2012 Badges Are Here!

Are you planning to post every day, or at least every week of 2012? Add a Post a Day or Post a Week badge to your sidebar! (Find image widget instructions here.)

Be sure to have the image link back to https://wordpress.com/dailypost to help spread the word about the challenge!

We apologize that these weren’t available sooner. As for tagging your posts, we’re going to keep it simple this year, so please start using the postaday tag in replacement of postaday2011 or postaweek2011.

To see all the latest posts published by other participants, add postaday as a topic in your reader using the “Add a topic” box in the bottom left corner.

So, what’s going to be different about your blog this year?

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  1. I’ve been tagging them postaday2012 all month. I think I’m going to stick with that, I like the idea of having them all organized by year. But I hope the tag clouds take time since last use into account and not just how many times a tag has been used, or after a few years postaday tags will dominate it pretty badly!


  2. Thanks for sharing the new button(s). I actually had to reread the instructions since I forgot how to do it, even though I still had the widget from last year displayed (lol) now it’s updated! :p xoxo šŸ˜‰


  3. Thank you for providing the new Badges. I have only been blogging for two months and it took me a while to figure out how get image and put it in my sidebar.
    I post at least three times a week. Working my way up to everyday.


  4. Help me here, please? I cannot make any sense of the widget image instructions, particularly as they relate to these badges. What is the “widget title” and the “image url”? What does “link back to….” mean? Where do I find the badge image to upload it to my media library? Could you do a post with step-by-step instructions for someone like me who has no idea what these “image widget instructions” mean? I’d like to add the badge but I don’t know how to based on the information so far. Thanks!


    1. Hiya – I had problems getting my head around the different bits and pieces in the instructions but I’ve worked it out eventually….bit of trial and error….
      Here’s what I did :

      I right clicked the icon I preferred from the post and saved it to my desktop – it saved as a .png.
      Then I went into my Dashboard – Media – Add New and there was a place for me to drag and drop the file I saved. As part of the save, it filled in the URL for the icon – I copied it onto my clipboard.
      After that, I went into my Widgets area, dragged Image to the place I wanted it on my page, and pasted the link from my clipboard.
      It’s seemed to work – phew!

      One things for certain – I’ll know how to do it next time….! šŸ™‚

      Hope that helps…



      1. Jacquie-
        You have a whole new career ahead of you – wordpress instructions for dummies! Thanks you so much for your help. I followed your instructions step-by-step and it worked! I finally have the post-a-week badge! (I never did figure it out for 2011.) Janet


      2. Jacquie,
        I also want to thank you for your instructions. I was trying to get the badge during two weeks without succes but finally I got it due to your instructions which are clearer than the wordpress instructions.
        Kind greetings,


    1. Also, since I’ve got Jake’s widget, and could not get the WP one, I’m sticking to his… thank you… :o)


  5. What’s going to be different about my blog this year? I’m actually going to post regularly…now THAT will make a big difference!! I am starting WEEK 3 of posting twice a week – and LOVING it!


  6. Thank you for the step-by-step instructions on how to activate the Image Widget. I’d been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks – more off than on – to put the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog. But I hadn’t been able to figure it out until tonight. (Actually my hubby did all the work.) Thank you again.


  7. I’d love to do do this, but really don’t have the confidence that I’d complete it this year. I’ve only been at it since the 1st Jan. Looking back at Jan, I can see I missed 6 days already. Maybe next year.

    Good luck everyone. Hope you all make it.



  8. I agree with kindkerry – it’s nice to have the years on the tags. Plus, if we’re only doing Post A Week, it seems strange to tag with postaday. I also don’t want to go back and retag a month’s worth of posts on three blogs…


  9. Hello Team!
    Could you please instruct on how to get the Image URL for the badges. I seem lost here.

    Thank you.


  10. Writewizard and knot2share both just asked the questions I was gong to. Getting widgets into my sidebar always seems to involve major hassles, and I wish you would make it simpler to add things.


  11. Erica Johnson, thanks for the information. My blog requires a medic. I think I’ll enjoy OPB ( other people’s blogs ) for now. Blogs seem like data storage vessels to me. I’ll figure this out sooner or later. I’m guessing that the blog concept is based on the English word “per.” When translated into a mathematic symbol the word “per” reflects the process of division. Yer almost perrrrfect Erica Johnson, keep up the good work.


  12. I’ve gone with the ‘under promise, over deliver’ approach and used Post-a-week…:) I’m managing to post every day a the moment on my day to day blog but will see if I can keep up to it!


  13. I still am a bit worried about the Post a Day part. Not able to figure out how anyone can write quality stuff on a daily basis. If I tried that out, all that I would be able to do would be stuff like – ‘today i slept through the day’, ‘today I went to office’ … and so on. Not sure the world would be really interested in reading that.
    ‘Post a Week’ is my badge and have already plastered it on my blog. Thanks for sharing the badges.


  14. I managed to update the badge quickly. Thanks to WP for making me feel like a techie pro on a website ! That’s what’s different from when I started last year. I love those gadgets which now I can understand and use so much easier. You’re cool WP !
