Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi there! I recently started blogging at the request of a friend, and would really appreciate any and all feedback regarding ideas to draw in more readers. I know these types of posts aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I hope you can find a post you enjoy reading . You can check it out here, at

    Thank you!


  2. A technical consultant working for one of the largest Aircraft leasing companies in the world. I have no issues with my job, I’m quite satisfied, or am I? I have nothing but thoughts that ricochet between the walls of my brain now that I’m on a break. I pen them down, hopefully I find my calling.

    Please give it a read if you can find time and let me know I’m not wasting mine 😉

    The Social Experiment


  3. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  4. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  5. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  6. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  7. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  8. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  9. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  10. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  11. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  12. Hello to all fellow Bloggers and Fans alike! I am new at this, and frankly may need improvement; but this is what you get when you want to follow a passion or an idea. Let me know your opinions of my Blog. It is on wrestling so not all people would be interested in it. But I do want to hear your opinions. I will be posting more this week.
    Thanks to all.
    Welcome to the Mind of Carnage!!


  13. I have just joined the site and I am looking for a form of exposure, do you think you could take a look at my blog and repost anything that catches your interest? It would be great for me and I will return a favor to you if you only ask. Please notify me with your response as soon as possible. Thank you.


  14. Hey!! I just started a blog about Living the Life in the North Jersey! Please feel free to share some ideas you guys may have. I am new to blogging but I am in different areas all the time always finding new and cool things to do so I figured I would blog about it. My expertise are in real estate in North Jersey so being in homes all day there’s always a story. Any ideas of what you may find interesting?? Thanks!


    1. Hi Jocelyn! I had a look at your blog, and I’m somewhat confused as to what your blog is about: real estate in New Jersey? Life in New Jersey? Why I should move to New Jersey? Debunking what America thinks of New Jersey? Or are you using your blog as a tool to promote your name and business in real estate? I think it would be a good idea to evaluate what purpose you want your blog to serve, and who your target audience is. Right now, your blog is a bit all over the place, and it would help if you could narrow your blog down to a specific thing. Hope this helps!


  15. Yes I have been looking for some good feedback on a Legacy, Estate Planning, and Personal Message delivery site we are trying to launch. Can I get some constructive feedback on the look and feel / complexity of site, articles, blogs, and overall likelihood of participation.

    Thank you for you time
    William Hamilton


  16. Blogging is a very new world for me..I awaiting the printing of my first book.
    Though it may have flaws since I am the editor-in-chief..I feel once people get into it. Gustav’s Travels will be a fun read..
