Have you ever had to fire someone?

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  1. I’d feel so guilty for firing someone. I’d imagine the sad looks on their family’s faces and bills piling up on their kitchen counter. **deep sigh** I wouldn’t do very well at it x10


  2. I personally never had to fire anyone, but I was there when a guy got fired. It’s sad, but if you want your company to run, it’s not about the employees, it’s about the company. How gruesome this business world is…


  3. I fired a chef for walking out on us in the middle of a huge dinner rush. Scott was a good friend, chef, and fun guy. We put up with his moodiness, but that was the worst scenario possible in a restaurant environment. That was seven years ago. We recently reconnected at a wedding. Big hugs and tears between old friends. A great reunion until his old bat of a partner gave us the cold shoulder.


  4. I had to fire someone once. First I tried to work with her as a team to see if she could improve her performance. It didn’t work. Then I called her in to ask how she thought she was doing. She admitted that it wasn’t going well and she quit. Made it lots easier!


  5. Yes. I gave explicit instructions to a man on how I wanted some holes cut in plaster.The plaster guy was right behind me when I gave those instructions. So what does he do? Exactly the opposite of what I instructed him to do. I asked for some holes to be cut above and below the fire block in the wall. He cut one long path 12″ wide from ceiling to floor. I was so humiliated I couldn’t help to be angry for what the guy did. On top of that the plaster guy was LHAOROTF.He can up to me and told me not to worry about it. Seems he saw it coming. đŸ™‚ So I canned the guy on the spot.


  6. I had to fire a young girl that was working as my secretary. She was always on the phone and seemed to be telling my other workers confidential information such as salaries, bonuses and such. While I was away at a business conference she told one of my managers that my administrative assistant got a bigger bonus than her. The manager was with me only four months and the AA six years. Not that it matters, but the girl was supposed to keep things confidential, so I had no choice but to fire her.

    It really wasn’t difficult because she had been doing a lot of things that she shouldn’t have and taking advantage of my kindness towards her.


  7. As someone,who has the milk of human kindness flowing in his veins,it is virtually impracticable.Depriving or relieving someone of his means of livelihood is like sending the person to his early grave.A jobless person is nothing but a living corpse.What about his dependants? How do they survive when the bread-winner becomes jobless? It’s like committing a human harakiri!


    1. well- if he/she is not doing their job…there are lots more qauilafied people out there….if you stay at home and do dishes…it won’t take long to find a dishwasher job…paper routes, housekeeper at a hotel, lots of little jobs out there where you can get promoted. I feel for some of the jobless folks out in the world…but there are alot of lazy bums out there to. if he works part time, and she works part time…there you go.
      I know it took me a long time to find someone that would hire me while I was raising my kids (alone), finally found a beverage serving job at our casino..it didn’t pay much, but I was bringing in something—along with some of my tips–and that saved the day more then once.
      my daughter keep after me about buying her things…told her- you have the experience to mow lawns-if I buy you a used one–would you go look for work…the answer was Yes ! so went and got her a second hand mower and drove her to her jobs…she would pay me in $5.00 gas and a McDonalds buger and fries…she learned-
      so don’t snffle about someone who has a family to feed /or bills to pay—there is something out there for everyone- just need to do your job right.


  8. I really didn’t personally fire this girl (yrs ago), but I got the ball started that led up to her getting fired, we worked at a food-drive-in…where in the oldin days- you would pull in–they would come out and take your order and deliver it to you- or you could go in and sit down…anyways—- I had been working the counter, had to go in the back for some supplies—there I found her taking money from her work wallet and putting it in her pocket, then she found a ticket that matched the price…same $10.00 and would rip it up and throw away… she help up a finger to tell me shhhh…don’t telll-
    it got to me that she was ripping off this nice place….so I went back to the manager and told him what I had seen- he wondered how she was doing it.. and after she didn’t return to work- I knew what had happened–there were so mighty cold shoulders to me after that….but this place was a favorite to a lot of people and had been there for —well— along time. I knew that if she didn’t stop it, the prices would go up….
    I felt bad for her…but am hoping it taught her a lesson.


    1. Are you trying to say that this community is less worthy to you and has no benefit what so ever to whomever accidentally clicking to this helpful website?

      I have come across your one sentence criticism against the writer once in the past, if I were to highlight my little browse on the comment section. But I think what you’re doing here is childish and appeared foolish. Just look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why do you need to disturb someone’s good mission to help others in a freeing, journey of writing?


  9. I’ve had to do it a few times. The very first time I felt so bad that I cried, and she ended up consoling me! Embarrassing, but to this day one of my funniest memories!


  10. I was the manager of a company, my boss waited until he was on holiday to ring and tell me to sack a certain individual. It was his uncle.
    On another occasion when I myself was the boss, I had to fire some one for constantly being late. On his way out of the door he turned around to inform me of an error I made which would haver cost me lots. I thanked him but was too proud to offer him his job back.


  11. I used to run a company, and when someone is doing such a bad job that they are costing you money, firing is easy. But when you’re “sent” to fire somebody because the person who SHOULD do it is a wimp, then it’s difficult.


      1. oh yes, true enough but some people are hard headed and they don’t want instructions, rules and most of all discipline, with this kind of attitudes they better be out of my sight and this kind of people are the one’s that freaking me out.


  12. A Nagging voice ‘YOUR FIRED” ops! not good How about Hello! good Morning “YOUR FIRED” now, not good even Yo! I don`t know how to say it đŸ™‚


  13. The act of having to fire someone is never easy, and as such, it is the unfortunate, but sometimes necessary part of conducting business. As a manager, there have been occasions throughout my career where I’ve had to let an individual go. What has always worked for me was to explain the reason or reasons for the action with empathy. There are a variety of circumstances for letting people go (poor performance, downsizing, violation of policies, etc.) but the key is to execute the action swiftly, professionally, and with compassion. Above all, I have always made a concerted effort to treat the affected person with respect…in the majority of cases, it has been effective.


  14. I have fired a lot of people. Unfortunately, it usually comes with the territory when you are cleaning up (turning around) businesses. How you feel about it depends on the situation and the employee you are dealing with. Sometimes, it can be painful. For instance, if it is a good employee that you know can get better, but you have to let go do to the financial situation the company is in. Other times it may feel good. If you have an employee that is a cancer to the organization and you need to cut it out in order to get everything moving again.


  15. I worked for a company which fired workers tactically, like just before Christmas, before holidays,upcoming pay-rises, etc. I would tell the young ones if and when their turn comes not to beg or plead for the decision has already been made.Then it was my turn, I got the call on a Saturday while driving to the supermarket. I was dignified and cool but inside I was devastated.On my shopping list was fresh salmon but this was downgraded to kippers. Honest…
