Do you like surprises?

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  1. OH—I LOVE SUPRISES—- The best one this year – has been when they called me and told me—-“I got my Apartment” ! been waiting on this is seems like forever, so now I am all moved in and enjoying the single free life.
    well still have some totes at my sons to pick up, and those have been packed for over a year- so it will be exciting to see what alll I have in them.
    also got a needlebook in the mail yesterday, from a cross-stitch group I”m in…was just looking at this pattern too- thinking- I really like this, should stitch it up—then I get a needle-book with the excat pattern on it…..”SURPRISE” ! make me warm inside and smilin all over.


  2. Generally, I do. Best surprise, wife got pregnant. That was a year ago this month. Worst surprise, my mother-in-law asked if we would like some help when the baby came. I said yes, and she showed up with all her belongings and asked where their bed was.


  3. Yes I like surprises. While I was making a connextion between Mother Jones and Facebook, I made an error. I ended up opening a Facebook account. I was introduced to a variety of people, whom could be invited as friends. I was struck by a photo of a very beautiful woman who was in this photo with what appeared to be her young son. I extended an invitation through Facebook before establishing my facebook address. The surprise is that there are plenty of people that lead normal lives and use the internet for social activity. I’ve never done that. It’s always politics and propoganda. I think that this was a very fortunate experience for me. I will establish a Facebook address and invite normal people for social conversation, perhaps another beautiful woman with what appearrs to be her young son with her in a Facebook photo.


  4. Thinking about it….I guess I don’t like surprises much. I used to hate Christmas when I was a child, because I never knew what presents I would get. Never knew what was coming. Hoped for this and wished for that and was badly disappointed more often than not.
    Nowadays I like to have at least an idea of what is going to happen. I might be a control freak. Oh, well, so be it.


  5. i loooove surprisess!! And i am surprised in every little out of the ordinary thing!! I find them amusing and they always seem to bring a smile on my face! đŸ™‚ i open up google home page everyday just to be surprised by the day ‘s doodle.. đŸ™‚


  6. To be surprised is for the flow of life to reach you personally, to be a participant in the unpredictability of life, for better or for worse. To never be surprised is to live an incredibly sheltered life, or to be completely insensitive to the ebb and flow of live around you.

    So why are we here? Surprise!


  7. To be surprised is for the flow of life to reach you personally, to be a participant in the unpredictability of life, for better or for worse. To never be surprised is to live an incredibly sheltered life, or to be completely insensitive to the ebb and flow of life around you.

    So why are we here? Surprise!


  8. Every step of this life in moving forward may or may not be full of surprises. This is our reaction which decides it would be a surprise for us or just a normal happening. Sometimes we feel nothing on some particular situation but for others it seems to be big surprise.


  9. I hate surprises because I am a coward.This happened some time ago, I was lured to my sister’s flat on my birthday. As I entered the, mandatory “Surprise Surprise”. I did not know half the people there because my family hardly knew most of my friends, so I spent the night sulking.


  10. I think surprises add quality and value to life. Are we ever truly surprised at life’s happenings if we plan our life and live our plan or is it just the difficulty facing up to reality?


  11. I don’t like surprises because they catch me off-guard. I like planning, control, and knowing what’s going on. Surprises are generally suppose to be fun, but they’re stressful for me and no one ends up having a good time. There are some nice surprises, but usually they’re small and spontaneous.


  12. My husband just suprised me for my 50th birthday. Here I was beginning to truly believe Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, but he pulled it off. With 6 days to my birthday, he pulled the family together whereby I opened up brand new luggage, and while still clueless received exactly what I wanted. A trip from Manitoba to Napa and San Francisco. He provided a complete itinary and on my actual 50th birthday, we spent it aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train. Only surprise and best surprise to have ever received.


  13. I like surprises, the good kind. For example I am expecting the worst being practical that I am, then I am surprised that it turns out not.

    But I don’t like surprises of my doorbell ringing unexpected. I think I watch too many horror and murder flicks.
