Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Although the focus needs to be on poetry, remember that poetry is inspired by other senses –visual, hearing, etc. So it might be nice to have a custom photo header or design at the top. The lines running through like paper are distracting. They compete with the widgets, etc.

      Your blog has a warm feel, just put more choice visuals to make us visit more often.


      1. Thanks for replying to my comment. Yes, I would like to have a custom header, but I don’t know what would like the picture to be of or how to cut it so that it is the right size.


    2. Hey,
      I visited your blog.
      And I agree with JEAN, a poetry blog would be nicer with more visual effects. Pictures.
      Maybe even a video or two in your posts. Music for inspiration, such stuff.
      Another thing is the lines, again as JEAN said, they get a bit distracting.
      On another note, your writing is beautiful, its just your theme and effects that need to be fixed up a bit.
      I would also appreciate some feedback from you about my blog.
      Theme, features, writing… anything 😀


    1. The moment your blog showed on my page I was astonished.
      Your theme and effects and pages are GREAT!
      I like how you have different themes for different posts, and some quotes in between.
      I liked your way of writing, but I think if you add more images into the content it could give it a more creative look since you have so many metaphors and imagery and what not.
      Other than that, it is a wonderful blog, great layout and theme.
      My blog is actually pretty plain, I would appreciate if you could take a look and give me some tips on how to make it more lively, yet fitting with the content.


  1. One little bitty thing…I don’t play games and I DO NOT EVEN CHECK OUT ANY BUT THOSE WHOSE SITES I REACH THROUGH THE LINKS THEY LEAVE FOR ME ABOUT MY OWN BLOG. This is not negotiable. I am going to start treating others as i myself am treated.


  2. to heck with this and to heck with everyone. it is apparent now that the world doesn’t have any plans to even acknowledge my existence, even in cyber space. so all you cutsie cutsie readers and posters can go to the devil and you can delete my account. i don’t need any of you sorry judgmental ‘critics’ anyway. hope you have a nice life in your ‘real’ world, a place i don’t seem to exist in real life…and apparently not in cyber space either. you can all go to the devil for all i care.


    1. Why the attitude, sorry people are not commenting on you blog, maybe its not interesting enough, maybe people like cute, nicey wicey, cuddlesome blogs. Or have you thought that maybe and this is just an observation, I am not asking you to change or anything like that, I mean you are eho you are and nothing can change that but you, but your attitude stinks. So big deal if people don’t look at your site, big deal that you havent got hordes of fans. Who you writing for, them or for yourself?…… no I suggest you ho away and think about how you like to be treated and the last comment.


  3. @my soresoul:

    It is so ironic that the only response I get is to something where I bespeak my disgust and disappointment at the attitude of the world around me. And made by someone who can’t even spell correctly, no less.

    Want to talk attitude? Why not start with your own. rather than criticizing me for feeling dejected and reacting out of that pain, you might want to consider tempering your own attitude to be less caustic.

    With regards to ‘cutesie blogs and photo’s’, I actually feel sorry for those that have to depend on those to write about, for they have no imaginations within themselves to write more than ‘tear jerkers or smile makers’. If that is harsh, so be it. The world has never been kind to me, why should I be kind to it? The times I have, all I have gotten was a kick in the teeth.

    So keep your caustic comments to yourself. you do not know me, and you obviously haven’t read any of my stuff, so you have no room to judge me.

    Furthermore, you have absolutely no right to talk down to me or to order me to ‘go away’ like I am some little child. If all who frequent this site are as you are, it is no wonder my inbox has been filling with comments for everyone else but not for me. I guess there is no accounting for taste.

    I leave you with this, which I just wrote for the second day of the napowrimo challenge:


    I share my thoughts, my hopes my dreams
    But no one hears or sees them it seems
    Time goes by and day by weary day
    I wonder if any hear what I have to say.

    Whether in real life or cyber space
    It seems for me there is no place
    No one, it seems, on this big huge earth
    Finds my words-or me-of any worth.

    About the things I seek to share
    The world just does not seem to care
    To it I simply do not exist
    Causing pain in my heart to writhe and twist.

    It seems I’ll forever be denied the acceptance I seek
    Both in the words I write and the words I speak
    The world is blind and deaf to me it seems
    So it never sees me or hears my soundless screams.

    The words of others are heard and read just fine
    But the same cannot be said of mine
    My words, spoken or written, on deaf ears fall
    Making me seriously wonder if I exist at all.

    Marantha D. Jenelle


    1. Why would the world be kind to you like its a right or you deserve it. Have a read any of my blog? You will find that, the world hasn’t been kind to me, but why should it, you make your own way in this world. As for my spelling I have arthritis and is in most of my joints which is causing bone spurs growing in my joint forcing my joints apart in my finger causing the nerves to twitch, typing is painful so I use a tablet and tap out the words using a stylus and I do make mistakes, oh wow. I live on painkillers and wear a patch that feeds me 25mg of Fentynal every hour, a drug 100 times more powerful than Morphine. Shall I go on how 4 hours of sleep is normal because the pain of the deteration of the bone in my spine and hip makes it difficulty to lay down or sit for long periods of time, how about the damage to nerves connected to my legs. I don’t think the world owes me something. Its not the worlds fault, it the way my own body works or doesn’t. So I get on with my life, enjoy it, write about it and have fun in it.



    I am sorry for posting such hateful, bitter comments. I would like to start over. If anyone has the time and would be kind enough, could you please check out my blog, GHOSTWRITER ( and let me know what you think of it? I design and create my own backgrounds, as I also design and create the pages that some of the stories, verses and other items are on.

    What I am mainly concerned with is making my blog better organized and more visitor friendly. (This DOES NOT mean, however, removing my warning to spammers, scammers and those that post malicious, demeaning, demoralizing, hateful, rude, crude comments on my pages.)

    Blessed Be to any that read this,

    Marantha D. Jenelle/Dreamweaver


  5. I give up. I am unfollowing this mess. I am sick and tired of my inbox filling up with comments on other people’s blogs but not a single one, other than the one telling me to go away, on mine. enough is enough. apparently I don’t exist any more here than I do in the real world.


  6. I need to know how I can improve the layout of my blog? Can anyone please tell me what is missing? And is the overall look okay or do I need to work a lot on it?


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