Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hey Everyone!! I run a poetry/writing blog and i am looking for any general feedback, advice, criticism, suggestions, questions or comments. Check It out please. And suggestions for subject matter will also be lovely. Thanks in advanced!


  2. Hey Everyone!! I run a poetry/writing blog and i am looking for any general feedback, advice, criticism, suggestions, questions or comments. Check It out please. And suggestions for subject matter will also be lovely. Thanks in advance!


    1. As a Yank, I find English football fascinating. I love the concept of independent clubs as opposed to team franchises under a corporate league (NFL, NBA, MLB) that we have here.

      Anyway, I think your posts are very informative and reflect your love and passion for football. However, I didn’t see any posts on cricket. Perhaps it’s a new blog or maybe it’s not cricket season (sorry for my ignorance).

      Just one small piece of advice: You may want to give credit on the images that you post. As your blog becomes bigger and more well-known, you’ll want to be as professional as possible.

      Overall, very impressive!


  3. Heyy 😀 I just started blogging a few days back and I would love it if you could give me some feedback on it 🙂 (I’ve only posted three entries, of which I’m really excited about the second one.)
    Thanks a ton! Good day to everyone! ^_^


  4. Hi! I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my blog design (banner, color scheme) and my tagline. I blog about my faith and how I handle mental illness. I’ve had the same tagline since I started and am wondering if it is effective.



    1. I like your design, but the more important thing is that *you* like it. If it’s meaningful to you, people will get that. I like the picture of the saint, and how each of your posts has an image to go with it. I can’t put images on my posts unless they’re mine, since it’s a creative work, but you are able to find something that goes along with what you have to say.
      Moreover, I think your blog is important. A long of people out there deal with mental illness, and it’s hard for people to be understanding since 1, it scares them and 2, they can’t see it the way you can a physical disability. I personally don’t have MI. but I know people who, and they all say that it’s hard sometimes. Religiously speak, I think there would also be people who bring faith and God into question. In your blog, are you willing to speak to how peple have reacted religiously to your illness? Do they say God is punishing you? Testing you? I’m not saying that, but I know there are people out there who think things like that.
      Best of luck to you, and keep sharing your perspective. Even with MI, you are still worthy of being human, and you deserve love and respect!


      1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply! Yes, it is hard to deal with mental illness. My prayer is that I can help those who suffer by being understanding and relatable.

        I like your suggestion about addressing religious types who say that God is punishing me. That is something that I haven’t thought about.


      2. Actually, I don’t talk about it at church or with people that I know from church. I don’t want people to view me differently. Maybe I need to open up about it, but I just can’t seem to at this point.


  5. Hello Topaz, I

    I think it is effective– I guess it is quite niche, mental illness and as a catholic—how does that differ from mental illness without catholicism? you are highlighting the importance of faith. the candle design works for me and the parchment feel and the sooty stains…

    I am wondering about which would be a better home page for my blog– I am mixing serious stuff with humour and want to attract the reader

    Thank you

    Nympho Librarian


    1. I think you should open it up a bit, the movies you like is really just a synopsis. the information we can all get on the back of a DVD. The blog is personal so what people might want to know is what specifically engaged you


      1. Also there are 5 more posts, not only the one with the movies, the idea it was review the movies , books etc in a fun way and to introduce some philosophical ideas along the way so that’s why I am asking if you have read the post because I’m sure you will not find that information on the back of any DVD.


    1. Well done for starting a blog!

      The very first post being a quote was a tad confusing and it seems like it’d better as a tagline of some sort. But that’s fine really.

      The main improvement is your about page. I’d recommend moving the contact widget below your text so the first impression isn’t that they’ve clicked on the wrong link. Secondly, split your text into paragraphs because currently it looks like a hard block of text while my eyes are simply drawn to the capital letters and exclamation marks.

      I’ve split it up below:

      “I’m Soraya Roch(pronounced “rock”) and like most people I am obsessed with music. I find music to be one of the few things that bind people together no matter where in the world they are. This blog is being used as my space to share ALL THINGS MUSIC. Whether it is an indie artist from England, and Belgium girl who does reggae, or a cute musical recital that I viewed on YouTube.

      I was inspired to create this blog because of my declaration in 2012 that 2013 would be my year of concerts and purchasing albums. After going to Rihanna, Beyonce, JT Jay-Z and buying tickets for Drake. I realized that my obsession with music went beyond simply enjoying a few shows. To analyze what makes an artist appealing and great is something that is ever changing and can be seen differently by so many people.

      This blog is not only an opportunity for me to share my views on all music, but to also allow space for other people to share music that they like. So if there is an artist that you say to yourself; “Everyone has GOT TO HEAR this” than share with me and I may just post a video and bio about that artist. It can be from any genre whether Rock, Soul, Country, Pop, Brazilian, Bachata.

      Just like music this blog is not just for me but meant to be shared and explored in more that one way”


  6. Good morning everyone! I am working on several fantasy novels, and I decided to start another one that I can post in serial on WordPress ( It gives the reader an idea of the background of my fantasy world, and my plan is to have it lead all the way up to the start of book one, which I hope to get published in book form.
    So far, I have posted chapters one and two of The Princess of the Kingdom of Legend, and I’m going to start Chapter Three: The Village of Norhill later today. If you are a fan of fantasy or just stories in general, I would love your input. What do you look for in a fantasy story? What do you expect, and what is off-limits? What makes you put a fantasy down and call it quits (i.e. what should I avoid)?
    I have been working with my fantasy world for years, and I even have book one completed, so I have a ton of plans and concepts laid out. Now that I’m working on a sort of prequel, part legends, part ancient history, there are a few things here and there that I can choose how to do. You can read the first part of the serial novel at and leave comments either here or there. Thank you and happy reading!


  7. Evening boys and girls!

    Been doing this for about 9 months now, but I only really focused my efforts for the past months, which has paid off quite nicely. A lot of my writing is about theatre and how I view aspects of it and/or performance – although recently it’s been to do with me, the Fringe and the shows I’ve seen.

    I guess my query is whether it might come off as a little…know it all? I’m hoping it’s not the vibe I give off because I want to engage people in their views on whatever I’m talking about, but I don’t know if it seems a bit brash. My aim (as seen here: ) is to manage and perform within my own theatre company, so my blog is a way of organising ideas of performance techniques, writing, etc.

    Most of those particular posts are under the category Theatre Thoughts, however this is the most recent one:

    Look What Happened: Comedy

    Thank you in advance!


      1. Aw thanks! When I wrote it I just kept writing; turned out a lot longer than I expected! Thought it might be too long.


  8. Hello everyone! – (NCBEK) here!

    I would really appreciate it if you guys would check out my blog, and give me some pointers on my writing.

    Two examples that I would suggest you check out
    Subject 6 – A story

    Letters Home – A poem
    Also I am looking at possibly posting bi-weekly/monthly chapters of a new story, or adding to an existing one. I would like to know if you guys would like something like that. It would be kind of like a episode on TV.
    Thanks everyone, and I look forward to your responses!

    Don’t forget to like and follow if you enjoy my work. And if you have any comments on specific pieces I like all the feedback I can get!


    1. Oops! I replied on your blog instead of here. Ha! That’s because my eyes are tired from four hours of selecting the “perfect” theme!
      So, go check my reply on your post. Sorry. 🙂


  9. Hi, I would love some feedback. I’m currently travelling and trying to fill my spare time with writing my posts, as I don’t get too much of it, I feel they might lack detail, and be too vague. Would you agree?


    1. I love it! It was hard to contain my jealousy. I didn’t think you were vague to a fault, but I would see why you felt that it could be a problem. My only suggestion would be perhaps to add a little description of places – parks, restaurants, vistas – that really struck you as beautiful. But great blog, awesome layout.


    1. Great post, I think the length is just fine. The words you’ve chosen to describe your aunt is perfect and gives us an idea about the person she is. Overall it’s a nice tightly written post and funny too..:)


  10. I have created a page to post the blogs I read and liked and recommended them to all readers. Also calling for bloggers to comment and introduce their blogs and hope that page will have an assortment of all sorts of blogs worth reading. This is a pretty raw idea for me and so far no one have yet commented and started the introduction so perhaps someone who stumbled upon this post will get the ball rolling for me. Thank you.
