Introducing: The Community Pool

Community Pool

One of the things we’ve been excited to see develop here at The Daily Post is your engagement with one another in the comments — offering feedback, ideas, and support. We thought it would be valuable to carve out a space here for those of you looking for input on your work, so today we’re introducing the Community Pool.

Community PoolIf y’all are interested, here’s what we’ll do: once a week (probably on weekends), we’ll put up an open Community Pool post. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

We’re hoping the Community Pool will be a way for you to both get the feedback you’re looking for and get introduced to new blogs you might not have stumbled across. That being said, this is not an open call to post a link to your blog asking us to come read, it’s a space for back-and-forth between bloggers who want to improve what they publish.

A few reminders before we get started:

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

With that, welcome to the first Community Pool! Come on in; the water’s fine.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. yep, this is a good idea … visiting other blogs it’s tempting just to hit “like” or “follow”, and all of us need to know more details on what we’re doing right and what we can improve, and of course, community:)


  2. It’s a great idea. Reading through some of these comments has prompted me to click through some of the blogs. When I’m able to devote more time to this, I will offer up my comments. Again, good idea!


  3. I love this idea! I am pretty excited to see it implemented. I don’t get a lot of comments or feedback on my posts, and would be interested to know why people liked or didn’t like things I wrote.


  4. What a great idea! Here’s my question: a writer friend told me (after I asked her for feedback) that she thinks my writing reads somewhat clinical and cerebral. I’m not sure I agree, but would love some additional feedback. If it does, any suggestions? Thanks!


  5. I have advice on my blog. It’s a personal blog, mostly, but because I’ve been through difficult situations recently, I haven’t been wanting to write anything personal. However, I know I should because I feel like my topics are scattered. Does anyone have any advice on how to develop a theme of “me” for my blog? I want all my posts, whether they’re just about me or just things in which I’m interested, to connect in some way.


    1. That’s a very good question. I have themed my blog (not the physical “theme,” but the collection of ideas and information that I share) around a particular aspect of “me-ness” that overarches my life: the fact that I am bipolar. This is the axis about which everything on the blog turns. I post personal, informational, topical, editorial, and sometimes even pictorial stuff about being bipolar. I also post stuff about what I’m passionate about, and stuff that my bipolar brain picks out as special in the world. Does that help?


  6. I cannot describe how grateful I am to you people for creating this wonderful site. I would like to get feedback on my blog, and probably even spark really heated up debate, on the posts! Thank You! Looking forward to a lot of interaction here!


  7. Thank you very much for this great idea. I am a newcomer here, started my blog just a week back and was moving around the trying to find friends and stumbled upon this platform. Would love to interact and participate.
    Will you guys visit my blog and give me feedback – how I am doing and what more should I do? Thanks a ton in advance. Cheers.


  8. I do like this idea. But my blog is in spanish though. Soy nueva en esta comunidad de blogs. Me gusta mucho escribir acerca del exito, consecuencias de hacer lo bueno y lo malo. Not very good writing in english though but I will try the next time.


    1. Puedes escribir en Español, si quieras! Yo soy Brasileña, mi blog es en Inglés, y tengo un Translator Button en la barra derecha del site, para traducciones… me pasa muy bien… por no lo intenta? 😮 Mucha suerte en 2013, y dime como te vas! Abrazos desde La Paz, Bolivia!


      1. Muy buena idea. How do I get the translator buttom in my page? Thanks a lot. I do speak fluently english I just dont know how to express myself in a different language! I think I can do it better in my native language!! But of course I wanna try posting in english. Saludos de Peru.


      2. Jessica, there’s a code for the translator, and then you just add it to your side bar… try this link here, follow the instructions, they’re already prepared for WordPress, which sometimes does not accept widgets or buttons, due to the Java… anyway, follow the link, do what they’re telling you to, and see if it works… good luck, Raquel.


  9. I love this idea. I just saw it for the first time right now. Congrats. I am diving in 🙂 and if anyone is willing to check out my blog as a whole and offer some feedback i would love that as well. Feedback can be left on my “about” page Thanks in advance 🙂


  10. I would love for some people to read my blog, and give me feedback on my writing style, as I write how I talk, and I’m not too sure if it actually understandable to read. Or if someone could give me feedback on it It would really help


  11. What a great idea! I’d love to get some feedback on my blog as well and find out from other bloggers their thoughts on my “voice” and my writing style.


  12. This is a fantastic initiative by the guys at wordpress. The improvements that you guys keep bringing up. I would be very grateful if the community members would give me their opinions(both good & bad) about my blog and help me get better at blogging. Also wanted to know if there were any ‘local’ blogging communities on wordpress where I could share my blogs where it would be more relevant. For example , wen I blog about local problems regarding roads & infrastructure around my area,I could share it in my community for better relevance


  13. Great idea! Curious to hear what others think about my blog. I’m not technical, so it’s very basic – actually I’m trying to gain some instruction on how to change the template on my theme…regardless, would love to hear what others would suggest. It would be great to hear the suggestions here…(:
