Who is the most patient person you know?

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  1. My mother is. She was my 24/hr home health aide for me 4 years ago when i was in a roll-over jeep accident at the age of 16 and broke both my femurs and fractured 2 vertebra. She bathed me, toileted me, dressed me; even when i acted like a bratty bitter 16 year old girl. She is the reason i recovered so quickly and well. I LOVE YOU MOMMY ❤


  2. well thats obviously my mother, no matter how angry or hurt or irritated i am she is there beside me, as a n idol of paitence


  3. Don’t laughing but I think it is God.
    Why? When you read biblic stories, you are lost in admiration at Him.
    When you read some Jews often disobeyed Him, however God forgave them. For He trusted in His Israelite people.


  4. my self n my paa…I n he always think dat d thing in our luck cant b taken by others…so wtever is lost just let it go. n have patience bcz God s Gr8!!!
