Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. As many people here, I am new to blogging and still feeling my way around the myriad possibilities. I would love general feedback on my blog since I am really struggling with the inner critic and keep asking myself if I need to tighten the scope of the blog even though I really would like it to be about random things that interest me.
    Any comments and suggestions would be helpful!


    1. My blog is the same – several interests merged into one. I’m not sure if it “works” but it’s who I am so I guess that’s okay. 🙂 I found your blog interesting enough to follow. However, I have a couple of suggestions: change the header picture because it makes it seem like it’s a blog on shoes, which it isn’t. And add a tagline that says something like: Clogging Along Through Life, or whatever.

      Also, I couldn’t get to your blog from the link you posted. It’s actually: No “www.”

      I’d love feedback on my own blog as I’m also rather new!


      1. Xina, thanks so much for the suggestions and for following! It is rather late here in the Netherlands, but tomorrow I will look at your blog and give you some feedback — I have to say it is not only helpful to get feedback from a total stranger but also strangely comforting to know that there are people out there who are in similar situations.


    1. I would suggest you add some content to your blog then let it be known by linking it on some social networking websites if you use any; such as Facebook or Twitter. You should also check other people’s blogs and comment on their relevant posts so that they could check your blog as well!
      Best of luck!


  2. The original point of my blog was to detail my journey of growing back to school to become a teacher. I still want this to be the point of my blog, but I worry that my posts don’t reflect this. I went through a difficult time this time and spent several posts going over it. I would appreciate any advice on how to bring the focus of my blog back to becoming a teacher.


    1. I just spent some time browsing around your blog, and I can see what you’re saying, but I wouldn’t worry about it too much, either. This is your journey, so whatever is significant to you is worth writing about. I have a hunch that as you get deeper into your education program, you’ll have more to say about that part of your life.

      I struggled with the same thing for a bit on my blog. I wanted a really specific teaching focus, so I wasn’t sure if it was OK to write about other things in my personal life. However, I’ve found that those posts are the ones that people connect to the most sometimes.

      If you want to bring the focus back to your journey becoming a teacher, try to work in some of what your learning in classes or practicum experiences. If you’re actually getting to work with kids already, those stories can make for great blog posts. I wouldn’t worry about talking about the other stuff in your life, too, though. Like I said, it’s all a part of your journey.


    1. The writing seems quirky but interesting. I did notice some grammatical problems -nothing egregious but it might be enough to give some people pause. For instance in your tagline you say “short fictions” which is strange usage. It should be “short fiction.” A lot of readers, writers, and those who are attuned to grammar may find that offputting. Otherwise, keep up the good work! It takes a while to build a following.


      1. Thanks for taking the time to have a look Xina. I’ll try to keep an eye on any grammatical problems. Being a fan of Borges’ “Fictions”, that usage – even if a little unusual – holds some appeal for me. Best, James.


      1. Hey well, I’ve just started it up, so I’m trying to inculcate a lot of things, and It might change as it goes by

        But one thing for sure, is that it wont be anything about ‘My Day’ as such, I’ll keep MY life off of the blog.
        and whats yours all about? x


    1. Your blog looks great! Keep up the good work! Your blog’s name is a little … provocative. In that, it suggests that your blog is sexual in nature, or possibly about pregnancy? That’s the only thing I noticed that seemed a little off.

      BTW, did you know that your profile pic is sideways? If you intended it that way that’s cool, but I thought I’d let you know if you didn’t!


      1. Thanks for your comment! Hm I never thought of it that way tbh. Its a nickname thats kinda been stuck with me for years… I’m not creative with names x3. Yes I did know that ! I thought it had a bit more interest rather than a regular picture 🙂

        Thanks for stopping by 🙂


    1. It seems like your son has a sense of humor about his fear, which is good! I enjoy your descriptive writing style, and the layout of your blog is nice and clean. Keep it up! 🙂


    1. Love the pictures . . . Hodgepodge leaves you open to posting anything on your blog, which I am totally behind. So far, so good, keep posting.


    1. You girls have some awesome photos, and I absolutely love the “Masks (part two?)” post! What a great way for you two to connect together while living in different parts of the country. Well done, and keep it up!


  3. I was wondering if there was a theme with two menu bars, as I had wanted to let one be for pages and the other for categories.
    Thanks in advance.


    1. Some blog themes have a Custom Menus feature, which looks like it might be what you’re looking for. I use Suburbia (for now) and I think it has this feature as well; I’ve been pretty happy with it just “out of the box” so I haven’t goofed around with its features all that much.


      1. Thanks for the advice. I think I will have to convert my blog to that theme for some time in order to experiment with it. . . Thanks! =)


    1. Is this your first blog post? If so, it’s a good beginning, but I’m curious to know more about you! As far as the content goes, I can appreciate the desire to find a long-lasting relationship, but just know that those usually look really different in real life than they do on TV, (but I’m sure you know that). 🙂 I like your writing style, though, and I would love to see an about page to give me more info about you and where you’re coming from in your writing. I really like your theme, too. I hope you stick with blogging, because it seems like you’re off to a good start!


  4. Always late to this party . . . Still, anyone wants to read some excerpts of my novel, I’ve posted them on my blog. The novel’s called Bulletproof Werewolf, please check it out and don’t pull any punches. I have an agent, but she’s had no luck getting any interest. And also, take a look at the other junk I’ve got there. Any feedback is good feedback.


  5. I would particularly like comments on The Dance Team and the poem “To Amara at Seventeen” which was written for my daughter. She was also the reason I attended the tryouts for the dance team.


  6. Hey everyone!

    I was wondering if some of you would take a look at my poems and let me know if I should be doing additional things to encourage thought. I like responses and debate over what poems mean. Also if there are additional things I can change to make the layout easier or more appealing.




  7. I was surprised to see a “10” in the Facebook “share box” at the bottom of a post I wrote earlier today. I shared the post twice, on two groups’ Facebook pages. Is the “10” possibly the result of a bug, or does it mean that eight other people shared my post? If the latter is true, is there a search engine or stat tracking program that will figure out who to thank?

    Here is a link to the post:


  8. yet another WORLD TRAVEL BLOG –
    I was on the go 2009 to 2013, and I didn’t blog. I didnt carry a camera…. here’s my blog. It’s a light read. any advice from anyone on the meat of the prose in the primary post which aggregates my quarterly email updates? I’d recommend starting in the middle or near the end

    especially looking for candid feedback on tone, themes, humor, fluidity, editting
    and don’t tell me not to use ALL CAPS, sucka!

    THANKS, people
