Should everything be done in moderation?

Topic #267:

They say “do everything in moderation” when it comes to decisions about how to spend your time and your life – do you agree? Or are there some things that should be done at the extremes, or perhaps that are truly are all or nothing propositions?

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  1. “Everything in moderation” was something my mother always said, and I have come to find the wisdom in it. Today the phrase made me think about Chinese Medicine and the pernicious evils. This expresses the idea of extreme conditions that are harmful to the body, causing imbalance, and movement toward disease. Finding and returning to balance, even when we choose extremes at times, seems wise.


  2. Doing some not all things in moderation is a way to put it.
    There are some things that are only experienced on the extreme. There are some things that are all or nothing. If we do not take chances that are within our rights to, we can miss out on true learning learning experiences. We would not gain as much wisdom. Sure, there’s looking at someone else’s experiences and learning from them, but we would still miss out on a kind of Passion, on a certain inner satisfaction, and would be un-prepared for change. Change happens, we need to be accepting of it. If we never go to extremes it would be unfulfilling. If we didn’t accept all or nothing our relationships would suffer, and be blank. What Do you think?


  3. some things can be done in moderation but not all. if moderation means discipline, then everything you do is within the limit of your self, and acting extremely means losing control of one’s self.


  4. How much is too much and who gets to decide? Let’s take the extreme bad example of Prohibition and the unintended consequences when the 18th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1919. This law banned the sale, consumption and shipment of alcohol until it was repealed in 1933.The “noble” experiment, intended to reduce crime, actually did the opposite. There was still demand for the product (alcohol) and crime – which became more organized – filled the void. It also turned many law-abiding citizens into lawbreakers because they didn’t see anything wrong with drinking in moderation and flouted the law to do so. So, what was moderation for some was way too much for Teetotalers who wanted to rid the country of alcoholic beverages.


  5. There are some things that should be done in moderation but not everything. There are times when you have to give one hundred percent to things to do a good job. There are times when you have to put your heart and soul into things.


  6. Yes, I agree that everything must be done in it feasting or fasting. Bcoz extremes cost more on ur health and most importantly on ur long term health. What ever u do it have impact on ur mind and body and soul. So in moderation all is balanced.


  7. Depends of Moderation how it come, there is a exercise of that word coming from brainwashing to transform human behavior and personality ,good moderation i choose:)


  8. I agree it depends on exactly what you are moderating – I think balance is just as important, and tolerance ……
