Where is the most relaxing place in your world?

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  1. I have one of the few mature trees in the neighbourhood. Other than the winter of Winnipeg, I enjoy sitting outside and listening to the leaves rustle. It is so calming and allows me to centre myself. In a household of 5 men, and 2 male dogs….trust me i need it.


  2. A relaxing place? I think everyone needs at least two–one mental and one physical. I need the mental place to immediately counteract those times when I feel stress building (you know, the head throbbing, oncoming headache).The physical place serves as a retreat, even if it’s a short, mini retreat.I like to go to my back yard to look up at the trees and down at my pitiful garden. There are always birds around, singing, and at night, tree frogs. It’s a relaxing escape.


    1. I could not agree more. The only proble for me is finding the time to find a physical place to feel came at and the other problem for me is bring unstressed enough to find a mental place


  3. there’ a place i like to go on a small cliff. it’s a beautiful view of the dirty river. sometimes there’s no one there and sometimes it is busy. Regardless it is peaceful.


  4. Without the shadow of a doubt, my place of choice is Iceland.

    Anywhere in Iceland does the trick. Albeit I prefer the desolation of the amazingly beautiful inner wasteland (where I played once, open air, with a huge drumkit), the capital is really the place to be.

    Reykjavik, Akureyri, Eyjafjallajökull/ Mt.Hekla and Blue Lagoon are absolutely mandatory to me.

    My stay is usually 101 Hotel with its world-class design and spacious suites. It is really expensive, but as everything in Iceland, you have to admit that quality wins over quantity, and that it is not free.
