Socialize your Blog

Remember that old saying that went something like, “Get new followers, but keep the old”? Okay, I may be stretching the truth a bit here, but one thing’s for sure: it’s always a joy to get new readers. Part of blogging is putting yourself out there to build relationships with those who come back to your site again and again.

As much as you love your current readership, it’s important to consistently draw in new visitors. Fortunately, social networking sites give us a plethora of tools from which we can choose to achieve this. Here are a few tips, for the total beginner to the seasoned pro, to help you make your social networking accounts work for you:

You can individually select which Publicize services to use on each post.

  • Publicize:’s built-in Publicize feature automatically shares your posts to any of the following services: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Yahoo! Updates. (Instructions for setting up Publicize are available here.) You can choose which services you share to, and can also turn the feature on and off on individual posts.

    Once Publicize is activated on your account, your site stats can give you a true reach of how many followers you have by including those on your connected accounts. For example, if you have 100 people who follow your updates on Facebook, they will also be counted among your blog followers on your site stats page.

  • Streamline your sharing: While you can manually share your posts to other services that may not yet be included in Publicize, there are also excellent tools cropping up that can help you manage your social networking profiles from a single hub, such as HootSuite.

    Other sites can help make the sharing process automatic. IFTTT, which stands for “If this, then that,” allows you to create custom sharing tools between your different online accounts, or what they call “recipes.” For example, you can create a custom “recipe” that says, “If I share a status update on Facebook, then publish it to my blog as well.”

  • Share more than your posts: Beyond sharing your posts, develop your online presence to connect with potential new readers. If your entire Facebook or Twitter feed is comprised of links to each of your new blog posts, that doesn’t make for an enticing read. Instead, shake things up with your own thoughts, photos on the go, or links to other blog posts that you’ve found interesting.

    For the Pinterest users among us, you can create a board that is specific to your blog posts. This allows visitors who are brought in by your various other pins to see a quick and easy overview of your blog’s archive.

Above all, remember that your blog comes first. You don’t need to be present on every single social networking site out there, but you do need to have content to share. As you build your readership and expand your presence to other social outlets, try what works best for you one by one and enjoy the new relationships that come from it.

Need some additional help with this? Check out the Support pages, forums, or contact Support with your questions!

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  1. maka ketika sudah menjadi rahasia umum kata kata tercelanya orang orang yang taqlid dan anggapan mereka bahwa taqlid itu haram tanpa menafsil apakah yang taqlid itu orang awam atau orang yang sudah ‘alim, padahal mereka tidak merasa kalau mereka taqlid pada muhammad bin abd wahhab. Maka dengan taufiq allah pendapat kami bahwa taqlid ada yang wajib, allah berfirman: فاسئلوااهل الذك انكنتم لا تعلمون_‏‎ sedangkan yang menghukumi haram tidak punya sandaran dalil qath’i bahkan dalil dzanni, yang mengatakan haramnya taqlid bisa menjurt pada gugurnya shalat bagi orang ‘awam. Na’tdzubi llah mindzalik, jika mereka berkata sesungguhnya ada solusi selain itu yaitu itba’. Ini adalh jawaban tipuan_وما يخدعون ال انفسهم وما يشعرون_في قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا_‏barangkali mereka bodoh atau pura pura bodoh dlam ma’na taqlid yaitu menerima pendapat orang lain tanpa hujjah dn tidak ada bedanya antara taqlid dn itba’


  2. I’m new at WordPress and I started a personal blog 3 days ago. I’m sort of confused and would like to know the best way to gain more readers/followers. 🙂 How are you guys doing it?

    Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring. ✝


    1. We are kind of having the same thought. I’ve been blogging for more than a week now and wants to gain more readers/followers. 🙂
