Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. hi everyone. i am new to this whole blogging world and would love some advice, suggestions, comments or just some good ole hail mary’s that i can do this blogging business with ease because i am looking forward to it right now at this time in my life. please come find me at

    i hope i can get the community support i am looking for and just hope to make some great friends through blogging and i am so excited to see what everyone else is talking about, writing about, and experiencing 🙂


    1. I really like the layout, it’s a fun, interesting look. I couldn’t see any posts, so unfortunately I can’t offer any feedback there. But I read your about me, and I have to say, I can relate. As someone who’s in his early twenties, about to graduate, and who has no idea what my life is going to be, I’m really interested to read your thoughts.


      1. I’m sorry Pete, but that’s not what I’m trying to do. I know I have yet to post anything. Was just trying to get the word out and get some advice before I even posted anything but, I figured I would just do my first post as an intro type of thing. Didn’t mean to make you or anyone else feel like I am a spammer. I am not.

        Thank you Ethan for your feedback or interest. I really appreciate that. I am interested in your blog as well and will be following it from now on 🙂


      2. I dont know what you are using but your blog asks me to sign up for a service called ‘about me’ before I can post anything, which is not the way to go. 🙂


      3. When I was signing up and it showed me the about me section, it said that a lot of people use this website called about me and then just import it to their about me section on here. I didn’t realize I could just write the about me section on my blog instead. I’m very new to this. I’m sorry. But, I will go ahead and remove that since I have since found out how to just do the about me on my actual blog. Again, I am sorry.


      4. Thats ok dont worry about it, we all have made mistakes while setting it up, if you want help are have a question, please use my contact form on my blg to ask way 🙂 take care God bless 🙂


    1. I must say you have a brilliant blog! And even better a writing style, your introductory post was very baiting; it did indeed pique my interest! AWESOME job! Good luck!


  2. Would love any feedback. Am brand new. My boss told me she thought I should start a blog because I have good stories and ideas, but it is turning out easier said than done:)


    1. Just checked out your blog, and I like it. It’s kinda dark, but in a good way. I really like how you outline the purpose of the blog in the first post with questions. One thing I would suggest while answering those questions is to present your view as a possible answer, rather than the only one. So far that’s the feel I get, that you are questioning the traditional family model, not just denouncing it. But it could be easy to just start saying that it should never be like that.
      The only other thing is I’m kind of confused as to the purpose of the True or False section. It felt aimless, and kind of poorly put together. Also, I believe it’s spelled ketchup.
      Altogether, I really like what you’re doing, and I look forward to seeing where it goes.


  3. Hi all
    This is my first ever blog. I wrote it when I heard the news that my former convent school ( Salesian, secondary convent school, limerick, Ireland) was closing down. A flood of memories released this flood of bizarre ravings. I am not sure if anyone other than a past pupil will get this but I would really like to know your views. Be gentle now! Thank you from the Salesian Sloggerblogger


  4. hey every one 🙂

    This is new to me.I would appreciate inputs regarding anything about blogging 🙂
    And please do leave your feed back on my henry david thoreau’s quote which i chose to write first 🙂


    1. Since I believe you are looking for feedback, I’d like to highlight that your blog is pretty nice. Your writing is realistic and original and personal, which makes it interesting. I believe the only scope of improvement (just to help! :)) that I can shed some light on is your language. Your writing style is good, other than quite a few typos and errors. Try revising your posts, before you post them..good job and all the very best!


  5. Hi I’d love comments on my last piece “jealousy * the cancer in a retalionship”. I’m also busy with a piece on depression. 🙂 any comments either here or on my site is welcome! Please and thank you ! www


    1. I just read your blog! I find it pretty brilliant. I love that you have taken the concept of book reviewing further, and introduced anecdotes and op-eds and stuff. I’d love to read some book reviews though, if that’ s your passion! Good job! Best of luck! 🙂


      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate it very much! Your feedback is great! I will definitely use it.


    1. I really enjoy it! Your descriptive writing and reflective tone are quite nice to read, and the short posts remind me of my Hawaiian travels as well! Makes me want to travel again – Glad to follow! 🙂


    2. I really enjoy it! Your descriptive style of writing and reflective tone make it quite nice to read. The small posts also remind me of my past travels to Hawaii! Makes me want to travel again – glad to follow! 🙂


  6. i would like advise on how to improve my project – what would draw more readers? is the choose your own adventure format attractive to people? if so what would get more people to vote in the polls? thanks!


  7. Hey All to whom cares to take a viewing… so I am unhappy working at what is called “my place of employment” I want to do more then what I am doing and I for the first time..I’m blind sighted on which direction I should take. I have a Bachelors degree in human services management


    1. Based on what I’ve read so far the writing sets up the scene for an interesting. The writing is heavily laced with some deep emotions, but not so intense that it confuses the reader, which is good. However, you should consider changing some formatting. For instance, put each dialogue in a separate line, like:

      “Why him? He’s not that old, Mom!”

      “Lisa, very few of the guys over there are much older than Bob; but they’re doing what they have to do.”

      It makes for easier reading.

      You could also consider writing from the viewpoint of one narrator, like in The Reluctant Fundamentalist, if you think you can pull it off, that is.

      Bottom line: Shaping up nicely.



  8. Hi Everyone
    I’ve recently started a blog on our annual overseas adventures, and will also include posts about other interests (photography, wellbeing, pets) that are relative to travel. I aim to see this hobby, as it currently is, turn in to a business in the future.
    I am seeking feedback on current design.
    Is it too image heavy?
    Is it easy to navigate?
    Is it easy to subscribe?
    I really appreciate any comments that may come my way.
    Thanking you all in advance.


    1. Hi Anna, I like the design and I think it’s easy to navigate (top menu) and subscribe. Some of the posts are short and concise with the right amount of images. For some of the posts, you may want to pick your best images and not include too many.

      I’m starting out as well so would appreciate your comments 🙂 Do you use or .org?


      1. Hi Samata,

        Thankyou so much for your feedback.

        I take on board your note about including too many images. I use .org.

        I started this in August with no knowledge and was a bit scared but incredibly eager to learn. I was advised to use .org from a friend, especially if I had the desire to turn it into business/selling platform in the future – more control (upon leaning how to drive it!), and also because you own the domain name. Also, apparently it is easier to start in .org than transferring over from other platforms. Yes, it is an added monthly expense, but only a small amount (cost of a coffee).

        I just checked out your blog…it is beautifully clear ie easy to read/navigate. Fresh. Your writing is good. Descriptive, but not drawn out. I like the inclusion of different sized images on posts too. Your photography is great!



  9. Hello all. I’ve been scrolling about this community pool for over an hour now, and I’ve seen some really great stuff. I don’t know how I compare against that, but I’d like to hear what you think about my writing. The blog is extremely basic, I know, but I’m technologically retarded. Any feed back on the writing is more than welcome. Thanks!
