On certain days when we start to write, we have an idea in our head and the words just flow, until, that is, they don’t. Perhaps your post isn’t turning out the way you’d like; the topic is controversial and negative reactions are piling up in your head before you even finish. Or maybe the post is about a personal topic, and you’re finding that you’re not ready to publish it. Yet. So your post sits in your Drafts folders, waiting.

With posts like these, it is a useful exercise to work through the issues. Pick one of your draft posts and identify the pain points. Ask yourself what it is that kept you from publishing this point and confront those concerns. If you’re worried about the reaction you’ll receive for a personal, or controversial, post, acknowledge that not everyone will agree with or understand you, but that’s okay. If you simply didn’t have enough time, set a timer and consider the post finished when the timer goes off.

If you’re stumped about which post to work on, get creative. This blogger asked his readers to vote for his draft posts. On your blog, you can set up a PollDaddy poll via your Dashboard > Polls page to create a quick survey for your readers.

When it comes time to start working again on your draft post, take some time to re-read what you’ve already written. This helps to get you back into the blogging state of mind and to help find your rhythm once more. Then, just write. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense at first. You can edit it all later, the important part is getting your ideas down into words. After you’ve gotten all of your thoughts out, go back and edit to reorganize your thoughts and remove any repetitive language. No matter what, today is the day to press the publish button.

Posts that stay stuck in the Drafts folder are our half-finished ideas. As we learn to identify what prevents us from seeing these ideas to fruition, we’ll be better able to take ordinary ideas and turn them into more in-depth or improved blog posts. While all of our posts start with a hunch, it’s by spending time with these ideas that we can really learn to work through any challenges or hesitations and stick with our blogging.

Do you keep many draft posts? If so, what keeps you from publishing them?

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  1. i don’t draft at all.. usually just finish in one sitting.. maybe that means I don’t put enough effort into my posts.. I like to write about what i feel and usually it just flows 🙂 I like your idea of speaking about blogging issues.. nice post!


  2. I usually keep a few going. If I have an idea, I start a draft and do a bit of pre-writing. Then I go back and work on it until I feel it’s done. Occasionally one will sit there a while, but they usually get posted pretty quickly. I like having them there for when I don’t have ideas or have to be away from my computer for a while. 🙂 Angie


  3. What keeps me from posting them is the fact that this is all new to me….I am clueless…and I don’t think anyone will read it or comment on it…simply put. I’ll gladly accept any criticism, suggestions, or feedback. Thank you!


  4. I use my draft folder as a way to save posts so that I can publish them during the week: I write over the weekend as I know I will run out of time during the week. If I have a spill over I use these drafts to help me when I am searching for ideas to write about. My draft folder then becomes my notebook 🙂


  5. All the same, I think its better to have drafts than nothing at all, at least it’s a place to start.


  6. I use draft posts to schedule stuff waaaaay into the future so that I don’t forget when the time comes.

    I also use them if I feel that the post could be more substantial, knowing that I could and will edit it later. I’d rather have something on draft to ponder over later than post it and later think “damn, I could have discussed X, Y and Z”


  7. I started a blog because they made me do it. I mean, if you do not have a web site or blog or Twitter or Facebook or Circles or God only knows what is next, you are either old or a Luddite.

    I write because I must write. Clients demand it. No write, no rent no food no gas and the dogs starve.

    I am sure my blog will suck. At least I can say I have a blog. Perhaps that is a step in the right direction.


  8. Reblogged this on Life is an Exquisite Journey and commented:
    This was very helpful as I establish my creative flow. I have all of these thoughts for conversations, but I never thought to begin the thoughts and then save them as drafts. Thanks for the great tip!
