Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Hi! First of all, I think you have a great blog. It’s raw and uninhibited, and that is really great to see. I think you could probably work on proof reading your blog posts before you publish them. You want your readers to take you seriously, and nothing says that more than a well punctuated and spelled blog post. Finally, I think you can add more photos and things related to your blog post topic to make it more lively and eye-catching. Hope this helps! You have a new follower!


      1. Thanks so much! Being on my cell phone does make grammar checking a tad but harder, but I will definitely work on that. Pictures and things, I was trying to add more of those to my post, so will be doing that as well. Once again thank you, and I’m glad you enjoy it.


  1. Ths is a first long post for me and it was inspired by a true adventure.

    It is meant to be a “tongue in check”, somewhat humourous short story. So comments on flow, length, mainatining interest. All critical if I am to be successful in capturing anfdkeeping people’s attention – especially in our universe of twitter length attention.


  2. Hello there
    I recently started a blog two months ago
    and I am looking for feedback on how to improve my content and flow of my blog
    right now i kinda feel as if my focus on content is not running smoothly
    any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreaciated

    Thank you!!


    1. Hi there! I read your blog, and it seems to me that some of the issues you have with content not running smoothly may be due to lack of punctuation in some areas, and no clear and concise paragraphs. Do you read your blog posts before you publish? Do you revise and revise before posting? It might help to have someone else read it to before you post. Great start though!


  3. I just started my blog this month so I would also like some feedback, suggestions, ways to spice up the page so that it looks more appealing. Also, how do I set it up so that my readers can comment (the way this one is set up) without having to input their name and email address? I would like to post at least once a day but I am having severe writer’s block!


    1. Hi there! I read your blog, and I think you are off to a great start! A friend of mine has a very successful and famous blog that has nearly 50,000 followers. When I asked her to give me some tips on starting a blog, she told me to constantly read and re-read my blog posts before publishing. Revise and cut down the amount of words and keep it no more than 500-600 words. She also said that I should break up my posts with photos and shorter paragraphs. That would be my advice to you. Break up your paragraphs a bit and make them smaller. Keep us engaged with those smaller paragraphs. You have a new follower here! Hope this helps!


  4. I have a blog that I started a few weeks ago. I would love any input on the overall look of the blog, the writing style, and if it catches your interest or not. My blog is on all things related to food, wine, and restaurants in Chicago, from the perspective of a restaurant “insider”. I am a sommelier at a Michelin rated restaurant and feel I can give unique insight to those who are not in the restaurant industry. Thanks in advance!



    1. I have worked in the industry since I was a youngster. Where as I have not had the pleasure of working in a Michelin rated restaurant. I have done the grind the same working holidays, every single new years eve for what seems like 20 years straight. I like your blog, I know your position could be at risk, but stories about customers are the best! I have a good one in my blog people seemed to love when I put it up. I too am new so come check me out.


      1. Thank you, when you get a chance to check my page out, please take advantage of our free promotion and send a loved one a personal video/audio message. Can you give me some feedback on customer usability(how easy is it to navigate and use)
        Thank you


      2. Thank you I really appreciate your feedback. If you wouldn’t mind sending a message for free and providing me with some user experience feedback that would be great.
        Thank you


  5. hey my blog is starting to take off and I was wondering would any one mind checking out the things I’ve wrote because I have different categories you can look at


  6. I’ve been writing for years and never had the good sense to ask for feedback. It would be great to have feedback from all of you. It never fails to amaze me how talented people are and the more I read the more I am in awe of the bloggers:) Keep writing everyone


  7. Hello everyone,

    I’m only a week old at blogging and would love advice and feedback on how to keep up with blogging. I am also in the middle of writing a short story and I need some people to review it before I post it online. I’ll be willing to return the favour as well (that is if you like my writing :P)

    Thank you!

    Here’s the link:


      1. Oh, I was probably in the middle of changing my settings. If you can try again and let me know. It would be horrible if people couldn’t actually see my blog.

        Thank you! 🙂


  8. I just started my blog a little over a month ago, and my views have been really sporadic and i can’t figure out why.

    my three best guesses are the title isn’t very descriptive- (any ideas for a better one welcome, not crazy about mine)

    the content is sporadic and can be exclusive- i just kinda write whatever i feel like and it might not interest people.

    or my posting is sporadic- sometimes i post twice a day, others i am silent for a week.

    I am at

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, i enjoy writing it, but the lack of feedback is rather weird compared to say a youtube channel.


    1. Hey you.

      Here are a few things I noticed right away:

      1) You don’t use tags in your post so it makes it harder for people who are searching to find your content.

      2) Your theme isn’t that great. It’s dark and the colours aren’t really complimenting it. The writing is too small. I nearly didn’t stop to read your work because I didn’t like the theme. It feels congested.

      3) Since you write about a lot of different things, I suggest you start using categories to differentiate your content.

      4) Your titles are actually too long. If you used tags, you wouldn’t have to worry about having descriptive titles.

      If you need help using tags and categories, then let me know. Sorry if I sound too harsh. It’ll only get better once you know. 🙂


  9. I’m trying to get the right mix of Commentating on the Politics of Our Time, performing Piano Song Covers (I am 57 and my song choices reflect that), and my original Piano Improvisations. I have a habit of doing a Google Image Search on a theme-word, and then sprinkle my blogposts with the URLs I collect, as illustrations for each paragraph of a given blog-essay. My question is, should I be more concerned with illustrative coherence, or is the random, unconnected theme more effective?


  10. Hello Community Pool,

    I have been blogging for a few weeks now, and have gradually been adding new posts and pages. I have been pleased to find that some people have signed up as followers and that there have been several visitors from all around the world. However, I do not seem to elicit many comments or feedback and wondered if anyone could take a look and offer opinions as to why or what I might do to change this. Always willing to learn!

    Thanking you in advance


  11. Hi everyone. I’m also new to blogging. I’ve been blogging a little over a week. I have 11 blogs on my page and I would like some feedback on what I’m doing wrong. Maybe the topics I pick aren’t interesting enough or I’m going about it the wrong way. I would really appreciate if some of you would check some of them out and give me some brutally honest feedback. I am able to handle constructive criticism quite well. My blog is located here:
    Any feedback I receive would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  12. Hello everyone. I have recently started my blog related to Medical field. I would like to have an all-round view of people from Medical as well as non medical field. I want to fill my blog with interesting information aiming at getting the best and authentic data for all genre of audience. Also if you have any views on how to manage my blog or customize it will be very helpful. thank you. My blog link is


  13. Hello Community Pool,

    I have been blogging for a few weeks now, and have gradually been adding new posts and pages. I have been pleased to find that some people have signed up as followers and that there have been several visitors from all around the world. However, I do not seem to elicit many comments or feedback and wondered if anyone could take a look and offer opinions as to why or what I might do to change this. Always willing to learn! Here’s the link:

    Thanking you in advance
