As the year comes to a close, it’s hard to not take a look back at what we’ve accomplished, individually and collectively, in the past twelve months. The internet and online communities are a constantly changing source of inspiration: Occupy Wall Street caused a 217% increase in mobile sharing; GigaOM recently published an article on how eReaders and self-publishing are changing the landscape of journalism; and WordPress even covered some of the top news stories that were written up by the amazing bloggers on

As the writing, social media, and blogging landscape changes, I’m sure your methods and goals for blogging have changed as well. The Daily Post started with the idea of helping bloggers to post daily or weekly and get past any hurdles that may prevent you from hitting “Publish.”

When you do something once a day, or once a week, your skills improve dramatically. I recently came across this Kickstarter project from a fellow who started making an illustration a day and is now on his 1000th drawing. What new skills have you developed as a Daily Post participant?

Next year, inviting contributors to post on your blog or conducting an interview with a fellow blogger, local entrepreneur, or even a friend with a neat project is a great way to bring new audiences to your blog. You may also consider publishing some of your blog posts as a book. (Don’t forget, you’re in great company!) There’s lots of new themes available in our Theme Showcase, how about a fresh look for you blog to get you excited for the new year?

Another fun way to take a look at your growth this year is to post a recap. There are plenty of articles on the end of the year blog posts. Some of my favorites are writing about your best posts of 2011, which posts you feel didn’t get enough appreciation, and what you learned in the past year.

I’d love to hear in the comments what might have prevented you from blogging as often as you could have or any tips you’re looking forward to learning for next year. That’s what we’re here to help with!

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  1. I plan to continue with the daily posting, for the most part I have been a faithful poster of thoughts. I got caught up in the nanowrimo challenge and I was a winner which has me still writing to finish my book. I really enjoy answering the daily posts so keep them coming.


    1. Congrats on being one of the winners on the nano”-you can email all about it too…you have come so far Laurie…I am so proud to know you!! I hope to keep up with you and post each day, but I want to write and find a regular 9-5 job as well…I hope to see everyone and You in 2012! ~Jackie


  2. This has been a great year for me. I didn’t post as often as I wanted to over the holidays, but the big thing for me was that I didn’t let a few missed posts get me off track. My goal is to keep going with post a day next year. I also want to try to make sure I add pictures to my blog posts, as I think they really add a bit of fun. Thanks for all your encouragement!


  3. I signed up for the post a week, and then just got hooked on writing, so ended up posting more than once a week. I’ve also become much more interested in photography during this past year; that is becoming a real passion.


  4. When we signed up to participate in Post a Day 2011, we knew it would be challenging to put up a new recycling resource every day. Honestly, some days it was downright difficult to squeeze out another post, but we did it. The experience of sticking to our commitment of a “post a day” has resulted in over 24,000 page views + a blog that’s filled with hundreds of unique and creative ways to recycle common household items. Thanks for the blogging inspiration Daily Post!


  5. I’ve to admit that I haven’t been that active on my beloved blog lately. I think about writing a lot but I somehow couldn’t get any inspiration. Even the great ideas from The Daily Post couldn’t help, it was like a writer’s block (click here for more: But I’m hoping to improve next year! Hopefully you guys will keep this Daily Post and keep supporting us writers and bloggers! 🙂

    I’ll try change my theme and get started for a fantastic 2012! 😉


  6. 2012 I just know will be a good year.
    *Regarding blogging, I am asking a few people that I know to write about there experiences of X and I will contribute them to my blog. I’m very excited about this.
    *I also aim to work daily to collect bits of research and information to get a good post article out about once a week and in between write about 2-3 other posts per week, in total 3. And to use different media aswell.
    *The other idea is to write about good websites I am familiar with that I think will be of interest to some readers.
    *Re-designing my blog site and changing themes and pictures I have already made headway on and will continue to update it periodically.


  7. I take a small exception to your statement that frequency will improve a person’s posts. In my mind that is the equivalent of saying “Practice Makes Perfect”! That is a major fallacy. What if all you do is practice imperfectly? Perfect practice make Perfect is how the saying should be stated. I am not a journalist – only a wannabe – somebody – but since people cannot see our facial expressions, body language and other communication cues we give off, we must stridently seek to say exactly what we mean or more confusion will be the result.
    That is one reason I’ve held off blogging. If I am not clear enough (and my feedback from my boss indicates that is the case) I am better keeping my mouth shut – or fingers tied if it will keep me from perpetrating more garbage on the public is well worth the price of my silence.


  8. I did’nt blog as often as i would have loved this year and i think the reason was because i’m still learning how to blog,i only created my blog two weeks ago and i can assure you that next-year i’ll be used to it.


  9. Hopefully there will be a Post A Day 2012!!
    I started late with Post A Day 2011,thinking I could keep up. Even though I didn’t, I learned a lot…using linked items as a start of a post or as the “meat” of it, writing better at a single sitting so a post gets created without anxiety, beginning to recognize my writing strengths and weaknesses–well, these are just examples. Looking forward to starting a new year with a post-a-day challenge!!


  10. Dear Erica V,
    Thanks for the info, Are you blogging for your home-based, small, or solopreneur business? Blogging consistently is an excellent way to generate traffic to your small business website, build your ezine or mailing list, position yourself as an expert, and serve your target market by providing them with consistently helpful content.
    Keep up the posts!


  11. Con la Nueva Informática, si a la verdad abruma, es un enorme abanico que refresca, desinhibe, amplía conocimientos, te intercomunica no sólo con conocidos y no conocidos, sino con el Universo en pleno.
    Estamos viviendo un milenio sorprendente, de maravillosos cambios.


  12. One of the best things about this year’s experience of posting more often is that I’ve made online friends with many in the blogging community. And that is very cool. I hadn’t really thought about what I wanted to do in the coming year – maybe take more and interesting photos to post; maybe post some of my published writing or poetry. I don’t know. But I appreciate the prod to extend. Happy new year to you and to all in the community. Janet


  13. I never, ever thought I’d do it, but I managed to post every single day, usually a long and involved post about whatever interested me that day. My readership did go up, too! It’s been a great ride and it’s now a habit so I will probably continue to write daily. It’s been a great learning experience!
