Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. What etiquette do you have on pingbacks? The reason I am asking is that I receive so many pingbacks but the person who has use my post has not even made a comment, permission or like what I have posted. What kind of guidelines do you have for the community? Thank you.


    1. Well I get them and the help files say its another way of commenting. For me I am not so sure, I am also not so sure they work, I did one to you tonight linking a post to you, but I don’t know if it worked. What I have had is people joining as user and all but 2 were fake email addresses, they will be wanting to use my blog as a launching pad for spam. I think the best and simplest way is when you leave a comment leave your blog address. 🙂


      1. Sorry, Pete. I did get it but I have not responded yet. What I did I jump right to your sight and posted my comment in WOW. For now, once I receive the pingbacks in the e-mail, I placed them in the SPAM section. So far, my post is not littered with pingback. I prefer people posting a comment or thumbs up or like.

        I still firmly believe that since WordPress owns the site, I am hoping WP will post a guideline on pingbacks similar to etiquette on commenting. Talk to you later. I will try to e-mail you for longer conversation. 😀


    2. I was wondering about ping backs also. One time someone did it and put it in their blog..which they did link back to me…but shouldn’t they have to notify you before they do it because maybe in one case I’m not sure I wanted it includes in their blog..? A re-blog is different because if you don’t want someone to re-blog you can prevent it ….Is that right? Diane


      1. If you don’t want ping backs, you can disable them across the board or on a post-by-post basis by clicking “QUICK EDIT” next to your post and turning them off.

        You can also deny them.

        The best defense against unwanted reblogs is to post a clear policy on your page asking people not to re-blog, or to re-blog only with permission. If you’re posting writing that you are protective of, it’s best to do that anyway, maybe on every post with correct attributions– because you never know who on the internet will stumble upon your post and want to use your poem/story for something.

        However, in the case of pingbacks, they’re relatively harmless and may actually bring people to your page. Other than getting your feelings hurt that the person didn’t also like/comment, there’s no real reason to be upset by them. For all you know, they selected your post via the add on program and just picked it because they liked your featured picture or title and thought their followers would, too. Some of my favorite readers have come my way via pingbacks. 🙂


      2. Thanks for the explanation… If they really aren’t harmful I guess I won’t worry. I don’t mind re-blogs….Actually It’s only happened about 3 or 4 times..

        I guess it’s that I’m not a technical person and there seems to be so much hype about what happens with ones’ information that I wondered if this was a ‘dangerous thing to allow’….Thanks again Diane


  2. Many thanks for this opportunity!

    I am currently writing a story (part bio/part fiction) which recounts my childhood as an orphan. On my blog, I post excerpts of this story in chronological order, as I complete the project.

    As this is my very first try and with English being my second language, I would appreciate some feedback on the writing (is it “naive”, does it read well?)

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you at:


    1. Hello, what an interesting blog, I am following you. In your earlier posts there were a few things that suggested English was your second language – incorrect tenses, grammer a little off. The more recent posts seem to have lost the errors though. It reads well, the first chapter got my interest and I look forward to making my way through and catching up.


      1. You are most kind, thank you so much for the feedback. At first, I did have a bit of a struggle as to which tense to use while writing the part of the story dealing with my childhood. I eventually chose the present tense but I will be careful in the many rewrites to come to ensure consistency.

        Grammar! Let me hide shamefully behind the excitement of intense creative moments to explain my grammar faux pas! Is it working? Can you still see me?

        Thank you again for your comments and for taking the time to read my story. Writing is an “all nut adventure” isn’t it?



      2. Hi Steve,

        sorry for late reply. The grammer has got a lot better, I am hardly one to judge though as I am often quite bad myself.

        Yes it most certainly is, my new surname fits me so well I feel.




  3. I think this “community pool” s a brilliant idea and I love the constructive criticism being given so I’m just gonna share my blogs and await the feedback: & One bit of advice i’d like is how to choose topics to write about & how to keep momentum going & attract & maintain an audience esp since I hardly take/have time to write as a student with a busy schedule. In addition to the other 2 blogs I created another which is just a blank slate at the moment… not sure if I should keep/discard it and would love some ideas to make it come to life. Thanks in advance.


    1. I think it looks great….(just one little thing….the yellow print I couldn’t read on one of your blogs) You’re a lot further ahead than where I was a few months into blogging


      1. Thank you for your time and feedback. I appreciate it. Yes I was aware of the yellow being a little less visible on the white background but I wanted to create a rainbow and hence a bright yellow (mustard or any other shade did not suit the rainbow look).
        About being ahead, I hope I am on the right path; I’m trying.


  4. Hello everyone. My struggle lies within gaining readers and making my writing more available to people. I have had my blog for almost a year and have nowhere near the number of subscribers and repeat readers as others I see in the blogosphere. I have tried connecting myself in almost every branch of social media until I’m completely exhausted with little to no results: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and here on WordPress. Am I approaching things the wrong way? Does anyone have any advice on what to try next? Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks you in advance,
    ~ O


    1. If you enjoy writing then just focus on that. Yes, some poeople have huge amounts of followers/ likes etc but I feel it is better to have a small group who regularly comment than a load of people who are just numbers. If you really want more followers then try commenting on other peoples blogs, participating in the daily prompts and weekly photo challenges.


      1. Thank you. I never really looked at it that way. Though I do not personally know my readers, it is wonderful to talk with them on a pesonal level. I feel like they are definately more friends and not just a number. Thanks so much for helping me to see the good side to my small numbers 🙂

        ~ O


      2. I really enjoy speaking to the few regular people who comment on my blog, not that I would be against more comments – doubt many people would. Glad to have been able to help.




  5. Hello everyone! I’m new to blogging, and have only had my blog for about two months. I’d like just some general feedback. My blog’s main focus is recipes, DIY/Upcycles (though this still needs to be plumped out a bit), gardening, and a little bit of me thrown in for good measure. 😉

    How does the layout look?
    Is navigation easy enough?
    Is there anything I should consider adding, or taking out?

    I have also heard a mix of opinions on post titles. Some say to make them like newspaper headlines, short, catchy, memorable. While others say that an organized, simple approach is best.

    What’s your opinion on this?
    How do my post titles strike you?

    Anyway, have a gander and let me know what you think. Good or bad, I welcome on outside view point to better my blog and it’s content.

    Thanks in advance,


    1. Hi, Chyina, I did visit your blog. I love the overall idea, and I like that you have tabs to organize the different types of projects. I have a hard time reading everything because of the delicate type on the dark and busy background. Would you consider toning down the background and making the contrast sharper? Even the photos seem to get lost in the pattern.
      Your projects look like fun! And your blog is very approachable otherwise.
      Greetings from Maryland.


  6. Straight to the point, I’m an Agent. I’m 28, my wife and I have 4 kids…(our oldest is 6). Insurance is not a job for me. I looked at it as putting lives back together after devastation. Never, in 9 years of business have I liked to “sell”. I choose a company that doesn’t compete with funny commercials and BS lowest prices. That mentality led to astounding results. Right after high school, I started my career. No, my blog is not perfect, I don’t have eye catching pics, and my page is not all the way set up. It’s a game changer being honest in any sales field. Loses a lot of deals. But, I top charts in my field by upfront verbiage and refusing to under insure anyone.
    I’d love your feedback on the build of the site…but I take care of my family purely on my business methods. I’m sharing HOW to protect yourself. Not “the lizard or Flo” laughing and denying claims. Google the 10 worst insurance companies. I work for mine of them. But, my company is well known…and grows easily by relationships, not sales.


  7. Love this ! I cannot get the mosaic feature to work no matter what I do and how many times I read the directions…………sigh


    1. 🙂 Well it looks like you know how to add an image to your post. So start there. Start a new post, click “ADD MEDIA”. Then you’ll see a pop up on the left hand side of the menu– and the second menu item in that pop up is CREATE GALLERY. Click that. Select a few images. Then click Next, or create gallery, or whatever it is it says. Then, there’s a drop down on the left hand side of the dropbox– and you select “TILE”. That should do it! 😀 If it still doesn’t work out, you can email me and I can send you screen shots! 🙂 Good luck!


    1. You obviously like your cars. My only advice is that I like to be able to see the blog content straight away. The pic of the audi is so big I have to scroll down to before I can see any post titles or content.

      Keep blogging!


      1. I was thinking of changing it up a bit recently, but needed the feedback like yours to decide where to improve. Thanks again 🙂


  8. I write both fact and fiction, depending on my mood and events, and sometimes wonder if this affects my ability to access a wider community. I have some loyal “followers”. but gaining new ones always seems a struggle;


  9. Anyone know how to change the page title attributes (size, color, font) in the Mixfolio theme?

    This should be a basic out-of-thebox control panel edit but WordPress dosen’t seem to have designed it that way.



  10. I’d like to have general feedback on my blog, but especially I’d like to know what people think about the blog being bilingual. I write one post in English and 1 in Spanish. Also I’d like to hear some comments on whether having a bilingual blog is a good idea and how to increase my readership (especially because some people might not subscribe or return to the blog because they do not understand one language or the other.)

    Thanks so much! I’m looking forward to reading your comments. I’d like to read your comment in my blog, thanks.


    1. Hi! I checked out your blog and thought that it was great. I myself have a poetry blog! As far as feedback goes, I think that you write well, and I would suggest doing more of your own posts and maybe limiting the reblogs to one or two a month. I would also recommend putting more posts per page, or maybe an infinite scroll. I understand that you love coffee (and just food), but maybe you could have a background that more represents what’s in your writing. Just a thought. Hope this helps!


      1. Hi! Thanks for the feedback. 🙂 I would enable the infinite scroll, and resist the temptation to reblog a little. Thanks for the suggestions. I didn’t choose the display theme because I love coffee, but I wanted a light look for my blog. I’d change the same once I come up with a better appearance for the blog. Thanks again! I will have a look at your blog too. Nice that you write poetry too! 🙂


    1. Hi! I checked out your blog. Liked your poetry, and the blog looks very neat, and uncluttered appearance-wise. Not sure if it is so, but you seem a little serious by the view of your blog. It could just be a fallacy on my side. It could be that I am similar to someone who extensively uses emoticons in my communication, and you use smileys only when needed. Ignore if this does’t make sense. 😀


  11. Hi…does anyone know a way I can tag my pages? They are different than posts and I have not seen a button for that. When I created my blog back in April of last year I created several pages to house stuff I had written pre-CheriSpeak. I have considered re-blogging my pages as new posts just to get them circulating (there’s some great stuff in there), or I am open to creative ideas on how I can feature them better. … I would appreciate if you could go take a peek so you can see what I mean specific to my layout etc. Thank you in advance!!!


  12. I’d like to get some feeback on my blog, A Good One, specifically what I can do to get more hits and more comments.

    However, I’m having trouble putting a link here for a whole bunch of stupid reasons that are beyond my control. Could someone help me, please?


      1. Commenting on other blogs always helps. I find people always react well to photos if you have any to share – If I post a photo I get a lot more traffic than a post without one. An about page is always useful for those visiting your blog so they get an idea of who you are and what you write on the blog. I would also make better use of tags – I believe you can use up to 15 per post.

        It was interesing to read about your ADHD as my fiance has it too.


      2. Thank you so much for the suggestions! I’ve added an “about me” and I’ll be using more pictures and tags from here on out.

        I’m glad you liked the ADHD aspect of it, too.


  13. question about my blog and pingbacks/trackbacks (i’m not sure which is which) Lately, when I post on one of the Challenges, my pingback/trackback doesn’t show up on the list. I’m doing what I did before…(forgive me if my vocabulary is not exact) I highlight the address in the browser bar for the Challenge page, and then add a link to that within my post.
    Any ideas as to what may have changed? Or what I can do to participate again? Thanks!


  14. This Community Pool is a great idea. I am wondering if my blog’s title and it’s content are incongruent enough to be confusing… I am a letter writer and I began the blog formatting my posts as letters but it has evolved and, while it doesn’t bother me, I am concerned that it may cause confusion among new readers now that I would like to branch out a bit in my readership as I hone my skill.

    Any other feedback or critique on either blog format or CONTENT would, of course, also be much appreciated.


  15. Hi could I ask a favour, could you pop by , as I am having difficulty writing about pain I live with, I wish to write in-depth about the pain, how it affects my day to day life, the way my mind works, even how I form relationships. So if you have had any sort of pain would you leave Adjectives (describing words) so I can more forward with the writing with your help. I also would like you to tell me how hard it was for you to describe pain you have suffered, hopefully its not just me lol 🙂
    A big thank you in advance 🙂


  16. Hi all,

    This is my first time on the community pool.

    I recently started my book reviewing blog, aimed specifically at books published in the current century.

    Please take a look at my welcome page and some of the reviews to find out more.

    It would be great to have some feedback to know if I’m doing it right, in terms of content, layout etc.

    And do some of you have tips about spreading the word of your blog?

    Any suggestions, criticism, likes, shares or followers would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks all,

    Nathan Sherratt


  17. Hello Everyone!

    I’m spreading the word on my new advice blog!! its all about relationships, the good, bad and ugly! Leave me a comment/questions and I will publish my professional advice to you!!


  18. I would like some thoughts I have been blogging for a little over a year. with the same about me. etc. I muddle a long; a loose term mean I live breath and sleep with my blog. it is my friend … I care for it deeply. I worry that soon the honeymoon will be over and I will run out of resources. Meanwhile I clutch at every prompt that comes along … I am not sure even if it valid or wearing a bit thin … how much longer can it last ? until after this trip to Brazil and then what ? This is today’s post and I have long since given up kissing!! .


  19. Hi. I’m feeling kind of invisible these days! My pingbacks/trackbacks don’t show up on The Daily Press challenges.
    For example,
    This post has a link to yesterday’s challenge. When I click on the link, it takes me to the exact page. But I don’t show up in the Pingback list as a participant.

    This happened here, also.

    I spoke up in favor of using pingbacks a few days ago in a Challenge comment section. Now my pingbacks to this site no longer work. Is it possible I am being blocked?
    I really want to participate in the Challenges. Any advice, help, Information is appreciated!


      1. That time of year isn’t it and then its hay-fever time and just get over that its autumnal sniffles and back to winter again. I think my nose runs further in a year then I do. 🙂


  20. Hi everyone, im looking for genral feedback, check my design, concept, about page and my works. i am studying Journalism so any crit will help. Looking forward to the comments. Im


    1. Hi, I am a bit confused by your blog. You say you want to be or travel or inspirational journalist but none of your entries seem to be related to either of these. If your blog is purely for creative writing or poems I would edit your about blurb as it is a tad misleading. Your layout seems to be making the sidebar text overhang the black border – you should be able to change the width in your dashboard settings to stop this happening.



      1. Hi, thanks so much for the feedback. I did change some of the wording on my about page, the blog is just for my passion for writing, I only added the want to become a travel or inspirational journalist part so that people can know a bit more about me. Do you think i should remove it or do the added word help better undersatnd? I will be going to Australia in March so once i get back ill do a travel piece and my faviourte inspirational one is “Who you are”. I don’t 100% understand the part aboutthe side bar text overhang? could you explain?


      2. Hi, your about is much better now. I get a good idea of what the blogs content is and a little info about you too. I am not sure how to explain differently so here is a screenshot of it:

        How your sidebar/widget area text is overhanging the black lines – I presume it is all meant to in the grey textured area. It just looks like something has gone wrong with the layout in that area. .


    1. I really like your blog. Your writing is engaging, funny and makes good points. I hope more people come across it and follow. You could use the tags to hopefully get people viewing – the more general you can make the tags the better I find so i.e. men, relationships, dating, love instead of the specific ones you have used.

      Anyway you have me as a follower now.

