Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. When I saw your blog, I thought the title was “Asking you to join in on the conversation.” That’s the most prominent text at the top of your blog and it’s accompanied by its own tagline.

    When I looked more closely, I found your blog title in the header image.

    Here’s the thing. I really like your header image and I think it’s a great idea to ask people to “join the conversation” so prominently. But from a branding standpoint, the current setup doesn’t quite work. My thoughts are:

    1- Get rid of “Making the world a better place; one life at a time.” You don’t need the second tagline and it’s not unique enough to justify an exception.

    2- (Warning: this will take some trial and error.) Move “Asking you to join in on the conversation.” farther to the right so it appears underneath the blog title. Its position so far to the left contributes to its being seen as the blog title. Although there’s no one-click method of giving that text a right justification, you can accomplish this by putting a lot of spaces in front of of “asking.”

    One last detail: the occasional dark gray text on a black background will be difficult for some people to read.


  2. Hi,

    Would you, dear reader, kindly take a look at my first post?
    Or rather, the first full one, “Just need a little sleep, right?” (The first and second are just tests and randomness)

    Hopefully you’ll enjoy it or find it interesting, but what I would love to get feedback on is

    a) The post itself: the style, it’s a little different (I think) and I am curious how it comes across. Does it make sense? Easy to get the gist? Understand what’s going on? I’m also worried it’s a little too long, especially with the format it is in. I thought about serialising it but…..thought it better just to get it out there, rather than tweak it until it’s “perfect”.
    If you stop in the middle and can’t be bothered to go on…or even aren’t enticed to start…..that would be excellent info to have!

    b) the technical aspects of the blog itself. This is my first post on my first blog, and whilst I have checked out others, it would be good to get some feedback on things like tags (I think someone on here mentioned more is better), the layout, picture, the feel of it, etc. Admittedly it’s fairly stock but I did choose it consciously, and try out a few things (before going back to the original!).

    Although to be honest, any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated, on any of it, really, if something jumps out at you.

    Many thanks


  3. Hey everyone c: I was wondering if someone could take a look at my first blog. I’m new to the world of blogging, and am not sure what to blog about. So if you could read my blog and tel me if it’s ok for my first, and what I could do to follow-up. Thanks !


    1. hii 🙂 the one thing I would recommend you to do is add lots of pictures, I only see writing on your blog and that is not the most attractive thing. So put in some photographs, pictures with quotes or anything colourful to spice it up a little 🙂


  4. New blogger here and just wanting to know how to start getting more comments from readers. Have been getting follows and likes but not many comments. I’m working my way around and commenting on other sites. Am I expecting too much too soon? Thanks for any help.


    1. That’s a tough one because of your blog concept. (It’s a good concept, though.)

      Before I started blogging, I regularly commented on blogs at a website where I would also search job listings. (And then I asked myself why I was handing over my content to someone else when I could start by own blog…) Some posts at this well-traveled website would receive almost no comments. When the comment count rose on a particular post, it usually meant that two people of diametrically opposed views were debating each other.

      I guess my point is that there’s an element of luck involved. And that even a blog with high readership won’t necessarily get a lot of comments.


      1. Appreciate you taking the time to give me this information. It helps to know this. I have seen a little more traffic and comments lately so I expect more will come. At least It feels like my concept is working. I wanted to be a little different.


      2. Different is good.

        The harshest criticism someone can make about a blog is “I’ve seen this a million times.” No one visits Identical Blog #1,000,001.


  5. hi, i just started here, and i’d just love to have people comment on my first and only blog. it’s nothing special, it’d just really help if someone, anyone, would read it. thanks(:


  6. hi, i’m new to this website, and i just recently made my first and only blog. it’d be greatly appreciated if someone, anyone, would read it and maybe comment to get me started. thanks(:


    1. it’s great that you’re blogging 🙂 now you just gotta either think of a theme for your blog to follow or you can decide to just go with your thoughts and blog about whatever comes to mind. Just check out other blogger’s blogs and that could inspire you to get started. Try posting one post a day 🙂


  7. I am looking for some input from any runners out there. I am working on a project and I would really like to see what the level of interest for it is. On my blog I wrote a post about plyometrics and the benefits that they have on running performance. If there are any runners out there and you have time do you think you could take the one question poll so that I can gather some data on whether or not pursuing this project is worthwhile? Thanks! The article and poll are here:


    1. I love the sheep header!

      The blog has an overall fun feel, but there may be too much empty white space for the feel you’re going for.

      And although your chosen theme puts the text directly on the background, I see that you purchased the customization upgrade. That means there’s definitely an easy way to add some color without affecting your blog’s readability.

      Here’s an example using dark colors. (You would want to use pale colors instead.)

      A background like that is simple to create. In PowerPoint, go to Format—> Slide Background. Click on Gradient and then start playing around until you create something you like. Then save your document twice: once as a .ppt (in case you need to edit it later) and once as a JPEG (which can be imported into WordPress).

      If the result doesn’t tile well, you may need to increase the image size using a graphics program. You don’t need fancy software for this.


    2. I really like your blogposts and what you’re writing 🙂 it’s very interesting. Now I think you gotta work on making the site as attractive as possible to attract readers to actually read what you’ve got to say. You could do this by putting a picture (either of yourself or anything related to your blog) in the sidebar.


  8. Hi, I am suddenly unable to drop photos at random throughout my blog. The initial media goes right to the top, as does each additional photo. If I want to use more than one, I have to plan ahead and put the picture in and drop it down, then begin my text at the top If I have more than one picture I have to plan it accordingly. Any help you could give me would be appreciated.


    1. Are you still having a problem? How do you normally drop your photos? Do you do it when you’re in text mode or visual mode? Do you save them first to your computer? I’m not sure that I’ll have the answer, but I’d be glad to try to help.


  9. Hello, I attempted to read your blog however when I clicked on your name it takes me to a page that says Blueyedrecovery does not exist.

    With respect,hope,joy and love, Carmela


  10. Hello 🙂 I always wonder whether pictures make every blog post better or not. I’d like to know based on my blogposts whether you would still read them even if there are no pictures or if they are an absolute must. Thankss in advance, Ula 🙂


    1. I feel they are a must for longer posts in order to break up the text (as are headings and paragraph spacings). Your posts tend to be shorter so maybe it’s not as vital. If given a choice, I’d always go with a picture (certainly couldn’t hurt), but it’s important to find one that you feel has something to say (and to give credit to whoever took the picture if it wasn’t you).


  11. Having new eyes give some feedback would be appreciated. I would like to get more traction on my blog and not sure what I can do toward that. Thanks for constructive input.


      1. I really like your blog, in fact I even followed it :)) One thing that would make your blog better is if you add more colour rather than just having it in gray scale colours. Especially your title – it would spice it up a little and make it more attractive 🙂 hope i could help!


    1. I like the name of your blog “Ruminations from an Introvert” and notice that you already have 38 followers (which isn’t bad!). You might want to consider writing more intimate/personal stuff about what it is to be an introvert (in case people are drawn to your blog by the name). Since you have the book “Quiet,” open up to any random page for topic ideas. I also notice that you are a student of web design and interactive media. While your blog layout/images are OK, they aren’t anything special. I’m SURE you could find ways to be creative with your images and design that would draw others to your site. Most importantly, comment on OTHER people’s blogs (they’ll want to check out the blog of whoever is making the comments).


  12. I am just starting my blog today as a young voice. So far, I plan on just posting things that make me who I am and interest me, rather than focusing on one specific genre (i.e., films, books, travel). I have many interests, but is this too much for one blog? I would rather stick to one blog rather than dividing up my thoughts into specific topics. Any tips for a new blogger?


    1. Writing about what interests you and makes you who you are is an excellent choice. It’s not unusual for a blog to start off with one focus and wind up with another so you are probably better off not trying to place limits on yours before you’ve even launched it. I found the WordPress Daily Prompts extremely helpful in finding my voice as a blogger and connecting with the community of bloggers from the start.


    1. You have so many experiences and interests to write about. You also have a nice conversational style. My suggestion would be (and I’m HORRIBLE at this myself): write shorter posts with a tighter focus. For example, your could have gotten so many different posts out the the procrastination post (many of the subjects, while VERY interesting, had nothing to do with procrastination). Also, you might want to break up longer posts with subtitles and photos (people scan the subtitles and photos first to see if they want to even bother reading a longer post). I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with longer posts, but if you can get 5 posts out of one (and keep the focus better directed on your topic by doing so), you might want to consider doing that instead.


  13. HELP! I used to have a “random” button on my blog and I loved it. But it is gone and I don’t know why. I have looked through settings, widgets, etc and can not find how to put it back. Is this a change with wordpress?

    I want my random button back.

    Thanks for any assistance


  14. This is my third time starting a new blog and I’d like to keep this one for more than a few months. I’m wondering if anybody has any tips on how to keep the juices flowing and stay motivated to write. Feedback in general would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!


  15. Would someone please reply on what I could do to attract more viewers on my blog ? And how can I stay writing about interesting topics. How can I always have topic to write about ?
