Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. I’ve looked at your blog and I liked it, you have lots of content of different types and I like the fact that you have included some of your own writing on there. The only thing I would say is that I noticed you have people that have commented on your blog and you haven’t responded to them. I always make a point of thanking people for commenting and taking the time to read and I don’t like it if I comment on someone’s post and they don’t acknowledge it. That’s just my opinion though. 🙂


      1. Thankyou so much! I do try to make an effort to reply to almost every comment, so there must be a few that have slipped past me, but otherwise, yes, I also like to reply to peoples’ comments.


  1. Everyone like feedback on their blog and I am not the exceptional. English is not my first language so my reader may find some grammatical error but I am open up for any kind of feedback.
    I write about everything which inspires me or I feel it can touch my readers heart. I am on a quest and my writing help me to find new meanings about life, love,hope, trust, relationship,people etc.
    I love WordPress, my readers and my fellow blogger. ❤
    White Lily

    White lily

    Summer Holiday with GULMOHAR


  2. I am interested in finding out more about the industry standards as it relates to models enhancing the complete look of an advertised outfit with their own piece of clothing.
    Just the other day, I came across an outfit on a website and really liked the color combination, so I contacted the store for the top and not the skirt on sale, only to be told the top is not an item carried by store.
    My question is by displaying both items on your virtual storefront, is it a misconception that those items are carried by the merchant


  3. I’d love some feedback on subjects for blogging. I’ve covered a number on my blog (which is only one month old) some get better feedback than others. I would grateful if you could take a look and give me your thoughts – should I stick to limited topics? should I blog every day? does my blog make sense?

    Thank you in advance, I really appreciate you taking the time to look.

    Best wishes, Jade.


  4. Hi! I started blogging a few weeks back and i am having trouble with the no. of hits i get on the blog. Its not increasing as i expected it to. Help!!!


  5. Hello! I would like some feedback on a poem I created. I believe it’s Freshly Pressed material, but would like some constructive criticism to make sure it is at its best. I promise to happily return the favor. Thanks so much!

    Quid est Veritas?


  6. I have a category/tag issue I would love advice with.

    When I started my blog I had no idea the real purposes of categories vs. tags and I rather arbitrarily decided that I was going to use categories on my mini book review posts and tags on my regular post.That way a reader could browse through books by category or posts by tags and not end up with a bunch of book reviews that had to do with dogs when all they were looking for were past posts of my dogs.

    The end result is… well… what is it? Is it an ok system? Should I change it? HOW would I change it?

    Thanks in advance!


  7. Hello experts of the blogosphere, I’d love some feedback on the layout and content of my blog. Is the layout too amateurish? Would something flashier distract from the content? I need your knowledge! Please comment with your thoughts


  8. Hello everyone.

    My blog at is a very definite single topic blog. I’m not sure if I am unusual in that when I started it back at the end of January it was purely for me to record what I was up to with a project that I am working on. The blog has blossomed now to become part of the project. I don’t have many followers and I don’t get a vast amount of views and whilst this doesn’t worry me overmuch I would appreciate some comments on the layout and content. Specifically, the blog runs sequentially, the landing page is always the last post made so I wonder whether I would be better re-organising in some way to make access to the start of the blog more obvious. Any comments would be appreciate.


  9. Hello! Would love feedback in regards to my semi-new blog, Sequins and Bow Ties. I recently moved to the Netherlands from the US (oh how I miss the FL beaches, but loving the tulip fields), so S&B primarily focuses on my living abroad journeys and travels, while also incorporating fashion into play. Look forward to hearing from you guys and thanks in advance for any tips on writing, visuals or even how to build a bigger audience.

    XX – Whitney


  10. Hey guys ! I’ve been blogging in Portuguese for quite a few years and some weeks ago I’ve decided to create a personal blog in English as well. Having a blog at WordPress is mostly a hobby to me, one that I would love to do everyday although I don’t have enough available time. This is why I don’t have a blogging schedule, neither a real “subject” of the blog unless “discussing about everything that’s nice to know” counts.

    I would really appreciate if some of you checked it and gave me a feedback.

    The link for the blog in English:
    The link for the blog in Portuguese (just in case anyone else speaks the language):

