelancing 🙂


      1. Thank you so much for the positive feedback. I DID change my original to the one I published. You gave me the idea of recording it, because it is a fun lingo. But alas, I don’t know how to finagle this.


  4. Hi guys I just made this blogging account to help spread word of easy ways to make money, and me being a passionate college student, I have found this quite rewarding. I am going to be highlighting a few good ways to make money online specifically so I encourage all of you to check out my posts! ( a shortened link to my blog)


    1. Hi NicoleS. I really like your blog. It’s attractive and full of life. Maybe more photos would help? You could also ask questions for readers to comment. I think youve done that in a couple of places. Has it helped?
      In passing, I don’t agree with some of what you say (I think the mother- child relationship begins long before birth, for one thing) but that doesn’t stop me liking your writing. Keep at it. But do watch your grammar, for instance it’s and its.
      Good luck.


  5. hey all. I have been a WordPress user for a few years but am not at all a computer whiz. I want to redesign my blog and need some suggestions for which theme to use. I dont mind buying a premium. I use the blog really as a website. I post a reflection once a week but have several static pages with info I only change or update as needed. the address is if you want to see it. i want more of a magazine look where I have something like a table of contents in either the right or left sidebar. i also want to use icons/graphics/smallphotos in the sidebar. any suggestions? Thanks Marjorie George


  6. Hello. I recently started my blog and am still figuring out how all this works so please forgive my “rookie” look. My last post “Being broke: The sacrifice most stay at home moms only complain about to their best friend.” was meant to be both funny and honest. I didn’t receive really any response from other bloggers but I’m still building a following so that’s not totally what I am upset about. I did receive a response from my face book account and was a little surprised by some. Most comments were positive and supportive but some were judgmental and I believe took this as a “poor pity me” post. That was never my intention. So my question is this… does this post come across as such? Suggestions/comments/feedback are greatly appreciated.


    1. I had a look at your blog, and it is a great start. Your post was not a pity post, but one of honesty, and a personal viewpoint in which many can relate. I wish I could be more honest and personal, but I hold back for fear of criticism too. It is a good design/theme. Perhaps you may want to add an ‘about’ page? I am not sure if there is one already but I couldn’t find it. If you have time, please have a look at my blog too 🙂 I posted my query a few posts above. Thanks.


      1. Thanks for looking at my blog and the feedback. It’s tougher getting started than I had imagined. I really enjoyed looking through your blog. I envy your ability to travel and am intrigued by your wondering mind. I have to say I’m a little bit in love with the poem “implode from within”. I read it more than once and think I may go back to it in the future. It seemed to fit me and my life currently and at so many different points. I look forward to reading more.


      2. Thank you very much; that’s greatly appreciated and means a lot! Look forward to your future posts 🙂


    2. I have to say that your post “Being Broke” took me aback a little bit. It was a little too angry to be funny (and trust me, I know how angry you can get when you’re broke), and the contrast between your post and your blog (which is lovely) was a little jarring. That being said, I love, love LOVE your post about your little yellow couch. Keep writing!


      1. Thanks for the feedback. It’s funny to think my hotheaded temper can come through even in my writing sometimes. And thanks for the encouragement. It’s needed and appreciated.


  7. Hey guys, do any one know of a theme i can use whereby every page has an option for independent posts? I need to able to create separate posts for my pages on my blg. Thanks


  8. Good Morning! When I say that I am soooo new to blogging, I really am. My niece suggested that I blog because of all the things I deal with on a daily basis, and I have somewhat of a following on facebook. I would imagine my blog’s target audience would be moms, working moms, female business owners, and anyone who has kids with illnesses. I would love for you to go in and just give me your feedback. I am a little nervous because I feel like I am opening up my personal life to the world. I have not announced to my friends and family that I am blogging yet, but plan on doing so today or tomorrow. Any kind of feedback would be much appreciated. Please visit my blog Have a great day good people!!


  9. Hi guys! I’m also very new to blogging. I love to cook, and love to share the love of cooking with my family and friends. After being pushed and prodded a bit, I decided to give a blog with my recipes and cooking adventures a shot. My cooking style has a southern flair, and I love to take the fear out of complex recipes for others. I want everyone to feel comfortable in their own kitchen …so to speak 🙂 I’d appreciate all feedback on photos, writing style and layout as well as any other thoughts and feedback you’d like to share. You can find me here 🙂


    1. Hi, I just checked your blog, it looks nice to me though you haven’t posted much. One thing I noticed is that your user name redirects to a different blog than the link you have posted. If you want to correct this, you have to go to the settings (Account) and change the primary blog to the blog you are using right now. All the best 🙂


  10. Hi everyone. I feel that lately, I have received fewer followers and even few “likes” on my posts. I am not primarily focused on popularity but I am concerned since this is a reflection on my writing. Is there anything I am doing wrong? I also have a minimal amount of visitors to my site. Any advice will do. I write for fun and don’t take myself too seriously. I just write from the heart. Thanks


  11. Hi everone. Please can you take a look through my posts. I write from the heart and don’t take structure too seriously. I have noticed that my number of followers have been few and there are even fewer likes. I also get minimal visits. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


  12. Hey Everyone
    I’m new here to the blogging community. I write about my thoughts and feelings through poetry. That said, I am not a professional poet nor writer, hence i call all my writings, “scribbles”. =) I also share few pictures from my trips. I would love to have some followers and hear some feedback. Thanx for taking the time to read this post.


  13. Another new kid here. My blog is around lifestyle and mental disorders. Feel free to peruse, I could do with the support – talking about mental health for the first time and my god, it’s scary!


      1. You write so well! I’m living with Bi-Polar and understand how hard it can be to have mental health problems. I hope that with the new affordable healthcare act you can get some financial help so you can continue your therapy. Please keep writing, it helps, and you are a very talented writer.


  14. Hey guys! I’m new to this blogging world.. I only have one real post so far! I’m still trying to figure out my passion of what I’d like to write about.. Let me know what you guys think!
