When is it ok not to practice the golden rule?

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  1. polititians, while we want to believe what they are saying, and we want others to believe us, we shouldn’t really believe they are going to do everything they say they are going to do. why, well, first they want to get elected, and second things change compromises have to be made, and nothing is ever as easy as it sounds.


  2. Matthew 7.12…”So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” It is never ok, with malice or intent, to disregard the golden rule. Matthew 22.37-40…”Love the Lord you G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself, as the law of the prophets hang on these two commandments.” Early in Jesus’ ministry, he laid the ground rules! The heart of G-d had been hidden by the corruption of the priests in that day, so in referring to the “law of the prophets”, he prepares the way in spite of them. We are lovers of self, so this practice is one in which we all fail miserably. I am thankful that it is available for me to monitor my dreadful ways while remembering to humble myself under the mighty hand of G-d.


  3. There’s no time when practicing the Golden Rule will not be of benefit to all involved. If you believe that the Golden Rule means to let someone get away with something and treat you poorly, that’s wrong thinking. I always treat people the way I would want to be treated. If someone is rude to me, it is not practicing the Golden Rule to smile and let them be rude. That’s being a doormat, or casting pearls before swine. If I was rude, I would expect someone to be rude in return. It’s karma.


  4. So, jmeyersforeman and Jeannee, I’m sorry, but you don’t quite get the Golden Rule. The Rule does not mean letting someone get away with lying or hurting you. If you were a criminal, it would be in your best interests NOT to get away with the crime. What is the benefit to a liar’s soul if he is believed?


  5. The Golden Rule says pretty much to treat others how you would like to be treated. There is no implication of conditionality. It is very simple, we should all try to respect one another and show kindness to each other. I agree with DashaDeVor when making reference to karma. I call it “the law of the harvest,” for what we reap, we most surely sow. As far as people being rude, what will retaliation breed? Wouldn’t it be easier to just walk away? Last, I want to make mention of karma…if you treat others with kindness, respect, being slow to anger, and thoughtful of other’s feelings, then your karma should prevent you from having many negative encounters.
    I would like to meet the person who has perfected the golden rule, as we are sself-inclined, as per our very nature, but it is good to try to achieve this…if for no other reason than karma.


  6. It’s always okay to follow it…no exceptions. Don’t mind if others don’t treat you right- as long as you have a clear conscience, that you don’t offend others in the process….


  7. Golden rule is a value you have inside. And it will always be a part of you if you live by it. What ever your decision in life and what ever you choose to do you are bounded by it. Now ask me when not to do it? It will be mostly impossible unless I ask a child to take his bitter medicine and told him this medicine will make you superman and its delicious. It wont hurt a fly. bless you


  8. It is NEVER okay not to practice The Golden Rule. It doesn’t have to have anything to do with religion, it has to do with Karma. I think they go hand in hand. If we all practiced The Golden Rule our world would be a better place!


  9. It costs me 20Kbs to CONFIRM a frnd request,
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    Generaly it costs me make u happy but wat do i get in return ?……absolutely nothng ,ths is nt fair smbdy to


  10. I feel if I always follow the Golden Rule, 9 times out of 10, people will treat me the same way. However, there are those who follow other rules and will not feel the same way and attempt to treat me badly. To bad for them, because they will have lost the opportunity to have a very good friend.


  11. The Golden Rule was redefined in the mid 20th Century and became known as The Greenback Rule, whereby individuals are only expected to apply the rule “where practicable”. A certain amount of transgression is therefore overlooked, exempted or offset (for example, through charitable donation), generally in accordance with the net worth of the transgressor.


  12. Did you rleally apply this blog to the fiscal aspect of the Golden Rule? The term you may be refering to was from the opining of disgruntled liberals during the Civil War. The reference you are interjecting is an embarrassment to you as well as offensive to me. Do you have a concept of the golden rule? It is of a spiritual nature, like our behaviors result in karma (eastern philosophy), or the law of the harvest:reaping what we sow (judeo-christian).


  13. Not sure if it was I who caused offense Ronna, but if so it was unintentional and I’m very sorry. I was trying to use humour to point out that some people in society appear to have less regard for the golden rule than others, which I think is a a great pity. I guess the attempted humour didn’t work on this occasion. Again, my apologies.


  14. I believe that people should be treated the way they deserve to be treated. If someone treats me with disrespect I am not going to lay down and take it and find some excuse for them acting that way.
