Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. Hey I visited your blog.
      It stroke me as very interactive and organized, (but not too organized, which is a good thing)
      I couldn’t find an “About” page though, and I think you need to add one because a lot of people like to read it to get a better feel about the person writing and the topics he/she is writing about.


  1. I am new to the blogging world so i’m not too sure how to go about it in general. I just started it because of a suggestion from a friend who found my tweets about food amusing. have you any tips for a new blogger on how its done and how to get your stuff out there?


    1. Sweet blog…However, I am done with animal crakers…I am new myself, so as far as suggestions on themes and the likes, i’m not the expert…but i’m not a fan of baby blue soft colors, just me. I did love the writing contents


  2. Hello everyone,

    My wife and I started this financial blog a couple of months ago. It aims to help people to learn how to handle their finances etc. After the first series, we planned to focus on financial management for couples. The posts are long and meaty so that readers will get use into reading long contracts.

    Let me know what you think of our page.

    I would love to hear your feedback.




    1. I am amazed!

      I have very seldom seen such a excellent layout!

      The graphics are inspired! A perfect graphic for each and every place one has been used.

      I am in awe!


      1. Hi Rob (I just learned your name via your blog),

        Thank you also for subscribing. 😀

        Here are some comments on your blog.

        1. You’ve done a great job in coloring each link with the same color. That tells the readers that every time they see the blue colored text (#0161B5), it means they can click it to see another page. However, if you can do the same for the post title, that would further increase the consistency of the layout.

        2. I think it would be best if you can tease your readers before having the “Read more” link which is found on the latest two articles. This way, if you got them teased, they’ll read more of your posts.

        By the way, I’m basing my comments on the blog that taught me how to layout my site.

        Here’s the link to the site: It’s a site from Derek Halpern.

        I hope this helps.



      2. Thank you for your nice comments!

        The “read more’ is for articles I have re-blogged… I have no control over where that link show up.

        As for the theme, I do strive for consistency, and the post titles actually turn blue on a mouse hover.

        I am still working out the fine point of the .css for the site. I used to know .css when I had my blog on, and hosted by “Bloghosts”. They went out of business one day with no warning. One day my blog was there, the next day it was gone.

        I haven’t blogged seriously since then, over 10 years gone by now.

        Can you please email me, so we can chat more privately? I haven’t been able to find a link on your blog for contacting you there.

        My public email is

        Thanks again for your nice comments!



      1. The problem was that the URL associated with the comment you left did not point to Now that I have gotten there, I’ll have a look around and let you know how I like the place. 🙂


    1. Okay… I’m shooting straight from the hip here, so don’t be offended.

      The very first thing I noticed was the *small* font size. One of the base rules of typography is not to use a small sans serif typeface. At small sizes, sans serif typefaces can be very hard on the eyes.

      The second thing I noticed is that the width of the blog.

      The banner I measured at 780 pixels.
      The 2 column span below that totals 750 pixels.
      The main post column width is 515 pixels.

      My laptop, a 17″ model has a screen resolution of 1600 by 900.

      This means that the bulk of the screen real estate on your blog is about 32% of the width of my screen. No matter how you look at that, it’s *way* to narrow.

      Your posts are on a white background, which is surrounded by another background that does not provide enough contrast for the very small 5 pixels between posts.

      I have to look hard to notice, on a quick read, where 1 post ended and another one began.

      The are occasional posts where there is not a blank line between paragraphs. Also hard on the eyes.

      I would also recommend that you put a blank line between the title and content of each post. Again, it’s easier on the eyes.

      Sometimes the title of a post is in bold, sometimes it is not. Consistency is an important trait, in print and online.

      There are, I feel, too many links to sites that are not relevant to the business at hand. Having links to Wiki pages that explain a term is usually a good thing, but overuse can turn your readers off. Links to pages that have nothing to do with your blog are generally considered, for the type of blog you have, to be a bad thing. I am thinking of the link to “So What” by Pink.

      I can appreciate your desire to keep the “Share” area clean. Many people overuse this area for no gain. On the other hand, you have gone in the other direction, to, I feel, and extreme. Most people at least have Facebook, Twitter, and the other tier 1 websites.

      Your post entitled “What, How, Why. The Whys Have It” contains a picture that is 310 pixels wide… that’s about 60% the width of the column it is in. Generally speaking a picture shouldn’t be more than 1/3 the width of the column it is in. The text, “TED Talk – by Simon Sinek. Why Martin Luther King? Why Apple not Dell?” is in a column that is only 1 word wide. This is, generally consider to be a very bad thing. So… smaller picture or wider column.

      I also feel that you have far too many tags for the total number of posts you have made. I feel it is wise to keep the number of tags you are using equal to the actual numbered of posts you have made in the category you have filed that post under.

      Ah… I see that one of your posts is about writing copy for the web. I don’t think your readers need to be linked to what a rule of thumb is.

      There is also a least one spelling mistake. That is a bit ironic.

      All the things I have listed above are technical details.

      Now, on the the content…

      Your posts are old. And on a blog, old = stale. I am not seeing a lot of new posts. Actually, the most recent post is a repost of one that was posted over 3 weeks ago.

      I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is to be posting, and posting good, interesting copy, on a regular basis. Blogs live and die on this principal.

      You must also go back over your posts to check that the links and especially the images are still up-to-date. Your egg picture no longer points to a page that has the image.

      I feel that it is very important that *you* have any pictures you are using on your blog in the media library for that blog. The free space you get from WordPress is more than adequate until you decide that the traffic on your blog warrants paying for more storage space.

      Hmm… your “test bed” post is really old, and some of the information in it may be out of date at this juncture.

      It’s getting late, so I’m going to try and end this comment of mine to you.

      I find it more than just a bit ironic that you seem not to be following the advice you have given out in some of your posts.

      You need to post a minimum, I feel, of at least 3 times a week. Personally, I shoot for at least 1 good post per day. I wrote about 1,500 words in one of my recent posts and had an accompanying post of about 500 words that it linked to.

      Both posts, I feel, are relevant to my target audience. Your posts are also relevant to your target audience, so you are on the right track there.

      But.. you need to post more often, wish fresh ideas that will reach out and touch the people who are reading your blog.

      Your use of white space is inconsistent, and there are the problems I pointed out at the beginning of this comment as well.

      Widen the blog up, use white space, titles, and paragraph styles in a consistent manner in order to draw in the people who are “scanners”. Perhaps you felt the skinny style was needed to people reading the blog on portable devices.

      That is no longer a valid reason in today’s world. Your blog theme, which is no longer even available, can be a new theme, with wider columns, and most importantly, portable device friendly auto sizing columns. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Your blog can be a width that fills my large screen right down to something that can be read clearly on an iPhone or similar device.

      I don’t think that any amount of good copy can make up for a design that is currently far out of date. I think maybe that is why WordPress retired it.

      Lastly… in order to increase the readership of your blog, you need to let people know it exists. I have read on blogs that are here, on WordPress, that one of the most effective ways of increasing your readership is to write good copy in the comment section of a blog.

      By doing this, you are exposing potential site visitors to yourself, and subsequently to your blog. I’ve spent over an hour looking at your blog, measuring it, reading all the posts on the first 2 pages, and finally delivering my thoughts on it here to you.

      Time and effort… I have expanded both.

      Reason “A”: to let you know what I think of your blog.

      Reason “B”: to expose the people who read these comments to me.

      Now you and them know far more about me, my writing style, etc. than they did before.

      I consider this time and effort well spent. I am sure that at least a small percentage of the people who have read this post, including yourself, may be inclined to visit my blog and see what other things I have written and posted.

      As I said at the beginning of this comment… this is my opinion, shot straight from the hip. It is in no way designed to hurt you personally or professionally, but instead help you to increase the readership of your blog… and that’s why we are here in the first place.



      p.s. — this comment is just about 1870 words long. I will copy and paste it into a Google Doc for future reference.


  3. I’m looking for suggestions on which layout/format/theme will best suit a blog focused on art. I need to have nested menus, multiple gallery view pages, and a generally image friendly format. Any suggestions? (I’m talking about updating my flippingchannels blog specifically.) Thank you!


  4. I would appreciate some input about my writing under tag” light house” , “the page” all under Storytell category in my blog. One more thing , feedback about the lay out of my blog
    Thank you 🙂


  5. Just what I need. An honest to goodness comment on my site that will help me improve it. Do i have the right format? Am I using the right color for the messages i want to convey? English is my third language and the first two are local languages which i use daily. Am I tagging them correctly? How can i get readers interested? Will appreciate your comments. Thanks.


  6. I am new to blogging, but would love some feedback on the content of my blog….thanks in advance


    1. Hey,
      I really liked your blog.
      You talk about interesting topics.
      Your theme is also nice. Maybe its just me, but I find the Black and White theme symbolic of the topics you write about since some of them are controversial and taboo.
      However, it is a bit plain. Im personally trying to make my blog visually nicer, so maybe adding a header photo or a quote on the side.
      But I love your blog.
      I would appreciate if you visit my blog and give me some feedback as well.


      1. Thanks for taking the time to review my blog. It’s really appreciated.

        I like your style of writing and I think you would be a great journalist. I think it would make your blog more personal if you added more to your About Me page.

        The only other thing is a menu? I would like to read more of your posts but it’s difficult to scroll down through all of them, could you put a menu in that had categories that we could navigate with? Overall, I think you’re doing a great job! x


      2. Thank You for the feedback!
        I’ve always had trouble with the “About Me” page.
        But I guess I should work on it.


  7. I’ve been blogging about personal and everyday matters for a while now. I think I’ll be trying to expand my horizons now. ANY help is appreciated – the blog layout/colors, content, topics I must write about, ANYTHING at all!

    I’m waiting 🙂
    Thank you so much.


    1. Hi Truviz,

      When I opened your blog the first thing that I see is the big header (the word Belief). Then after that I noticed the title of the recent article.

      By the way, how do you want your readers to react on your blog?



    2. Hi Truviz,
      the first thing I noticed was “Belief”, and then the menu on the top.
      Your layout is really nice, but I think it is a bit cold compared to the topics you write about, it looks more like a news website, rather than one that intrigues questions about faith and belief.
      But that is just my opinion.


      1. Hey, I actually like it this way 🙂
        You can also try a yet darker red and see which you like 🙂
        I love how blog is written in red within the word belief 🙂


  8. My blog is an experiment. I’m going to highly personal while still anonymous. I’m not sure if this comes across in my blog.


    1. Hey,
      For starters, I like the theme, its cute and simple.
      your posts, however, struck me as very personal so other than not giving your real name, there is no anonymity.
      I suggest you add a few pictures in your posts, or a video or two.
      Maybe even put in some songs you like.
      this way people can get a better understand of you and your likes without you having to say it.
      This is my personal opinion, but if you have a post every once in a while about something other than your daily life and routines, or yourself, it would be nice and give your blog a nice twist.

      On another note, I would appreciate some feedback from you about my blog. Specifically the theme (I’m horrible with such stuff) and the writing style.
      Thanks and hope your dog feels better 🙂


  9. Hey guys 🙂
    I’m fairly new to blogging so I’d really apprecuate any kind of feedback on literally any aspect of my blog 🙂
    You cats can find me at
    Thank you 😀


    1. Hey I went through your blog.
      Putting separate pages for contact and Blog Awards is a great idea.
      Your theme overall is alright, but the light blue background color doesn’t seem to fit in and gives your blog a somewhat mellow look.
      Maybe something a bit darker would look better.
      Would appreciate some feedback from you on my blog as well 🙂


      1. I like the “About Me and My Blog” page, and think the “One Way” logo is great! Just a tiny suggestion, the grey text for titles could be changed, to give the blog that extra bit of colour. 🙂

        Overall, a great blog! I’m following too! 🙂


      2. Thanks!
        I will experiment with different colors and see which one makes it look more lively!


  10. I’d love some feedback on the navigation of my site… I have noticed in my stats that many people seem to look at my homepage or archives but don’t then seem to click through to any posts. If anyone could go peruse and tell me what they think it would be very much appreciated!


  11. I’d really like some feedback on my general layout, content and writing style if anyone would be so kind. Pros and Cons and Constructive Criticism would be ideal, thanks a lot!


  12. Mistreatment and abuse of a 40 yr-old Mental patient in Lancaster, PA.

    I am writing on behalf of my husband, Luis Villa, who was denied treatment by your staff and discharged as a patient from your psychiatric facility. I am really disgusted at handling of my husband who is mentally ill. He came to your facility at my request to get help for his mental disorder which has been a pervasive disadvantage to his quality of life. Upon doing what I asked do he was prescribed medication that did a great amount of damage to him physically and mentally and was mistreated by one of your staff members.

    My husband supplied your staff with his history of mental illness. He has been diagnosed as bipolar and has been declared Severely Mentally Ill in PA (PA in fact put him in a mental wing in Ephrata for a suicide attempt in 1994?), Arizona and Colorado. His military records show that he was honorably discharged because of this psychiatric disorder( USA said personality disorder). He has also been hospitalized for his mental illness for a short time in his youth. He was getting regular treatment in Arizona, but since our move to Pennsylvania he has been trying to deal with his disability on his own and things were not going well for him. He was having problems coping at work and in his daily interactions with other and it was causing him a great deal of stress and anxiety. All of this was explained you your staff in detail during the initial consultation and in his first visit with Dr. Beiver Luis gave the staff at TeamCare the name of the clinic, CODAC., were he was receiving treatment in Arizona for his condition and asked your staff members to request his medical file for their records, but somehow the release form was lost?
    Luis showed great trepidation about returning to see Dr. Beiver for two great reasons. First, Dr. Beiver, despite lack of Luis’ Medical records from military to Arizona, he told Luis he would not help again with any kind of anxiety medication if he would not take another mood stabilizer or go to therapy. In fact he tried to conclude the meeting there without any help until Luis asked if he was being put in the corner of therapy or get out? Luis’ last try at a mood stabilizer left him hospitalized for a near stroke/ severe anxiety attack and he was very scared to try a twelve pill at age 40. Secondly, Dr. Beiver kept on checking his watch every two minutes or so until Luis finally asked, do you have another appointment or something to which the Doctor replied no. Luis then asked to see another Dr. upon returning home only to be told only Dr. Beiver saw adults. Luis still filed a verbal complaint.

    Dr. Beiver’s and TeamCare’s insinuation that Luis came in to your facility demanding a prescription of medication is ludicrous. Should Dr. Beiver have taken more than 4 minutes with my husband during his visit on 3/25/13, would have realized that Luis was not in a in a rational mental state and was exhibiting common behaviors associated with bi-polarism, such as anxiety, agitation and confusion, only exacerbated by the Lamictal which he had been recently prescribed that had caused him other numerous and frightful side-effects. These side affects rendered him incapable of functioning on a normal level, which is why Dr. Beiver had faxed a medical excuse to his job when Luis found himself too sick to work.

    When Luis tried to inform Dr. Beiver of the side-effects of the Lamictal, he refused to look at the list that I had helped Luis highlight from the warning insert he received with his medication, and instead demanded that Luis verbally tell him his side effects. I bear witness to the fact that my husband was not in a rational state of mind and did not have the capacity to express himself coherently, which is why I helped him to compile his list in the first place. Luis also tried showing Dr. Bevier so paperwork that he had from his visits with CODAC showing what medication he had been taking, but Dr. Beiver refused to look at it.

    Dr. Beiver failed to use his medical training to properly diagnose my husband and instead chose to label him as an addict. Why would my husband demand anti-anxiety medication from Dr. Beiver when he was already given a new prescription of clonazepam of increased strength and dosage that was still waiting to be picked up at CVS at the time of his appointment with Dr. Beiver on 3/25. So why would Luis demand something he already had, and why did Dr. Beiver not know this? My husband asked for help with the Lamictal side-effects only. He should have gone to ER but instead advised by Joanne, Dr. Beiver’s nurse, to wait to see Dr. on Monday who did nothing but aggravate his already vulnerable state.

    This goes against the Hippocratic oath taken by all physicians to use all remedies to help the sick. Dr. Beiver was so clouded in his judgment that he didn’t even seek the advise from any of his colleagues to get an outside opinion and assess the situation. I have been to several appointments when he was going to CODAC, when is psyciatrist asked if I could join in on a session so that they could get my thoughts on a situation.

    Furthermore in the process of kicking my Luis out of the office did he choose to use obscenities at a person who has been diagnosed as mentally ill? And refused to give back Luis’ symptoms list, and Luis asked to speak to the supervisor only to be laughed in the face and told she was unavailable now go.

    Didn’t the medical excuse off of work for three days, written by Team Care, show that perhaps he was just trying to cope with the side-effects of the drug Dr. Beiver pushed on Luis? Luis last remarks where “so if I go home now and kill myself you’ll have a clear conscience?” The response was “good luck finding another doctor, good -bye”??

    During this first visit he was prescribed anti-anxiety medication and told that in order for him to continue receiving this medication he would also have to start a regiment of mood stabilizers. Initially he was against the idea since he had tried numerous mood stabilizers in the past and they have never worked for him. Your staff was informed by Luis that he had had sever reactions to this type of medication in the past, which included hospitalization.

    Luis approached me with the matter and we did some research on Lamictal, the medication that Dr. Beiver had suggested to my husband that he start taking and upon reading of its effectiveness and low instances of side effects, Luis decided to give it a chance. I feel really bad now because I begged him to give it a try even though he was scared that he would have another bad reaction, but I convinced him that it would be worth a try if he could finally find something that would work for him.

    The first day he complained of felling tired. I could tell he was not acting himself. He was a little scatterbrained. He said it was hard for him to keeps his thoughts together, he felt like he was in a fog. He did not sleep that night. I thought that it was just a matter of getting use to the effects of the Lamictal, as he did at first seem to has decreased mood swings. So even though he wanted to stop taking this medication immediately I urged him to continue his regiment until he talked with Dr. Beiver.

    Instead of things getting better they only got worse. His mental state deteriorated over the next couple of days. He had insomnia, so bad that he only got about 8 hours of sleep over a 4 day period. His eyes were completely bloodshot. He had problems urinating, was bruising easily and complained of the room spinning. He had racing thoughts, extreme mood swings, depression, mania, he was in a stated of psychosis and even experienced hallucinations. He had become aggressive and agitated. He started taking Lamictal on Thursday, and despite all his friends trying to stop him from taking it took until Sunday when I told him to stop taking it and call TeamCare to get medical advise. After a conversation with Dr. Beiver’s nurse Joanne informed Luis to discontinue taking the Lamictal, called in a prescription for Colnazepam and arranged for him to see Dr. Beiver for an appointment on Monday since Luis could not drive for the last four days. She then spent 10 minutes making do breathing exercises and listing to his fear of limping and red-yellow discharge emitting from his bloodshot eyes. She got him rational with the litany that the doctor will help just hold on.

    My husband was so bad off, I had to take the morning off of work to take my him for his appointment at TeamCare. We have a forged release form from Dr.Beiver, a medical excuse for three days off work and a generic release of service with TeamCare blaming him and his demanding pills without taking what doctor prescribed?

    Luis has since missed work gotten a fever of 103 along with sleeping fits and fever blisters. Not to mention a fear of going to doctors.

    Drugs & Medications – lamictal oral

    Lamictal Oral
    Back to Drug Overview
    FDA ALERT from WebMD Medical News
    • FDA Warns Lamictal Can Cause Meningitis
    Does Lamictal Oral have side effects?
    The following side effects are associated with Lamictal Oral:
    Common side effects of Lamictal Oral:
    Uncoordinated Severe
    Rash Severe
    Double Vision Less Severe
    Blurred Vision Less Severe
    Inflammation of the Nose Less Severe
    Disorder of the Digestive System Less Severe
    Drowsiness Less Severe
    Dizzy Less Severe
    Head Pain Less Severe
    Chest Pain Less Severe
    Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe
    Throwing Up Less Severe
    Infrequent side effects of Lamictal Oral:
    Toxic Effect on Brain or Spinal Cord Function Severe
    Mental Impairment Severe
    Easily Angered or Annoyed Severe
    Confused Severe
    Anxious Severe
    Problems with Eyesight Less Severe
    Involuntary Eye Movement Less Severe
    Dry Mouth Less Severe
    Indigestion Less Severe
    Painful Periods Less Severe
    Backache Less Severe
    Low Energy Less Severe
    Pain Less Severe
    Weight Loss Less Severe
    Diarrhea Less Severe
    Stomach Cramps Less Severe
    Infection Less Severe
    Mood Changes Less Severe
    Rare side effects of Lamictal Oral:
    Repeated Seizures with Unconsciousness Between Episodes Severe
    Pancreatitis Severe
    Multiple Organ Failure Severe
    Meningitis Not Caused by an Infection Severe
    Vasculitis Severe
    Erythema Multiforme Severe
    Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Severe
    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Severe
    Lupus-Like Syndrome Severe
    Fever Severe
    Voluntary Movement Difficulty Severe
    Small Reddish-Purplish Pin-Point Sized Spots on the Skin Severe
    Periods of Not Breathing Severe
    Giant Hives Severe
    Allergic Reaction caused by a Drug Severe
    Reaction due to an Allergy Severe
    Hemolytic Anemia Severe
    Constitutional Aplastic Anemia Severe
    Acquired Decrease of All Cells in the Blood Severe
    Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow Failure Severe
    Anemia Severe
    Decreased Blood Platelets Severe
    Deficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood Cell Severe
    Decreased White Blood Cells Severe
    Decreased Neutrophils a Type of White Blood Cell Severe
    Increased Eosinophils in the Blood Severe
    Blood Disorder Severe
    Suicidal Severe
    Having Thoughts of Suicide Severe
    Problem Behavior Less Severe
    Lazy Eye Less Severe
    Sinus Irritation and Congestion Less Severe
    Itching Less Severe
    Chronic Trouble Sleeping Less Severe
    Involuntary Quivering Less Severe
    Difficulty Speaking Less Severe
    Swollen Lymph Nodes Less Severe
    Numbness and Tingling Less Severe
    Feeling Weak Less Severe
    Tak en from 4/1/2013

    forged below is my signature and date(notice how he tried to change spelling of numbers and only marked an L for me and a line for him) also forged is amount of time, not 15 minutes but 4 only.


  13. I have been on WordPress for nearly as long as I have had a computer, which is over nine years. In that time I have stripped every single thing twice, due to lack of response to my writing. I have begun to wonder why I even try, given that bloggers that do little more than talk about their daily lives or show photo’s earn more comments in a single week than I myself did in an entire year.

    Is my writing so bad that those who read it are so unmoved they can’t even come up with a hateful comment, much less an encouraging one? I was at one time subscribed to more than twenty fellow bloggers, but after watching my inbox fill with comments on their work day after day and not a single response to my own works, I deleted all but about three of those subscriptions. I was, in short, getting a serious inferiority complex.

    Yes, I am fully aware that many of my posts are long, and yes, I know that many do no more than ‘skim read’, but for crying out loud, am I that bad? I have read much worse and much better as well on other blogs that got comments right left and sideways. When I read, I always leave a comment, if only that I liked it, rather than sneaking in and ‘casing the joint’ then sneaking out like a ghost, leaving no sign that I was there or that I took time from my own life to share a tiny piece of the ones who’s blog I had just read.

    I do not own a camera, so cannot take cutesie cutesie photo’s, i do not own a car, do not have any friends at all, am nearly totally reclusive (by choice, I might add, as I got fed up with the world and its people’s maligning, mocking, teasing, ridiculing and abusing me) so have no ‘adorable wee tales’ to tell about the ‘going on’s’ in my life.

    If anyone could take a look at my blog, GHOSTWRITER, and give me some honest feedback, I would appreciate it.

    Blessed Be,

    Marantha D. Jenelle/Dreamweaver
    Artist, Writer, Poet, Calligrapher, Dreamer
    And creator of what may be the world’s very first editable downloadable stationery, available soon on Maradjen’s Creations
