How do you decide on new year’s resolutions?

Topic #333:

How do you decide on new year’s resolutions? Have you ever gone back to evaluated previous resolutions, and why they worked or didn’t work out for you? What did you learn?

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  1. I’ve learned that I set myself up with making resolutions. Instead I try to give myself monthly resolutions. I admire and respect resolution-making/following, but reality has taught me that life throws many curve-balls and I need to be flexible.


    1. Tammy,

      I like! I feel the same way. Short term helps with the long term goals but nothing is guaranteed. Not meeting those resolutions can bring on disappointment the you find yourself making the same resolution year after year so I focus on short term to turn into long term achievements.

      -Mannie “where beauty and fashion collides”


  2. Sadly I get to pick up the same resolutions I’ve had for the past so many years – like losing this belly, sooooo attached to it! So I think it’s helpful to just not make at all – go for bets on a monthly basis.


  3. What I did for many years was meet up with a similar gang of friends on New years eve – we would all write down our resolutions and then seal then in an envelope and not look at them until the next year. I always achieved every one with the exception of earning and or saving more money! Obviously limiting beliefs at work.
    What worked for me in terms of setting them was to focus on what my unconscious mind was focussing on and emphasising the positive nature of any goal set. For example I went through a long period of exhausting parenthood where I could not focus enough to read fiction so one year I set the goal of a novel a month – easy on the face of it but going from none to twelve a year was a commitment. We all shared the contents of our goals which put an edge of commitment to them as well.

    If you wanted to loose that belly just framing the langage in that way focusses the mond on the belly -the unconscious mind will process it as ‘I want that belly’ a better way would be to state in the positive – It is November 2012, I have a waist size of 34′ and look and feel great, I wear fantastic clothes and everyone one says how fit I look.’

    In terms of deciding what to choose then if you are not sure – be careful -setting resolutions can lead the unconscious mind into following long lasting plans which are not wel thought out. If you really want to make a difference then look at one of the many wheel of life activities you can find on line – use this to assess where you want to focus your attention or how you want to focus your attention in different areas.

    Whenever you are making changes in your life or want to achieve more then a really powerful thing to support you is to make them public and enlist the support fo your friends and family. Make you Commitment public and hold yourself accountable


  4. What I did for many years was meet up with a similar gang of friends on New years eve – we would all write down our resolutions and then seal then in an envelope and not look at them until the next year. I always achieved every one with the exception of earning and or saving more money! Obviously limiting beliefs at work.
    What worked for me in terms of setting them was to focus on what my unconscious mind was focussing on and emphasising the positive nature of any goal set. For example I went through a long period of exhausting parenthood where I could not focus enough to read fiction so one year I set the goal of a novel a month – easy on the face of it but going from none to twelve a year was a commitment. We all shared the contents of our goals which put an edge of commitment to them as well.

    If you wanted to loose that belly just framing the langage in that way focusses the mind on the belly -the unconscious mind will process it as ‘I want that belly’ a better way would be to state in the positive – It is November 2012, I have a waist size of 34′ and look and feel great, I wear fantastic clothes and everyone one says how fit I look.’

    In terms of deciding what to choose then if you are not sure – be careful -setting resolutions can lead the unconscious mind into following long lasting plans which are not wel thought out. If you really want to make a difference then look at one of the many wheel of life activities you can find on line – use this to assess where you want to focus your attention or how you want to focus your attention in different areas.

    Whenever you are making changes in your life or want to achieve more then a really powerful thing to support you is to make them public and enlist the support fo your friends and family. Make you Commitment public and hold yourself accountable


  5. The only time I made a serious New Years resolution was many years back to quit coffee because I was drinking it all the live-long day. Man, headaches and tiredness persisted for more than a month. I haven’t looked back since.


  6. I don’t normally set resolutions and if I do they normally don’t always turn out the way i expect so I will take Micheal’s and Tammy’s advice and set short term goals,set a time frame and the realistic approach to each goal ,do research and take one day at a time. Living in the moment and not taking life to serious are a couple of my short term goals.

    -Mannie “where fashion and beauty collides”


  7. I have long since given up on making resolutions because I found myself making lofty resolutions that were near impossible to realistically reach within the span of the year. Instead, I take time every month or so to see where I am currently headed and assess if the path I am on is leading me somewhere I’d like to go. Sometimes, where I am currently headed is not someplace I’d think I want to go, but for that time in my life it makes sense. For me, resolutions sometime constrict ones ability to be flexible and allow life with all of its ups and downs to direct you where you need to be at that present moment.


  8. i dont have new year resolution yet because I’m still busy with my Christmas stuff but half of my new year resolution is base on my evaluation of previous year and my goal for the upcoming year.

    Remembering the blessings, trials and people in my life in one year make me feel that I need to be humble and be thankful. You know, no matter what you think, there’s always better or worse than you. so enjoy life and make a difference.


  9. I always evaluate my previous events in my life looking for new resolutions
    sometimes people like , but I think this year I will try to make a little change
    since life is changing and we change too .


  10. i have gained a couple pounds recently… so like everyone else resolution it is to lose weight… but i have more of a chance by gaining more now… its less of a let down later… cause ill need to lose more

    at least that’s what i tell myself


  11. my goal for next year is to save money on the bank. i spend a lot this year since this is my first job after graduated. i enjoyed it much and time to save some đŸ™‚


  12. resolution is not always being resolved. and sometimes it is not resolve. the quick way of resolving the resolution you set for yourself is a quick plan. buy a shirt for myself. easy to be done. Bless you all. Have a blessed new year….


  13. new year, means new time for continuing our life. here we are, for some days we ll have change of time that is we called. new year. having new time, new plan of life by then having new step for walking through over the time.
    besides, spending minutes of time for remembering what were things leave behind. then preparing enough mind for thinking .
