Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hello, I’d like some feedback on my blog. I recently switched to the “Responsive” Theme and I’ve been working on it this past weekend. Still not finished, but I’d like to hear what people think of the look so far. It’s a gaming/tech blog so keep that in mind. I’m also using a static page for the first time on the front page and would like to hear feedback on it.




    1. The over-sized image on the right of your background was distracting for me. I clicked into your blog to see reviews but did not find a tag on the menu for reviews. I did click on the cloud tag, but didn’t notice it stratight away.


      1. This is a good suggestion. I’ve been thinking of using Spring Break to do some re-organizing and cleaning up in the way of categories and such and maybe that would help too. Thanks!


    1. I got lost immediately. A cloud or a menu would be helpful. I did a random click and found a “twist-a-plot” post where I got eaten rather early in the story 😦 Next round, I am going to avoid a healthy walk.


  2. I just started another blog for writers of fiction to come to have their work critiqued called KRI-TEEK MEE ( I started it based off a recent Community Pool: Focus on Fiction ( I’ve been looking at it and I’m wondering if there is too much information. What I would like to know is if it is a lot of information and if so, what can I pair down and of course any other suggestions you may have.


  3. This is my first time on this page. Have just launched a blog writing about psychotherapy. Would really appreciate any thoughts from anyone willing to have a look. I’m totally new to blogging and am just learning as I go.
    Thanks in anticipation.


      1. Most blogs use images that are related in some fashion. They could be funny images if the blog is light of heart, or the post about it being all about money could simply have images of money. The main idea of the images is to break up long text and give a hint as to what the text contains.


    1. HI Doc,
      The theme which is white on black is just fine by me. Some have themes on black on white which is harder to read. What I am saying is I can read what’s written on your post.

      The second thing, in my opinion, is to break long paragraphs into smaller paragraphs. English is my second language and I find it easier when I read smaller chunks. Long paragraph appears to me as if the person kept on talking and have not taken a breath.


    1. Hi Karis, your blog looks really good. Its not really my thing but I love the design and you seem to have put a lot of work into it. Maybe you could use more pictures. And you could start posting comments on other beauty sites


  4. I would like if possible some feedback on my blog, I mainly started it when at university to journal my university projects so that tutors could have a look at progress etc, I have recently abandoned it by not posting for a while but challenged myself to blog more.

    Any ideas on how I can improve? Prefer feedback on my blog please so i can track comments 🙂



    1. blog looks good, nice clean design, some story to go with the text. But WTF are you doing with your watermarks on the images, text and style and size and design and opacity changes from image to image. Personally not a fan of really intrusive watermarks but whatever you choose to do, would be better to make it consistent.


  5. I would like if possible some feedback on my blog, I mainly started it when at university to journal my university projects so that tutors could have a look at progress etc, I have recently abandoned it by not posting for a while but challenged myself to write more.
    Any ideas on how I can improve? Prefer feedback on my blog please so I can track comments

    Most content is about my photography work, design work etc.


    1. The title is Black and White. Questions:
      – How come the colour is Red not Black.
      – Does your theme capable of having a sidebar of most recent topic? I find this helpful rather than using arrows to navigate through your post.
      – The calendar is good. What is the purpose of this?
      You don’t need to answer these, just think about it.

      Other than that, I like the expanse of your theme and big fonts for ease of reading.


  6. I just started my blog in November and would love some feedback!! Originally, this blog started as a creative writing outlet for myself. I am aiming to get more of an outside following on the blog but now sure how to get the word out. Please let me know what you think, would love your honest feedback. Thanks!


  7. Hi , I have never blogged before just recently and I got great tips from another blogger on what to do and not do … I would really love to hear what you all think of my blog . I don know what I’m doing … Lol … I just feel passionately about offering help to moms and dads with kids that have special needs and I wanted to get the word out so I started this blog . Let me know what you think .


  8. I have made a lot of changes to the layout of my blog so I would like to get some feedback on the visual aspect of my blog. I am open to helpful tips on how to improve my blog content-wise as well.
    Thank you in advance, have a nice day!


    1. Good on you Wiles. The colour and the layout are excellent. With my poor eyesight, the fonts are a wee bit for this myopic eyes. It’s just me. I always enjoy your inspirational post.


  9. Hey, I’ve been blogging for awhile, but am slowly learning about the blogging community. I’d like to figure out how to generate discussions or encourage questions, any thoughts on how to get conversations going? For example, I write something then ask for thoughts in which we can start conversing.


    1. You could try replying to comments and asking another question. I find most comment threads end after 2 or 3 comments. I’m not sure public forums are a good place for in depth discussion. Sue


  10. As someone who recently started blogging, I found this to be an eye-opener. Thanks for the great read, and let’s see if I can make it work as well. 😉


  11. Hi! I started a blog ( at the end of January, and in order to get my feet under me, I decided to start out with a strict topic schedule, posting 6 days a week.

    I’m not having trouble writing the content, but I’m starting to feel a bit of “conversational whiplash” bouncing from topic to topic each day, and wonder whether it’s just me, or if it feels that way to readers, too.

    I’m considering cutting back to 3-4 posts per week, with a more organic transition from post to post, as opposed to the rotational schedule I’m currently following. I’m not entirely sure how to do that, but right now things aren’t feeling quite “right”.

    In addition to feedback on the conversational whiplash concern, I would also appreciate thoughts on my writing style and the look/feel of the blog itself. It’s still so new, I’m mostly playing to an audience that I know personally offline, and therefore I feel their feedback is colored by their association with me.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!
