Have a question? Ask an editor!

Posts here on The Daily Post run the gamut from widgets to photography to social networking to grammar: anything and everything that might boost your blogging prowess. We’ve got lots more ideas up our sleeves, but we thought we’d check in with you — what questions do you have?

We’ve got a talented group of bloggers contributing to The Daily Post, and we want to know how we can support you to reach your blogging goals. Do you want to learn more about customizing themes? Interested in pet photography tips? Trying to figure out if you need a Tumblr in addition to your blog? Want to explore different poetic forms?

Ask away! If we don’t know, we’ll track down someone who does — we’ve got friends in bloggy places.

We’re not going to be answering questions in the comments, but we will compile all your requests and use your needs to shape our calendar in the coming months. We’d ask that you keep your questions blog-related — either design, administration, or content — although between us, we’re also competent to answer questions about 18th-century French literature, Canadian Football League rules, drum n’ bass music, rabbit husbandry, gelato, and high-altitude mountaineering lore.

Help us help you! Tell us what you’d like to learn about in the comments below.

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  1. Hey, Im trying to log on to http://www.whatisthatchch.co.nz which is a blog ‘powered by wordpress’ and to reply to a post or ask a question you need to log in through your ‘wordpress’ account. But when I click on the ‘log in’ like and enter my username and password in says “ERROR: Invalid username” Anyone know why? – any help would be wicked!


  2. I have posted my blog for more than 1 day, but my stats showed “No stats are available for this time period.”, how long does it take to reflect on my stats?


  3. Can someone help me out: How can I know the version of my wordpress, cos I need [Wordpress.org sites V 3.4+ and must be XML-RPC enabled] to use on an app. Tks


  4. I would like to see more Hints and tips on finding new blogs to read. I remember reading a post once about less used search terms, perhaps more ideas around that could be posted.

    Also is there a place where we can suggest more features, ie more stats, the ability to remove spam followers etc. is there a place we can go to see what feature ideas are being discussed at WordPress for future etc.


    1. You could try using:
      WordPress.com search- The WordPress.com search engine indexes post, pages, and comments content (body text). Unless entered as text in those contents, blog name, post titles, and post/comment author names are not indexed.

      WordPress.com Topics(tag) Page searches – https://wordpress.com/support/topics/

      Google search – For Google searches use this format and replace “keyword” with whatever word you wish:
      keyword site:wordpress.com


  5. really spooky. some dentist stuck their post in with my posts while I was working on editing some material. I deleted it straight away but help, how can i prevent that happening again.?


    1. @icanexplainmyfeet
      If any person or any bot is posting anything to your blog then you have provided them with the ability to do so either deliberately by adding them as official users, or by allowing them access to your login information, or by posting content that makes it easy for them to guess what your log-in information is. Who, aside from you, has access to your login information?

      Go here and take all those steps > https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/someone-has-hacked-my-page-1?replies=3#post-1431371


  6. On my home computer the formatting has gone most strange. The banner top for the bog site has doubled in size and obscures the headline of the latest blog. In the dashboard the left-hand menu for the posts has shifted as a block a few spaces to the right, obscuring the blog I am actually writing. Finally, I can’t find how to log on to my own blog anymore, I have to go searching through Google for the login page. All very odd, and only on this computer. Is there any advice out there?


  7. Hi, I want to delete an old blog with wordpress (as I have another) but the login I have for it says Hi, it says this: User …… Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested

    You are logged in as “inkypage1” and do not have the necessary privileges to access the dashboard for ……… If you are not ……., please log out, and log back in with your username. If you are “inkypage1” and you need access, please ask an administrator of the site to invite you.


    1. There are two ways.

      1. From your blog’s home page, simply highlight and copy the URL in your browser bar. Then you can paste that into an email, and follow the procedure for making it a hot link according to your email client–they’re all slightly different.

      2. From your blog’s home page, look at the very top left corner. You can do this on this page too, for an example. Hover your cursor over the icon that is directly to the right of the WordPress “W” logo. On this page, the icon is a square followed by “The Daily Post.” Hovering over the square gets you a drop-down menu. One of the choices is “Shortlink.” You can copy this and paste it in an email, or in a Twitter tweet, or wherever, remembering that in emails it does not become an active link until you make it one.

      Sorry if I’m over-explaining, it’s just that I’m used to doing “tech support” for my 86-year-old mother LOL


  8. It’s probably somewhere but I cannot figure out how to link other websites and blogs to my blog. Do I have to add a new heading if that’s the right word, after “Home” and “About”?


  9. Hi,

    I would like to know, why the link is not working when I add it to the picture? Is there something special about adding link? It is Photo Click-Through Link option but when ever I add link to my homepage it says:
    Oops! That page can’t be found.

    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?

    There is no problem with homepage and it is working fine, but the link is not.

    Anyone can explain this to me?



  10. Hey I have two blogs one self hosted and other hosted on wordpress.com.

    I want to buy a domain name but I have a few doubts like:

    Currently I am logged in my “ankitkohli.wordpress.com” blog. If I buy a domain name Can I use the same domain name for my wordpress.org blog, which I am going to create in near future.

    Also what about the hosting services ? What is the difference in hosting serviecs of .org and .com in simple language?


  11. Hey — Is it possible to merge two blogs into one?

    A while back I posted a few cool things on my original blog. I am now publishing a different blog where I would love to re-post the content in my previous blog.

    Thanks much!


    1. @V.R.M.
      The answer is yes you can create an XML export file of the content in one blog and import it into another blog.

      please follow these steps:

      1. Log into the old blog, go to Tools → Export, and download the XML (WXR) file to your computer.
      2. In the new blog, go to Tools → Import → WordPress, and upload the file you downloaded in step 1. After you upload the file, you can choose the option to Download & import file attachments if you want to move your media files.

      refer to https://wordpress.com/support/moving-a-blog/#moving-between-wordpress-com-blogs


  12. Hey all, I have 2 questions:

    1) I’m just getting started into writing content and i’d like to find an editor to help me perfect my posts. How does that work? how do editors charge? by hour or by piece and what would be a ballpark cost for this service?

    2) I want to find other writers to contribute content to my blog. what would be the best way to find the right people and what are the normal rates that writers would charge for creating high quality articles and posts for my blog?

    Thank you all!!


    1. Hi. 1) Professional editors are rather expensive and I don’t think hiring one for your blog is worthwhile, especially as people don’t pay to read your blog. They usually charge by the word, as far as I know.

      2) There are plenty of bloggers on WordPress.com who would write guest posts for free for sites they feel are worth it. Work on getting your blog noticed and connect with other bloggers. As you’re blogging specifically about life in Florida, try to find other bloggers who do the same and invite them to contribute on your blog. You could also create a page with a contact form where you invite visitors to your blog to contact you if they want to contribute a guest post.


      1. Thank you for replying KokkieH. I will explore wordpress.com to see what i can find.

        Have you ever used Odesk or Elance to find collaborators? what are your thoughts on those services?

        Thank you!


      2. I am not familiar with those services and have to date not yet used guest posts on my site. I prefer to write my content myself. I do contribute to another blog from time to time but it was started by another blogger I follow who just invited collaborators via her own blog.


    1. @trudielee
      If you want to increase traffic then don’t listen to anyone who professes there are passive ways of doing that. Increasing traffic to a blog is hard work. If you want your blog to rank well in search engine results then that begins with creating and publishing original content ie. unique content that cannot be found anywhere else on the internet.

      Two ways of attracting like-minded subscribers are (1) commenting meaningfully and frequently on blogs with similar content and (2) being active on social networking sites.

      Here are 25 basic steps to take to increase traffic to your blog:


  13. Hi, my question is when I click on the plugins tab on the dashboard, some of my plugins that are active are missing, I’m meant to have 12, but only 5 are showing. How do I resolve this problem?


    1. @dab
      You are not referring to a free hosted WordPress.COM blog. You are referring to a WordPress.ORG software install. WordPress.com and WordPress.org have different log-ins and run different versions of themes with same names.

      If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click http://wordpress.org/support/ and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there and receive advice from WordPress.ORG bloggers.


  14. Please I want to upgrade my wordpress blog and get my personal domain i.e mydomain.com.
    I dont want any extras (like video press, customized fonts,etc) other than just getting my personal domain. What is the cheapest option? I saw $18 per year, I just want to clarify that there will be no other charges after I start the transaction.
    Also what happens at the end of the year if i dont renew my domain fee? Would my blog go back to mydomain.wordpress.com or will my blog be removed completely?


  15. Thanks, everyone, for all your questions (and thanks to TimeThief for the many helpful responses)!

    We’re glad many of you actually got answers to your questions, and encourage those who didn’t but are hoping for immediate help to post over on the WordPress.com support forums.

    In the meantime, as promised, we’ll be compiling a list of the common stumbling blocks and themes in all your questions so we can explore them here in the coming months. Thanks!


    1. Hi Michelle,
      I hope you had some great time away. It’s amazing me to find out how many bloggers have not bookmarked both the support link and the forums link.

      P.S. You will find I have two comments in the moderation queue. lol 😀 I resubmitted them with only 1 link and they posted those with 2 were sequestered.


    1. @dylanniano
      Posts and Pages are two very different “animals”. Pages sit outside the blog structure and are only for content that rarely changes. You cannot make any post into a page or visa versa automatically. If you made a post and want it to be a page now then you must copy and paste the content into the page and delete the post. https://wordpress.com/support/post-vs-page/


    1. @jucamoraes
      I do not speak your language but I will try and I apologize in advance for errors. Nós não temos acesso FTP e nós, blogueiros não pode instalar qualquer plugins, não podemos usar o Microsoft ou widgets de Tradução de Google ou quaisquer outros, pois eles são JavaScript e está retirados para preservar a segurança nesta plataforma blogging multiusuário.

      No entanto, tenho a tradução em meus blogs WordPress.com. Há dois workarounds.Note: Você pode copiar e colar o código na minha página de traduções e, em seguida, substituir todas as ocorrências de URL do meu blog no código com a URL do seu próprio blogue.

      Se você é bilíngue ou multilíngue e quer publicar o seu livre hospedado WordPress.com em duas ou mais línguas, mas não quer contar com a tradução automática que pode ser feito veja aqui> http://onecoolsitebloggingtips.com/2013/02/25 / wordpress-com-multilingual-blogs /


  16. Hi, I redirected my old web site (www.EvergladesAngler.com) to my new WP blog site (www.NaplesFishingCharters.org), but when it redirects it goes to this page “http://naplesfishingcharters.org/portal/”, this page says “Oops! That page can’t be found”, can I change that so it just goes to my new WP blog site’s home page instead of the “oops page”?


  17. Bonjour, mon ami a créer un blog de coiffure et a mis son mail pour se loguer mais je ne peux plus y accéder car elle me dit qu elle reçois pas le mail qui permet de recoir le mot de passe peut on mettre mon adresse mail a la place? Merci


  18. Hi I just started a blog and I wanted to create 3 different tabs at the top to lead to different pages where i can post under different topics. So far each tab I created leads to the same post. I want to be able to segment my site. how do I do this?


  19. I really want to create an app for my WordPress.com site. It doesn’t seem like that is possible. I love WordPress and have already invested tons of money and time. I need someone to tell me if I can create an app and how thanks!
